Title: PANNONIAE, | ET ILLYRICI VE:|TERIS TABVLA. | "Ex conatibus geographicis Abra:|hami Ortelij Antverpiani". [A map of ancient Pannonia and Illyricum from the geographical efforts of Abraham Ortelius of Antwerp]. (Cartouche upper left:) "Vis consili expers mole ruit sua". [Violence without judgment collapses under its own weight. From: Horatius Odes Book III, ode iv, line 65.]. "Dño | Ludovico Hal:|lero ab Hallerstein, | stemmate, eruditione, | & animi candore, vere nobili, Ab. Orte:|lius hoc amicitiæ | mnemosynon de:|dicabat". [Abraham Ortelius dedicates this map in memory of his friendship to Mr. Ludovicus Hallerus of Hallerstein as a wreath for his erudition, candour of mind and true nobility]. (Lower centre:) "Cum Gratia et Priuilegio | decennali 1590". [With grace, and a privilege for ten years, 1590]. (Cartouche in lower right with 11 lines of places of uncertain location).
Plate size: 358 x 462 mm.
Scale: 1 : 2,300,000.
Identification number: Ort 203 (Koeman/Meurer: 23P, Karrow: 1/178, vdKrogtAN: 7600H:31).
Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
1590L4Addblank (100 copies printed) (in text and typesetting identical with 1592L, but here without page number; last line, left aligned: uersum necesse est corpus pereat. Ad loca prærupta & accessu difficilis confugere,& ibi commorari gaudent. Hactenus Leo Imp.),
1591G4Addblank (75 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script like the entire text: in lengde sich erstrecken/gesehen werden. Und bishero von disser landschafft/und deren volck/auß den alten Scribenten mehrentheilsigezogen.),
1592L8 (525 copies printed) (as regards text and typesetting identical with 1590L4Add, but here with page number 8; last line, left aligned: uersum necesse est corpus pereat. Ad loca prærupta & accessu difficilis confugere,& ibi commorari gaudent. Hactenus Leo Imp.),
1595LI (500 copies printed) (last line, first text page, full width: bit Alexandrum Seuerum hos in huius peritia vicisse.Isogonus apud Pliniû[m] scribit apud hos esse homines qui visu effascinent ; last line second text page, left aligned: nariam nominat.),
1601Lxvij (200 copies printed) (last line first text page, right aligned: tur;ira- ; last line second text page, left aligned: tiam nominat.),
1602G15 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script like the entire text: ellen in die lengde sich erstrecken/gestehen werden. Und bißhero von dieser Landtschafft/vnd deren Volck/auß den alten Scribenten mehrenteils gezogen.),
1603Lxix (300 copies printed) (text and page number, but not typesetting, identical with 1609/1612S/L, but here two text pages, in 1609/1612S/L only one; last line first text page, right aligned: drum ; last line second text page, left aligned: penariam nominat.),
1606Exvij (300 copies printed) (last line, first of two text pages, italic like most of the text, left aligned: Creta. "Thus much of the name and limits of this country out of divers authours". ; last line second text page, in cursive script, left aligned: "house of the Emperiall city."),
1608/1612Ixix (300 copies printed) (last line first text page, right aligned: altro ; last line second text page, full width: ni di questa regione; doue per la desiderabil fertilita delli frutti la chiama la campagna di Rauenna, & la dispensa della prouisione per la citta Reale.),
1609/1612S = 1609L/1612Lxix (600 copies printed) (text for both editions in Latin; last line, left aligned: eam ob fructuum optabilem foecunditatem Rauennæ Campaniam,& Regiæ vrbis cellam penariam nominat.),
1624LP/1641Sxxiij (1025 copies printed) (last line second column first text page: Illyrico prouincias septem & decem numerat : has scilicet, | "Nori-" ; last line second column second text page, left aligned: Regiæ vrbis cellam penariam nominat.).
Approximate number of copies printed: 4175.
States: 203.1 only.
Cartographic sources: made by Ortelius on the basis of Gastaldi's 1560 map of South-East Europe, (Meurer p. 153), and on information from ancient sources, specifically Plinius, Livius, Bonfinius, Dionus and Aurelius Victor.
References: L. Gróf (1979) "The Map Collector" 6: 2-11.