Bibliographical sources mentioned in this text:
Achior : Story of Judith and Holofernes 182.2
Aristoteles : Bk.2 Meteorologies 182.28
Augustinus, Saint 182.29
Eusebius, Pamphilus 182.2, 182.8
Evagrius 182.8
Gelenius 182.23
Hegesippus 182.29; : Bk.18 Ch.4 182.27
Hieronymus, Saint 182.9, 182.10
Isidorus 182.28
Josephus 182.2, 182.4, 182.6, 182.8-10, 182.18, 182.29; : Bk.5 Ch.5 Wars of the Jews 182.23, 182.26.
Moflinius, Joannes, Lord of the mountain Saint Winoxius, respected clergyman, a man of great humanity and excellent candidness is the person to whom Ortelius dedicates this map Ort182
Ortelius is mentioned on this map as its maker; Further in map text: Thesaurus 182.22
Pausanias 182.27
Plinius 182.24, 182.27
Pompeius, Trogus : Bk.36 Histories 182.28
Ptolemæus 182.2
Siculus, Diodorus 182.25, 182.28; : Bks. 2 & 19, 182.28
Solinus 182.29
Stephen, Saint : Oration addressed to the Jews 182.2
Strabo 182.27
Suidas 182.3
Tacitus 182.29; : Bk.5 Histories 182.26
Tertullianus 182.29
Zozomene 182.4