Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 121

image of the map

Title: PATAVINI TERRITO|RII COROGRAPHIA, | IAC. CASTALDO AVCT. [A map of the territory of Padua by Iacobus Gastaldi] - APVLIAE QVAE | OLIM IAPY:|GIA. NOVA CO:|ROGRAPHIA. | "Jacobo Castaldo | Auctore" [A new map of Apulia, once called Iapygia, by Iacobus Gastaldi] (Middle right:) "In hac insula | gainnarum auium | magnus est prouen:|tus, et toti prouenciæ | salutaris, eò quod | bruchos (peculiare hu:|ic regione malum) | ante quam è terra | prodeant, deuorant; | alias messes deuo:|raturos". [On this island, there are a lot of gaina birds, which is useful for the entire area, because they will devour locusts (a specific scourge of this region) before they land on the earth; otherwise they will eat the harvest] (Upper right:) "Hic tractus abun:|dat crocu. [This area abounds with saffron.] (Upper left:) "BRVNDISIVM, | hodie Brindisi. |portum habuit olim toto | terrarû orbe notiß Nunc | vero obstructo ostio, non | nisi paruis nauib. patet" [Brundisium, now called Brindisi, once had a harbour known all over the world, but now it is clogged, and only admits small boats].

Plate size: 308 x 456 mm; two maps on one plate. After 1579L(A) and before 1579L(B), this plate broke or was broken into two parts, as a result of which the connecting line between the two disappeared. Yet, the two half plates continued to be used together.
Identification number: Ort 121

Title 121a, later 121A: Patavini
Scale: 1 : 300,000. Size: 308 x 220 mm.
Identification number: Ort 121a (Koeman/Meurer: 64a, Karrow: 1/92, vdKrogtAN: 7120:31).
States: 121a.1 only.

Cartographic sources: Jacobo Gastaldi 1568, published by Fernando Bertelli (Karrow 30/107, p. 247-248, Meurer p. 153-154).

Title 121b, later 121B: Apuliæ
Scale: 1 : 660,000. Size: 308 x 221 mm.
Identification number: Ort 121b (Koeman/Meurer: 64b, Karrow: 1/93, vdKrogtAN: 7450:31).
States: 121b.1 only.

Cartographic sources: Jacobo Gastaldi 1567, published by Fernando Bertelli (Karrow 30/105, p. 247, Meurer p. 154).

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:

1573L1Add34.A. (100 copies printed) (identical with 1573L version A but with different page number; last line, centred like 2 lines above it: diderit Leandri descriptionem, nihil amplius desideraturum Lectorem in hac re credimus.),
1573D1Add/1573D34.A. (150 copies printed) (last line, centred: Dit zijn de vernaemste zee-steden. Die begeert alle dandere oock te kennen, die besie des veurs Galatei boecxken.),
1573L(A)45 (40 copies printed) (identical with 1573L1Add, but with different page number; last line, centred like 2 lines above it: diderit Leandri descriptionem, nihil amplius desideraturum Lectorem in hac re credimus.),
1573L(B)45 (40 copies printed) (centred like 4 lines above it: desideraturum Lectorem in hac re credimus.),
1573G1Add/1573G34.A. (150 copies printed) (last line, centred like 3 lines above it: Leser vveiters in diser sachen nichts mangeln.),
1574F1Add/1574F34.A. (125 copies printed) (last line, centred like 2 lines above it: conoitre celles qui sont dedans le païs,lise le liuret de Galatée,dessus nommé.),
1574L45 (175 copies printed) (large page number, 11 mm; last line, italic like the entire text on Apulia and centred like 4 lines above it: "Lectorem in hac re credimus".),
1575L45 (100 copies printed) (small page number, 7 mm; last line, italic like the entire Apulia text and centred like 3 lines above it: "derit Leandri descriptiouem, nihil amplius desideraturum Lectorem in hac re credimus."),
1579L(A)64 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like 2 lines above it: diderit Leandri descriptionem, nihil amplius desideraturum Lectorem in hac re credimus.),
1579L(B)64 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Lectorem in hac re credimus.),
1580/1589G64 (350 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script like the entire text: innen nichts mangeln.),
1581F64 (400 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: dessus nommé.),
1584L70 (750 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: deraturum Lectorem in hacre credimus.),
1587F70 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: dedans le païs , lise le liuret de Galatée, dessus nommé.),
1588S70 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: thæo, que el escriuio d'esta su tierra ; y si juntare con el a Leandro,pienso que no pedita mas acerca d'esto.),
1592L75 (525 copies printed) (last line, left-aligned: rum Lectorem in hac re credimus.),
few 1598F80 (50 copies printed?) (last line, left aligned: dessus nommé.),
very few 1598/1610/1613D80 (10 copies printed? No data).

Approximate number of copies printed: 4075.

Remarks: From 1595L5Add onwards, for Patavini a new plate Ort 122a (stippled throughout the lettering "SINVS HADRIATICVS" which this plate does not have, and wider viz. 234 mm vs. 220 mm for this plate) with Tarvisi 122b. For Apuliæ a new plate Ort 140a with a title cartouche "IAPYGIA" was made instead of the present "IAPY:|GIA", paired with Calabria, plate Ort 140b. However, the present plate also occurs in few copies of 1598D and 1598F.


Bibliographical sources

Topographical names

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