Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 137

image of the map

Title: "SENEN:|SIS DITIO:|NIS, ACCV:|RATA DE:|SCRIP". [An accurate depiction of the area of Siena]. (In upper right cartouche:) "Cum Priuilegio." [with privilege]. (Text block bottom right:) "Ad Montem Argentarium olim thunnorum | captura fuit, teste Strabone; et etiamnum | hodie hic maxima copia piscantur Memin:|it huius montis Rutilius Claudius Numa:|tianus in suo Itinerario." [In the sea near Mount Argentarium tuna fish has once been caught, according to Strabo. And even nowadays, enormous amounts of fish are caught near this mountain, says Rutilius Claudius Numatianus in his Itinerary]. - CORSICA [Corsica] - MARCHA ANCONAE, | OLIM PICENVM 1572. [The region of Ancona, once called Piceni 1572].

Plate size: 327 x 487 mm; three maps on one plate.
Identification number: Ort 137 (Koeman/Meurer 65a-c, Karrow: 1/94, 1/95, 1/96)

Title 137a: Senensis
Scale: 1 : 400,000. Size: 166 x 239 mm.
Identification number: Ort 137a (Koeman/Meurer: 65a, Karrow: 1/94, vdKrogtAN: 7210:31).
States: 137a.1 as described.
137a.2: between 1589 and 1592 the region name Fio:rentino was added near Septentrio and Stato del: | la Chi:|esa was added near Oriens. All coastline hachuring was extended from 3 to 6 mm and the strapwork of the cartouche received horizontal hachuring superimposed on the original oblique hachuring.

Cartographic sources: Cesare Orlandi 1573, probably based on Claudio Ducheti (undated) (Meurer p. 210-211). See also text paragraph 2.

Title 137b: Corsica
Scale: 1 : 850,000. Size: 166 x 239 mm.
Identification number: Ort 137b (Koeman/Meurer: 65b, Karrow: 1/95, vdKrogtAN: 7520:31).
States: 137b.1 as described.
137b.2: between 1589 and 1592, all coastline hachuring was extended from 3 to 6 mm.

Cartographic sources: Agostino Giustiniani 1567, published by Leandro Alberti (Karrow 34/1.2, p. 247, Meurer p. 157-158). In the "Catalogus Auctorum" Ortelius also mentions the Corsica map by Hieronymus Bordonius as being represented in the Theatrum, as also Corsica maps by Augustinus Justinianus, Gastaldi and Leander Alberti. As appears from Hessels nrs. 170 and 217, Winghe sent Ortelius a map of Corsica, which he did not include in the Theatrum.

Title 137c: Anconæ
Scale: 1 : 700,000. Size: 155 x 239 mm.
Identification number: Ort 137c (Koeman/Meurer: 65c, Karrow: 1/96, vdKrogtAN: 7550:31).
States: 137c.1 as described;
137c.2: between 1589 and 1592, all coastline hachuring was extended from 3 to 6 mm;
137c.3 in the 1641 Spanish edition, the date 1572 has been removed.

Cartographic sources: anonymous Marca Anconitana, published in 1564 by Vincenzo Luchini (Meurer p. 95). On the authority of Brandmair 1914, p. 71, Karrow attributes this map to Cæsar Orlandi, see Hessels nr. 39.

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:

1573L1Add36A (100 copies printed) (identical to 1573L version A, but with different page number; last line in cursive script like the entire Corsica text, centred like 2 lines above it: "ratè, ex Augustini Iustiniani commentariis, describit Leander Albertus,vt omnino nihil in ea desiderare posse videatur."),
1573D1Add/1573D36.A (150 copies printed) (last line, in Gothic script like the entire text, centred like four lines above it: dictie ghecomen/ dyen het noch onderdanich is.),
1573G1Add/1573G36.A (150 copies printed) (last line, centred like 2 lines above it: auss den schriften des Augustini Iustiniani so fleissigh, dass nichts dran scheinet zu mangeln.),
1573L(A)48 (40 copies printed) (last line in cursive script like the entire Corsica text, centred like 2 lines above it: "ratè, ex Augustini Iustiniani commentariis, describit Leander Albertus,vt omnino nihil in ea desiderare posse videatur." ;
1573L(B)48 (40 copies printed) (all three texts in cursive script, last text ends like version A.),
1574F1Add/1574F36.A (125 copies printed) (last line, centred like 1 line above it, in cursive script like the entire section on Corsica: "prise des Pisaniens & mise sous le Pape. A la fin elle est retournée en la puissance des Geneuois,ausquels elle obeit encore."),
1574L48 (175 copies printed) (large page number, 11 mm; last line, in italic script like the entire section on Corsica, centred like one line above it: "ratè,ex Augustini Iustiniani commentarijs describit Leander Albertus, vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1575L48 (100 copies printed) (small page number, 7 mm; last line, italic, left-aligned: "insulam tam accuratè,ex Augustini Iustiniani commentarijs describit Leander Albertus,ut omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1579L(A)67 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like one line above it, italic script: "accuratè, ex Augustini Justiniani commentariis, describit Leander Alberus, vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1579L(B)67 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, italic script: "nus obedit. Hanc insula tam accuratè,ex Augustini Justiniani cõmentariis describit Leander Alberus, vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1580/1589G67 (350 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script like the entire text: geln scheinet.),
1581F67 (400 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: la fin elle est retournée en la puissance des Geneuois,ausquels elle obeit encore.),
1584L74 (750 copies printed) (last line, in italic script, full width, very small font size: "nus obediit. Hanc insulã tam accuratè,ex Augustinus Iustiniani cõmentariis describit Leâder Albertus,vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1587F74 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: se sous le Pape. A la fin elle est retournée en la puissance des Geneuois,ausquels elle obeit encore.),
1588S74 (300 copies printed) (last line first text page, right aligned: La ciu- ; last line second text page, full width: Leandro Alberto,tomandolo de los Cõmentarios de August.Iustiniano,que no se puede pedir mas d'ella.),
1592L79 (525 copies printed) (last line, full width, in cursive script like the entire Corsica section: "nus obedit.Hanc insulam tam accuratè,ex Augustini Iustiniani cõmentariis,describit Leander Albertus,vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1595L83 (500 copies printed) (last line, italic like the entire Corsica section: "nus obedit. Hanc insulã tam accuratè,ex Augustini Iustiniani cõmentariis,describit Leander Albertus,vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1598F85 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, small font: des Geneuois,ausquels elle obeit encore.),
1598/1610/1613D58 (100 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script like the entire text: onderdanich is.),
1601L83 (200 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in italic script like the entire Corsica section: "insulam tam accuratè, ex Augustini Iustiniani commentarijs , describit Leander Albertus, vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur".),
1602G86 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script like the entire text: an mangeln scheinet.),
1602S86 (250 copies printed) (last line first text page, left aligned: les, que para panes. Silio la alaba principalmente por los oliuos que tene. right aligned: La ciu- ; last line second text page, left aligned: mandolo de los Comentarios de August. Iustiniano,que no se puede pedir mas d'ella.),
1603L86 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, small font: no nihil in ea desiderari posse videtur.),
1606E83 (300 copies printed) (last line, full width: so exactly described this Iland, out of the Commentaries of "Augustine Iustinian", that a man may not easily find what moreouer may be added or desired.),
1608/1612I95 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: d'Agostino Giustiniano , che del tutto non pare in essa potersi dauantaggio desiderare.),
1609/1612L96 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, small font: lam tam accuratè, ex Augustini Iustiniani commentarijs, describit Leander Albertus, vt omnino nihil in ea desiderari posse videatur.),
1609/1612/1641S96 (325 copies printed) (last line first text page, right aligned: La ciu- ; last line second text page, left aligned: tarios de August. Iustiniano, que no se puede pedir mas d'ella.).

Approximate number of copies printed: 7300.


Bibliographical sources

Topographical names

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