Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 148

image of the map

Title: CYPRVS INSVLA [The isle of Cyprus] (Lower left:) "C. Biancho, olim | Phnurium Prom. | ex quo solent præcipitari qui | Apollinis aram contigerant". [Cape Biancho once called the promontory of Phrurium, from which those were used to throw themselves down who were concerned with the altar of Apollo.] - CANDIA, OLIM CRETA [Candia, once called Crete]. (Lower left:) "Gozo, olim Claudia | Gaudos Melæ ad | quam D. Paulus | appulit Act. | 27". [Gozo, once called Gaudi of Mela, where St. Paul once landed, Acts 27.] (Lower left centre:) "Hoîes et iumenta hic | in cauernis sub terra | habitant". [Here human beings and beasts of burden live in subterranean caves].

Plate size: 364 x 434 mm; two maps on one plate.

Identification number: Ort 148.

Title 148a: Cyprus

Scale: 1 : 700,000. Size: 178 x 434 mm.

Identification number: Ort 148a (Koeman/Meurer: 39a, Karrow: 1/58, vdKrogtAN: 8130:31A).

States: 148a.1 as described.
148a.2: between 1573 and 1574, stippling was added underneath the leftmost ship.

Cartographic sources: Camocio 1566, Pagano (Karrow p. 8, Meurer p. 125).

Title 148b: Candia

Scale: 1 : 700,000. Size: 178 x 434 mm.

Identification number: Ort 148b (Koeman/Meurer 39b, Karrow 1/59, vdKrogtAN: 7900:31A).

States: 148b.1 only.

Cartographic sources: Camocio 1564, Bordoni 1528

Remarks: Display on 148b of labyrinth and of caves where aboriginal inhabitants lived.

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
1570L(AC)39 (225 copies printed) (last line: italic like the entire Candia but not Cyprus text, centred like one line above it: "vt qui diligentissimè eam perlustrauerit."),
1570L(B)39 (100 copies printed) (last line, not italic like the entire text, centred like two lines above it: vt qui diligentissimè eam perlustrauit.),
1571L39 (275 copies printed) (last line, not italic like the entire text, centred like 2 lines above it: vt qui diligentissimè eam perlustrauit. ; 19th line from the top begins: Iacobus Zieglerus),
1571/1573D39 (350 copies printed) (last line, in cursive script like the entire text, centred: "ende aen het hooft-eynde sietmen oock noch een Epitaphium van Jupiter".),
1572G39Koler (pasted over p.39 of a 1570L edition, few copies printed) (last line, left aligned, partly in Gothic script: lai, obseruationes Orientales, Andream Theuetum, Petrum Bellonium, &c. Petrus Gyllius hat Bosphorum und die Statt Constantinopel gar vleissig beschriben.),
1572/1573G39 (225 copies printed) (last line, centred like 3 lines above it: oder gedechtnis von Juppiter.),
1572/1574F39 (225 copies printed) (last line, centred like 2 lines above it, in cursive script like the entire Candia section: "encore vne Epitaphe de Iupiter, engraué au bout de la teste."),
1573L(A)51 (40 copies printed) (line 25 from the top ends: flu- ; last line, centred like one line above it: in suo Itinerario Hierosolymitano;& Bellonius in suis Obseruationibus.),
1573L(B)51 (40 copies printed) (line 25 from the top ends flu ; last line, centred like one line above it: in suo Itinerario Hierosolymitano ; & Bellonius in suis Obseruationibus. ; second line from the top ends: omnibus.),
1574L51 (175 copies printed) (large page number, 11 mm; 5th line from the bottom ends: diuen- ; second line from the top ends: omnibus. ; last line, centred like the one above it: in suo Itinerario Hierosolymitano; & Bellonius in suis Obseruationibus.),
1575L51 (100 copies printed) (small page number, 7 mm; second line from the top ends: omni- ; last line, centred like the one above it: in suo Itinerario Hierosolymitano;&Bellonius in suis Obseruationibus.),
1579L(A)70 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like two lines above it: rario Hierosolymitano ; & Bellonius in suis Obseruationibus.),
1579L(B)70 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like one line above it: cognitionem attinent,adducit,in sua peregrinatione Hierosolymitana.),
1580/1589G70 (175 copies printed) (last line, centred like 4 lines above it, mostly in Gothic script: uationibus "oder Verzeychnussen".),
1581F70 (400 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: temps le mieux de tous "Iodocus" à Gistele en son voyage de Ierusalem,& Bellon en ses Obseruations.).

Approximate number of copies printed: 2825.

Remarks: From 1584 onwards replaced by plate Ort 147.


Bibliographical sources

Topographical names

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