Title: SALISBVRGENSIS | IVRISDICTIONIS,| "locorumq vicinorum vera descriptio | Auctore Marco Secznagel | Salisburgense". [A true depiction of the Salzburg area and surrounding places by Marcus Secznagel of Salzburg. (Upper left cartouche, 8 line poem:) "Qui patriæ adfert ingenio suæ | Illustre nomen, Laudibus excolens. | Dignus favore est, præmioque | Quem sequens veneretur ætas | Cum Marcus ergo fecerit hoc opus | Grato tuum, te queso, foue sinu | Salczburga ciuem, gestiensque | Posteritatis honore cinge". [Whoever with his talents contributes to the splendid name of his native country, providing excellence through glory, deserves admiration from the next generation. Because Marcus [Secznagel] has achieved this welcome contribution, I pray to you, Salzburg, to cherish him to your bosom, and load him with honours on behalf of posterity].
Plate size: 385 x 462 mm
Scale: 1 : 430,000
Identification number: Ort 108 (Meurer: 135/V, not in Karrow, vdKrogtAN: 2720:31B).
Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
some 1592L61 (100 copies printed) (last line, in cursive script: "Christi: quam retinet, Saltzburgum ferè vocata."),
most 1595L64 (400 copies printed) (last line, italic, centred towards the left: "Christi, quam retinet , Saltzburgum serò vocata."),
1598F66 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Cest'Euesché a esté reduit depuis ce temps là en Archeuesché.),
1601L64 (200 copies printed) (last line above poem, left aligned: idem significat. Pighius scribit, in huius vrbis templo se legisse hos versiculos:),
1602G67 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like 5 lines above it, in Gothic script like the entire text: daselbst.),
1602S67 (250 copies printed) (last line before the Latin poem of four lines which concludes the text, left aligned: do, en la yglesia d'esta Ciudad estos versos:),
1603L67 (300 copies printed) (text but not page number and typesetting identical with 1609/1612L; 6th line from the bottom ends: huius ; last line, centred, in cursive script: "Christi,quam retinet,Saltzburgum serò vocata".),
1606E64 (300 copies printed) (last line, centred: Of Gospell cleere,which yet they hold,it now is "Salczburg" hight.),
1608/1612I72 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in cursive script: "mantiene , Saltzburgo tardi cosi nominata."),
1609/1612L71 (300 copies printed) (text, but not page number and typesetting, identical with 1603L; 6th line from the bottom ends: vrbis ; last line, centred, in cursive script: "Christi,quam retinet,Saltzburgum serò vocata".),
1609/1612/1641S70 (325 copies printed) (last line before the Latin poem of four lines which concludes the text, left aligned: Iglesia d'esta Cuidad estos versos:).
Approximate number of copies printed: 3250.
States: 108.1 as above.
108.2: 1641S, new border with scale numbers.
Cartographic sources: Marcus Secznagel abt. 1520-1580 (Karrow 68/1, p. 475-477, Meurer p. 235).
References: Friederike Zaisberger: "Das Landt vnd Ertzstifft Saltzburg", Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, Salzburg 1988, pp. 16-17. Especially: Wilhelm Schaup: "Salzburg auf alten Landkarten", Schriftenreihe des Archivs der Stadt Salzburg Nr. 13, Salzburg Studien. Forschungen zu Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur Bd. 3, ISBN 3-901014-69-1, Published in 2000, pages 31-43.
Remarks: In 1592L and 1595L either the early plate Ort 107 with inset or this later one without the inset may be found. Schaup (personal communication) reports a copy of this map with the hand-written date 15 (left) 76 (right of Salisburgensis) in the cartouche.