Title: VNGARIAE LOCA PRAECIPVA RE:|CENS EMENDATA ATQVE EDITA, | PER IOANNEM SAMBVCVM PANNO:|NIVM IMP. Ms. HISTORICVM.1579. [The most important places of Hungary, recently revised and edited by Ioannes Sambucus of Pannonia, His majesties Imperial Historiographer .1579.] (Middle bottom:) "Cum Imp. et Regie Mt. | Priuilegio". [With his imperial and royal majesties privilege]. (Text block upper left corner:) Sereniss. Principi D. Carolo | Archiduci, Maximiliani II, | Fratri, Dicatum. [Dedicated to the most serene ruler, Mr. Carolus, archduke, brother of his excellence Maximilian the second].
Plate size: 343 x 495 mm.
Scale: 1 : 3,500,000
Identification number: Ort 151 (Koeman/Meurer: 91, Karrow: 1/128, vdKrogtAN: 1800:31B).
Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
1579/1580L2Add56a (250 copies printed) (large font; title: LECTORI. ; last line, in large font, left aligned: quod volumus non liceat, effundimus.),
1579L(A)77 (250 copies printed) (except for page number identical with 1579/1580L2Add; large font; title: LECTORI. ; last line, in large font, left aligned: quod volumus non liceat, effundimus.),
1579L(B)77 (250 copies printed) (large font; no title; last line, in large font, left aligned: quod volumus non liceat, effundimus.),
1580/1589G77 (350 copies printed) (last line, centred like 8 lines above it, in Gothic script like the entire text: ist.),
1581F77 (400 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: pouuons ce que nous voudrions.),
1584L84 (750 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: lumus non liceat,effundimus.),
1587F84 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: uons ce que nous voudrions.),
1588S84 (300 copies printed) (last line, centred like 3 lines above it: quando no podemos loque queremos.),
1592L91 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, large font: quando quod volumus non liceat, effundimus.),
1595L96 (500 copies printed) (last line, full width, large font: quando quod volumus non liceat,effundimus.),
1598F97 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, large font: que nous voudrions.),
1601L96 (200 copies printed) (last line, large font, full width: quando quod volumus non liceat, effundimus.),
1602G99 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like 8 lines above it, in Gothic script like the entire text: ist.),
1602S99 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: queremos.),
1603L99 (300 copies printed) (text, but not typesetting and page number, identical to 1609/1612L; last line, left aligned: mus non liceat, effundimus.),
1606E96 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: we are forced to do what we may, not what we would.),
1608/1612I108 (300 copies printed) (last line, in cursive script like 14 lines above it, left aligned: "che sorpoggi l'altezza d'vn miglio: & di questi diece stadii compieno vn miglio,& dauantaggio vn'ottauo: & cio sia detto per giunta in gratia di chiunque diletto ne prende".),
1609/1612L109 (300 copies printed) (text, but not page number and typesetting, identical to 1603L; last line, left aligned: volumus non liceat, effundimus.),
1609/1612/1641S109 (325 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: que podemos, quando no podemos lo que queremos.).
Approximate number of copies printed: 6575.
States: 151.1 as described.
151.2: from 1592L onwards, the shading in the strapwork on the extreme right of the cartouche changes from oblique to horizontal/vertical crosswork shading. Stippling extended to within lettering "Scala Milliarum Hungaricorum". Moreover, the lower right hand corner of the plate breaks off in 1602S. The size of the broken off triangle is 22 mm horiz. by 17 mm vert. In 1612S this damage has progressed to 30 mm horiz. by 25 mm vertical. Remarkably, some editions later than 1602S (e.g. some copies from 1603L, 1606E as in T.O.T. facsimile) do not show this damage, pointing to use of sheets that had been printed before 1602.
151.3: in 1641, the ornamental border of the entire plate is renewed and scale numbers are added. Also numerous topographical changes, e.g. "Montes Crapak" added in upper left corner, to the right of the dedication. The lower right corner has now been repaired.
Cartographic sources: Sambucus' Hungary map, published in Vienna in 1571 (Karrow 65/3, p. 460-461, Meurer p. 226-227).
References: L. Gróf (1979), "The Map Collector" 6: p. 2-11, (1992) "Cartographica Hungarica" 1: pp. 26-36.