Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 153

image of the map

Title: TRANSILVANIA (Cartouche bottom left:) HANC VLTRA VEL TRAN:|SILVANIAM, QVÆ ET PÂNO|DACIA, ET DACIA RIPÊSIS, VVL:|GO SIBEMBVRGÊ DICITVR, | "edidit Viennæ Ao. 1566. Nobiliß. atque Doctiß. | Ioês Sâbucus | Pannonius." [This is Transilvania and beyond Transylvania, also called Panno-Dacia and Dacia Ripens, vulgarly called Siebenbergen, drawn in Vienna in the year 1566 by the very noble and learned Ioannes Sambucus from Pannonia]. (Centre bottom:) "Vallis Hatzag Vbi olim ciuitas Sarmisgethusa". [The valley of Hatzag, where once the Sarmisgethusa lived.] (Cartouche lower middle right with four lines of text:) "H. "Litera in hac tabula | nonnullis vocabulis | adiuncta significat | ea eße Hungarica". [The letter H added to some names on this map means that these are Hungarian].

Plate size: 326 x 451 mm
Scale: 1 : 500,000
Identification number: Ort 153 (Koeman/Meurer 71/II, not in Karrow, vdKrogtAN: 7700:31B).

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:

1575L57 (100 copies printed) (small page number, 7 mm; title followed by heavy diamond-shaped dot; third line from the bottom ends: Cromerum : last line, centred like 1 line above it: burgum,&Zipferland,auctore Seb.Munstero.).
1579L(A)78 (250 copies printed) (last line, 3 pairs of columns: Zazzebes, MILLENBACH/"Zabeus" Recze, RACZISD. "vbi fuit ciuitas Sarmisgethusa;&c." ; page number 78 below "sa,&c." of last line.),
1579L(B)78 (250 copies printed) (last line, 3 pairs of columns: Zazzebes, MILLENBACH/"Zabeus" Recze, RACZISD. "vbi fuit ciuitas Sarmisgethusa;&c." ; page number 78 below "ciuitas" of last line.),
1580/1589G78 (350 copies printed) (last line before the three columns of placenames, centred, in Gothic script: durch Sambucum an tag geben.),
1581F78 (400 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Ceux-cy ne parlent point Alleman,mais Hongrois.),
1584L85 (750 copies printed) (last line, 3 pairs of columns: Zazzebes, MILLENBACH/"Zabeus". Recze, RACZISD. "bi fuit ciuitas Sarmisgethusa,&c."),
1587F85 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: lent point Alleman , mais Hongrois.),
1588S85 (300 copies printed) (last line above three columns, centred and in cursive script like the line above it: "y Latino , cuyo author es Sambuco."),
1592L92 (525 copies printed) (last line, 3 pairs of columns: Zazzebes, MILLENBACH/"Zabeus". Recze, RACZISD. "vbi fuit ciuitas Sarmisgethusa,&c."),
1595L97 (500 copies printed) (last line above columns with place names, centred, in italic script: "& Latina , auctore Sambuco". ; last line in three columns: Absopold, [Gothic] Niderspald. [next column:] Kakasfalu, [Gothic] Hendorff. [next column, italic:] "fuit ciuitas Sarmisgethusa,&c."),
1598F98 (525 coopies printed) (last line, left aligned: lent point Alleman,mais Hongrois.),
1598/1610/1613D67 (100 copies printed) (last line, centred like 4 lines above it: ken gheen Duytsch, maer Hungersch.),
1601L97 (200 copies printed) (last line above columns with place names, centred, in italic script: "auctore Sambuco". ; last line, in three columns: Absopold, [Gothic]Niderspald. [next column:] Kakasfalu, [Gothic] Hendorff. [next column, italic:] "fuit ciuitas Sarmisgethusa,&c."]),
1602G100 (250 copies printed) (last line before announcement of various placenames in Hungarian, German and Latin, left aligned: nennt.),
1602S100 (250 copies printed) (last line, in two columns: Zazzebes, [Gothic:]MILLENBACH/"Zabeus". Ioffij, Val.Dobra.),
1603L100 (300 copies printed) (last line above three placename columns: Sectionis 2. & apud Laonicum lib. 5. item ex Oratione Proreptica Io.Cuspiniani.),
1606E97 (300 copies printed) (last line, in three columns, first column: Holduilagh, [Gothic] Schain. second column: Recze, [Gothic] Ratzild. third column: [Gothic] time the city "Sarmisgethusa". &c.),
1608/1612I109 (300 copies printed) (last line above 3 columns, centred and italic like the line above it: "Tedeschi, & Latini,notati dal Sambuco".),
1609/1612L110 (300 copies printed) (last line, in three columns: Absopold, "Niderspald". Kakasfalu, "Hendorff". "civitas Sarmisgethusa,&c."),
1609/1612/1641S110 (325 copies printed) (last line, in two of three columns: Zazzebes, "Milendach", Zabeus Ioffij, Val. Dobra.).

Approximate number of copies printed: 6500.

States: 153.1 as described above.
153.2: from 1587F onwards, hatching in longitude and latitude markings within frame which are diagonal from from lower left to upper right, receive superimposed hatching from upper left to lower right, resulting initially in cross hachuring. The original hatching fades away and later editions show no longer cross hatching, but hatching from upper left to lower right.
153.3: from 1598F onwards, shading in lower mountain range changed from diagonal crosshatching to diagonal lines. A crack in the lower left edge, below the "e" of "edidit" in the cartouche begins to form in 1592L and grows to about 13 mm in the last editions.
153.4: from 1641, all borders re-engraved, scale numbers added, date removed, "Austrie" instead. Numerous changes in the map are introduced in a different style.

Cartographic sources: Sambucus 1566, itself based on Honter 1532 (Karrow 65/1 p. 459-460, Meurer p. 226).

References: Gròf (1979) "The Map Collector" 6:2-11, (1992) "Cartographica Hungarica" 1:26-36

Remarks: replaces plate Ort 152 during the 1575L edition, but here with 4 lines of text, rather than 5 as in plate Ort 152.


Bibliographical sources

Topographical names

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