Title: TRANSILVANIA (cartouche lower left corner:) HANC VLTRA:VEL TRAN|SILVANIAM, QVÆ ET PANNO|DACIA, ET DACIA RIPENSIS, | VVLGO SIBEMBVRGEN DICITVR, | "edidit Vienne Ao 1566 Nobiliß. atque Doctiß. | Iões Sambucus | Pannonius". [This is Transilvania and beyond Transylvania, also called Panno-Dacia and Dacia Ripens, vulgarly called Siebenbergen, drawn in Vienna in the year 1566 by the very noble and learned Ioannes Sambucus from Pannonia]. (Centre bottom:) Vallis Hatzag "Vbi olim ciuitas Sarmisgethusa". [The valley of Hatzag, where once the Sarmisgethusa lived.] (Cartouche middle right with 5 lines of text:] H. "Litera in hac ta:|bula nonnullis voca:|bulis adiuncta sig:|nificat ea esse Hun|garica". [The letter H, connected to some words on this map means that it is the Hungarian name].
Plate size: 310 x 433 mm
Scale: 1 : 500,000
Identification number: Ort 152 (Koeman/Meurer: 43, Karrow: 1/63, vdKrogtAN: 7700:31A).
Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
1570L(AC)43 (225 copies printed) (T of title above D; fourth line from bottom ends: Iohan-; last line, centred like one line above it: auctore Seb.Munstero.),
1570L(B)43 (100 copies printed) (T of title above S; fourth line from bottom ends: Ioan-; last line, centred like one line above it: auctore Seb.Munstero.),
1571L43 (275 copies printed) (T of title above space between D and S; third line from bottom ends: Ioan- ; last line, centred like one line above it: auctore Seb. Munstero.),
1571/1573D43 (350 copies printed) (last line, in cursive script like the entire text, centred like 3 lines above it: "gheen Duytsch,maer Hungersch".),
1572G43Koler (pasted over p.43 of a 1570L edition; few copies printed)(last line, left aligned, in Gothic script except for three names: tinum Cromerum, in seinen tzwölfften Buch rerum Polonicarum. Diß Land/wie Sebaldus Münsterus sagt/wirt gemeinglich Sibenbürgen/und das Zipferland genennet.),
1572/1573G43 (225 copies printed) (last line, cursive like the entire text, centred like one line above it: "halten) zu samen khomen.Dise reden kain teutsch,aber Vngrisch".),
1572/1574F43 (225 copies printed) (last line, centred like 3 lines above it: Ceux-ci ne parlent point Aleman, mais Hongrois.),
1573L(A)57 (40 copies printed) (at the end of the 10th line from the top: metallorum; ; third line from the bottom ends: Cromerum. ; last line, centred like one line above it: burgum,& Zipserland, auctore Seb.Munstero. ; third line from the bottom ends: Cromerum),
1573L(B)57 (40 copies printed) (at the end of the 10th line: metallorû, ; third line from the bottom ends: Cromerû ; last line, centred like one line above it: burgum,&Zipserland,auctore Seb.Munstero.),
1574L57 (175 copies printed) (large page number, 11 mm; title followed by small round dot; 11th line from the bottom ends: montibus sit vn- ; third line from the bottom ends: Cromerum ; last line, centred like 1 line above it: burgum,& Zipferland, auctore Seb.Munstero.),
Approximate number of copies printed: 1650.
States: 152.1 as described above.
152.2: in 1573L hachuring in bottom strapwork of the title cartouche strengthened; face above lower left cartouche re-engraved; moreover, a crack of about 45 mm developed in the centre of the plate running vertically upwards from "Hermanstadt" to "Noretzdorff". This may be the reason why this plate was replaced by the almost identical Ort153 after 1574.
Cartographic sources: Sambucus 1566, itself based on Honter 1532 (Karrow 65/1 p. 459-460, Meurer p. 226), or on Georg Reichersdorf of Kronstadt, as Brandmair argues.
References: Gròf (1979) "The Map Collector" 6: 2-11, (1992) "Cartographica Hungarica" 1: 26-36
Remarks: After 1574 replaced by plate Ort 153, resembling plate Ort 152, but with 4 lines of text in middle right cartouche, rather than the present 5.