Title: HOLSATIAE | DESCRIPTIO.| "Marco Iordano Holsato auctore." [A Depiction of Holstein by the author Iordanus from Holstein.] (Lower right:) "Cum | gratia et | Privile:|gio". [With friendship and privilege]. - RVGIAE, | VSEDO:|MIAE, ET | IVLINAE, | "Wandalica:|rum insula:|rum Vera | descriptio. 1584". - [A True Depiction of Rugia, Usedomia and Iulina, islands of the Wandals]. (Bottom right:) "Cum priuilegio | decennali." [With a privilege of ten years]. (Top middle right:) "Gristoa insula apud Crantzium | celebris destructione Julini" [The isle of Gristoa, read in Crantzius about the destruction of famous Wollin].
Plate size: see below. Note that this sheet has two maps from two plates.
Identification number: Ort 87
Title 87A: Holsatiæ
Scale: 1 : 600,000. Plate size: 304 x 243 mm.
Identification number: Ort 87A (not in Koeman, Meurer or Karrow, van der Krogt AN: 1660:31B).
States: 87A.1 only.
Cartographic sources: Mark Jorden or Marcus Jordanus, who drew a map of Holstein which was published in 1559 by Joachim Loew in Hamburg (Karrow 45/3, Meurer p. 178-179).
Title 87B: Rugiæ
Scale: 1 : 400,000. Size: 308 x 200 mm.
Identification number: Ort 87B = Ort 89B (Koeman/Meurer: 109b, Karrow: 1/146, van der Krogt AN: 2192:31B).
States: 87B.1 as described. From 1595L onwards, this plate is paired with Ort 87A, Holsatiæ.
87B.2 The date 1584 was removed after 1612.
Cartographic sources: Petrus von Edeling (1521-1602) who sent a manuscript map of Rügen to Ortelius in 1581 (Hessels letters 97, 107) asking him not to mention his name as the author of this map (Meurer p. 140-141), a request heeded by Ortelius.
Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
87B Rugiæ is paired with 88A Thietmarsiæ in 1592L47 (525 copies printed),
idem for 1598F52 (525 copies printed).
Otherwise 87B Rugiæ is paired with 87A Holsatiæ, as in:
1595L49 (500 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: trus Edlingus. Vide Saxonem , Helmoldum,& Crantzium.),
1601L49 (200 copies printed) (last line, D.Petrus Edlingus. Vide Saxonem,Helmoldum, & Crantzium.),
1602S52 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: cosas me embio de Colberga el Señor Pedro Edlingo. Podras veer a Saxon, a Helmoldo, y a Crantzio.),
some 1602G53 (100 copies printed), no data;
1603L52 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Edlingus. Vide Saxonem, Helmondum, & Cranzium.),
1606E52 (300 copies printed) (last line, mostly italic unlike the rest of the text, left aligned: "Peter Edling". See "Saxo, Helmold" and "Crantzius".),
1608/1612I57 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: se. Queste notitie mi mandò di Colberga il Sig. Pietro Edlingo: vedi il Sassone, Helmoldo, & il Cranzio.),
1609/1612L56 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Crantzium.),
1609/1612/1641S55 (325 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Edlingo.Podras veer a Saxon,a Helmondo,y a Crantzio.).
Approximate number of copies printed: 3625.
Remarks: map Ort 87A, Holsatiæ, succeeds Ort 92b and is different in having its title in a cartouche at the bottom, instead of in a banner at the top.