Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 149

image of the map

Title: CYPRI | INSVLAE | NOVA DE:|SCRIPT. | "1573". [A new representation of the isle of Cyprus. 1573.] (Inset 75 x 100 mm, oval shape, scale 1 : 400,000:) LEMNOS INSVLAE | "descriptionem ex Petri Bellonij | libro de Auibus, hoc in loco | tanquam parergon adiecimus". [A map representing the isle of Lemnos from the book about birds by Peter Bellonius, which we have added in this place as an additional work]. (Bottom right:) "Ex monte Vulcani | terra quam vocant | Lemniam omnis effoditur". [From Vulcan's Mount, they all mine earth which they call Lemnia. [aluminous earth, used as a medecin]]. "Ioannes a Deutecum f. Cum Priuilegio." [Engraved by Iohannes van Deutecom. With privilege].

Plate size: 352 x 496 mm
Scale: 1 : 570,000.
Identification number: Ort 149 (Koeman/Meurer: 66, Karrow: 1/97, vdKrogtAN: 8130:31B.1).

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:

1573D1Add/1573D39.A. (150 copies printed) (last line, centred like 2 lines above it: nius in deerste boeck van ziin obseruatien.),
1573G1Add/1573G39.A. (150 copies printed) (last line, centred like 5 lines above it: Bizantinum Hugonis Fauolij.),
1573L1Add39.A. (100 copies printed) (identical with 1573L version A but with different page number: last line, centred like one line above it, in cursive script like the entire section on Stalimene: "Vide de ea quoque Hodœporicum Byzantinum Hugonis Fauolij".),
1573L(A)52 (40 copies printed) (identical to 1573L1Add but with different page number: last line, centred like one line above it, in cursive script like the entire section on Stalimene: "Vide de ea quoque Hodœporicum Byzantinum Hugonis Fauolij".),
1573L(B)52 (40 copies printed) (last line, centred like 3 lines above it, in cursive script: "Byzantinum Hugonis Favolij."),
1574F1Add/1574F39.A. (125 copies printed) (last line, centred like 2 lines above it: dans le premier luire des obseruations de Pierre Bellon.),
1574L52 (175 copies printed) (large page number, 11 mm; title followed by small round dot; 8th line from the bottom ends: Augusti; last line, italic like the entire Stalimene section, centred like 4 lines above it: "de ea quoque Hodœporicum Bizantinum Hugonis Fauolij".),
1575L52 (100 copies printed) (small page number, 7 mm; title followed by heavy diamond-shaped dot; 8th line from the bottom ends: annis , ; last line, italic like the entire Stalimene section, centred like 4 lines above it: "de ea quoque Hodœporicum Bizantinum Hugonis Fauolij".),
1579L(A)71 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like one line above it, in cursive script like the entire Stalimene section: "Vide de ea quoque Hodœporicum Byzantinum Hugonis Fauolij".),
1579L(B)71 (250 copies printed) (last line, full width: Dioscoridem Commentariis habet. Vide de ea quoque Hodœporicum Byzantinum Hugonis Fauolij.),
1580/1589G71 (350 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, mostly in Gothic script: gerium Busbecanum. Besihe auch darvon das "Hodœporicum Byzantinum Hugonis Fauolij".),
1581F71 (400 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: mier liure des Observations de Pierre Bellon.),
1584L78 (750 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: dem Commentariis habet.Vide de ea quoque Hodœporicum Byzantinum Hugonis Fauolij.),
1587F78 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: mier liure des Obseruations de Pierre Bellon.),
1588S78 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Byzantino de Hugon Fauolio.),
1592L85 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: ea quoque Hodœporicum Bizantinum Hugonis Fauolij.),
1595L90 (500 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: terum verò effodiendi ritus qui scire quoque desiderat, Galeni librum adeat Simplic.Medicam.9.c.2.),
1598F91 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: mier liure des Obseruations de Pierre Bellon.),
1598/1610/1613D63 (100 copies printed) (last line, left aligned in Gothic script except for the first word: "Bellonius" in d'eertse boeck van zijn Observatien.),
1601L90 (200 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Medicam. 9. cap. 2,),
1602G93 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, partly in Gothic script like the rest of the text: Besihe auch daruon das Hodœporicum Byzantinum Hugonis Fauolij.),
1602S93 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Quien quiziere saber el rito antiguo como sacauan, lea al libro de Galeno.Simplic.Medicam.9.cap.2.),
1603L93 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: cam. 9.cap.2.),
1606E90 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: booke and second chapter, "De Medicam simplic."),
1608/1612I106 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: lib. al cap. 2. delle semplici Medicine di Galeno.),
1609/1612L107 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: tus qui scire quoque desiderat, Galeni librum adeat Simplic.Medicam.9.cap.2.),
1609/1612/1641S107 (325 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: plic.Medicam. 9.cap. 2.).

States: 149.1 has the coastline lightly shaded and the entire sea with small wavy lines.
149.2: between 1574 and 1575, the placename "Tepia" was added just southeast of "Ceraunia".
149.3: in 1592L the coastline is more heavily shaded, and the waves in the sea are replaced by dots. The original waves can still be discerned behind the new stippling as late as 1603.
149.4: after the 1612S edition, the date was removed.

Approximate number of copies printed: 7300.

Cartographic sources: Giacomo Franco, 1570. (Meurer p. 97-98). Inset Lemnos: Ortelius drew this map himself, based on a written account by Pierre Belon 1555. (Meurer p. 113-114).


Bibliographical sources

Topographical names

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