Cartographica Neerlandica Topographical names for Ortelius Map No. 22


Quadrant Text
A3, B3  Scala milliarum Anglicorum|10 20 30 40 50

Oceans, Seas, Bays, Gulfs, Straights, Capes

Quadrant Text
A3  Bay of sidert
D1, C1  Baye of Slego
A1  Bere hauen
C1  Borrey swÿlley.
A1  Cape Clere
A2  Condore
D1  Connachticum Mare,|Gÿraldo Cambrensi. (C1) <The Sea of Connach, as Gyraldus Cambrensis calls it.>
A1  Croke hauen
C3  Hibernicum Mare,Margaritas|sed subfuscas & liuentes generat.Polÿd. (B3) <The Irish Sea, which generates pearls, but only brown and blue ones, says Polydorus.>
B3, C3  Irlandesey.
A2  Loug kÿne
A2  Old heade
D3  Racklÿn
D1  Red bayle
B1, A1  S Kelmes
D3  Strangford|hauer.
B1, C1  The baÿe of Galloway.
D3  The baÿe of Knokfergus


Quadrant Text
D2  De hoc Erno lacu scribit|Gÿrald.Cambr.quod olim fons|fuerit, sed ob incolarum nefandam|cum bestijs veneren,Deo irato, in tantum gaguarum diluuiem erupu:|iße, vt totum eum tractum cum hõi:|bus inundatione|rei gestæ Veritatem, hodieq.,sereno temp:|re etiamnum templorû turres sub|undis hinc inde conspici. <About this Lake Erno Gyraldus Cambrensis writes that it was once a spring, but because the inhabitants shamefully venerated beasts, God became angry and caused such a flood to break out, that the entire area including the people were submerged by this inundation. And if these matters still contain the truth, it is now a quiet time, although I can still see the towers of the Temples under the waves.>
C1  Ex Gyraldo Camb.|In Arran insulis, hominum corpora non putrescunt,|eoque non humantur, sed diuo exposita permanent in:|corrupta.Sic homines auos, atauos, tritauos longamq.|stirpis suæ seriem magna admiratione cognoscunt In.ea|non sunt mures;et si aliunde illati fuerint, in mare|confestim se præcipitant; sin impediantur, emoriuntur. (A1) <From Gyraldus Cambrensis. On the Arran islands the dead bodies of humans do not decay, but exposed to the open air they remain uncorrupted. In this way they highly admire their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. On these islands there are no mice and if any come from elsewhere, they throw themselves into the sea, and if they are not held back, they will die.>
D3  Hanc insulæ partem|Anglis colendam de:|dit Elisabetha Angliæ|regina; Coloniaque du:|cta est Dño smetho|equite aurato 1572. [Part of this island was given to the English to live here by Elisabeth, Queen of the English. The settlement was ruled by Mr.Smethus, a horseman clad with gold, in 1572.>


Quadrant Text
C2, C3  Abracan
B2  Addare.
B2, B3  Alda
B3  Alleynsco:|urt.
C2  Alone
D3  Andeleÿ
C2, C1  Anguen:|re
B1  Ardaston
A2, B2  Ardcolu:|me.
A1  Arde
C3  Arde.
B2  Arderahÿne
A2  Ardmore
D3  Arglos
B3  Arklo:|we.
D3, C3  Armagh|Metropolis
A2, B2  Armoye
B2  Askelÿn
D2  Asserou.
B2  Athas|kÿll.
B2  Athy
C2  Atoÿ
D3  Ba:|ne.
B2, C2  Balagre
B2, C2  Balanetÿ
D2  Balashÿn
A3  Balc:|hak
B1  Balencol|man
A2  Balene|martÿr
A1  Balen|shylÿg
B2  Baliadam
B2, C2  Baliberten
B3  Balkÿn:|glas.
A2  Balley
A2  Balÿn|cotÿn
D3  Bangor
B2, C2  Bankÿer
B1  Baron of Ibercan.
B2  Belamget
D2, C2  Beleter:|bert.
D3  Belfurst
C3  Bew:|leÿ
B2  Boleyuane.
D2  Bolocke
B3  Brey.
D3  Brÿan|fertÿ
A2  Bubrady
B2  Bura:|ty.
B2  By:|nage
C3  C Lonard.
B2  C. of the water
B2, C2  C.Brak
B2, C2  C.Gesthill
C2  C.Jourdan
B3  C.Kenÿn
B2  C.Lee.
D2  C.Loger
A1, B1  C.Lough
B1  C.Mangen
B2, B3  C.Martin.
C1  C.Nemeneÿ
B2  C.|Conel.
B2  Cala:|ne.
C2  Canan
B2, C2  Carberg
B3  Carig:|brenna.
B2  Carloo.
C3  Carlyng|ford.
A2, B2  Caroo
A2, B2  Carygma:|grÿffy
B1  Carÿngpoÿll
D2  Castel Fynne
D2  Castell|Derreÿ
D2  Castell|Ihony.
B1  Castel|more
B2  Cauuÿl|ley.
B2  Caß:|hyll.
B3  Clame.
B3, C3  Clantarse
B2  Clare
B2, B3  Cloghnoga
B3  Cloha:|man.
A3  Clomi:|ue.
B3, C2  Cloncurey (C3)
A2  Clonne
A2  Clonnell
B2  Clonrand.
B3  Clon|more
B2  Codkÿl.
D3  Colerranne
B2, B3  Colonmo:|lon.
B3  Conal.
A2  Cone|kyslane
D3  Corane.
A2  Core
B2  Corgrage
A2  Cork:|hege.
A2  Corke
B2, C2  Couarnar
A2  Coursey
B2  Cro:me
C2  Crogem
B2  Croghbragan
C3  Ctenok
B2  Damnagh
B3  Deepes
C2  Deluÿn
C2  Dillon
D2  Dongall.
D3, C3  Downe
C3  Drodag.
B2  Duamase
E3  Duauord.
B3  Dublÿn
C3  Dulyke
C3  Dun:|drome
D2, D1  Dunbrose
C3  Dundalk
A3  Dund|man
A2  Dungal.
D2  Dungal.
A2  Dungar:|uan.
A1  Dunke:|ran.
D3  Dunlÿs:|he.
B2  Dunmore
E3  Dunweg
B2, C2  Duufort.
B1  Dÿngen.
C2  Farrold
E3  Faudel
B2  Fulkescourt
B2  Fyndert
D2  Fyne
B2, C2  Gal:weÿ
B2, A2  Gere:|pont
E3  Gillekaren
D3  Glanarmo
B1  Glancan|berÿ
B3  Glandalag
B3  Glaska|rÿg
B2  Gouernor
C3  Gracedew
B2  Graes|courte
C3  Grene|Cast.
A2, B2  Gurnach
E3  Gwelwall.
B2  Holy|crosse.
B3, C3  Hothe
C2  Ihons|S.
B1  Ilande
B3  Inescorthus
B2  Inesteoge
B2  Ingwÿn
A2  Iongh:|hull.
C3  Kelles
B1  Kilcornen
E3  Killean
C2  Kilmu|nug
D3  Knokfergus
B2  Knotog
B2  Kyl:|lagh
B2  Kyldar
B2  Kyllagh
B2, A2  Kylmalagh
B2  Kylmalok
B2  Kylnayle
B1  Kylroße
B2  Kylseweull.
B1, B2  Kylygboÿ.
A2  Kynsale
B3  Kÿl:|mans
B2, B3  Kÿlensh
C2, B2  Kÿlke|ny.
B2  Kÿllaplooy
A2, B2  Kÿlmany
A2  Kÿlmatho:|maselÿn
B2  Kÿlma|nag
B2, C2  Kÿnasot
B2  Kÿylken:|nÿ.
B3  Lalogh
D3  Lamprey:|stone.
D2  Leuer
B2  Leÿglyn.
B2  Loghyll.
B2  Loughaÿe
C3  Louth
B3  Luceon
B3, C3  Lutrell.
A2  Lysmo:|re.
B2  Lÿm:|brich.
B2  Malck
D3  Maßerne
B3, C3  Maÿmouth.
B3  Mergon.
B2, B3  Mine|hore
C3  Moly
C2  Molÿngar
C3  Monagan
D3  Monbray.
A2  Money
B2  Morsÿmore
C1  Moynom
C3  Myclare
C3  Mylysaunt.
C3, C2  Nauan
B2  Neucastel
C3  Neurÿ
C1  New Castel.
E3, D3  Newcastel.
D3  Newtoun
E2  Noruowro:|we.
B3  Nosse
D2  Old Castel.
C3  Old Patrÿke.
B3  Olderos
B2  Oneÿ.
B3  Pale:|mone.
B2  Patÿce
A2  Paßa:|ge.
C3  Platen.
B2  Pnÿn
C1  Pontoy
B2  Port:|nÿch
C1  Porte Vade
C2  Portelester
D3  Portmuk
D2  Purgatorium S.Patritij,huius|Diui precibus hoc loco à Deo|constitutum. Sÿl Gyraldus. <The purgatory of St.Patricius, because of whose prayers this place, according to Sylvius Gyraldus, was established by God.>
C1  Rafrayn
B3  Rally:|kÿ
B2  Rathan|ga.
C2  Rauÿne
C2  Rechte
A2  Rhou:|gmore
B2  Rosconell
A2  Rosle
A3, B3  Ros|gartan
B2, B3  Roße
B2  Roßer|ry
D3  Rush
D3  Sauaige
B2  Shÿan
D3  Skaterÿ
C3, C2  Skryne
C3  Slane
C1  Slego
C1  Stakkÿ
B3  Talbots cast
D1  Tellÿng
B1  Terherd
B2  The Abbay
B2  Thomas|towne
A3  Thour of|heekel
B2  Thurles.
B2  Tiborray.
B2  Tolley
B3  Town
A2  Tractan
B1  Traÿlÿ
C2  Trÿmno
C2  Trÿsternagh.
C3  Turfe:|kyn.
D3  Twomery.
A2  Tymolay.
B2, B3  Tÿmo:|lÿn
A3  Tÿntern
A2  Waterford
A3, B3  Wexford
C2  Wreyke
B3  Wÿkelo
B1  Yentre
B2  Ymley
A2  Yongebar|reÿ

Mountain ranges, mountains, dunes

Quadrant Text
B2  Bladina mons
C2, D2  Therne M.

Countries, Regions, Provinces, Areas, Tribes, Polders, Woods

Quadrant Text
D3  Alexander|Carogh.
C2  Ananley
C2  Baron of Deluyn.
C3  Baron of Slane.
C3, D3  Baron of|Dun:|garo.
C2  Breney
C2  Bureskeÿnÿn
A2, B2  C. Waterford
B2  C.Kylkenny.
B2  C.Lymbrÿc.
A3, B3  C.Wexford.
D2  Calbege
B2  Carloo C.
D3  Ca|leard
B1  Clan Ma:|hownd.
C2  Clan Ricard.
C2  Clan|Ricard
C2, B2  CONNACIA.|Connacht.
B2  Conolagh.
A2  Corke|counte
A1  Desmownde.
C3  Dublyn.
C2  Esthmethe.
D2  Farmanag
C3  Ferney.
A2  Garald fitz|Iohuz
D3  Glan|yboy.
D2  HVLTONIA|Quulsterter.
B2  Ihon of the|grene wode
B1  Kery.
B1  Knicht of Ke:|ry.
A1  Knyght of the Valley (B1
B3  Kyldare.
C2  Langinia.|Leynester.
B1  Lord Fitzme:|rice.
A2  Lord Powes
A2  Lord:|Barry
A1, B1  Mac Arte more.
A1, B1  Mac Gylecod.
D2, C2  Mac Mahaone.
D2  Mac Swÿne
D3  Mac Ylÿm
C2  Mac.Dermound
C1  Mc.Felepyn.
B2  Mc.Morog
A1, A2  MONONIA.|mounster Counte (B1)
C3, D3  Mournele.
C2  Multÿsernan.
B3  O Bryne
B2  O Slechtenes.
A2  O. Cale|gane
D2, D3  O.Carty
B1  O.Comere:|kery.
C2  O.Hanlyn.
A1  O.Maghounde.
E3  O: Castane.
D2, C2  O: Conner Slego.
C3  O: Haul:|ton
C2  O:Comardown.
D2  O:Denel.
C1  O:Do:|bowey.
E2, D2  O:Doghyrdy.
C2  O:Domagh
C1  O:Madame
C1  O:Mayle
B3  O:More.
C2  O:Raÿlaÿ
B3  O:Tolo.
C2  O:|Conner Roo.
A1, B1  Oswile van|more.
D3  Shotte.
A2  Thabay of|Mahoune
B2  The Erle of Tourõd.
B2, C2  The Erle of|O Maddyn
B2  The fox
B2, A2  Tiborray|C.
B2  Toumonde.
D2, E2  Tre Conel.
B1  Tvan Mortal.
C3  Tyrone.
B2  Vrmound.
C2, B2  Westmethe.
C3  Yuege


Quadrant Text
C1  Alkyl ile
B1, C1  Arran|insulæ
E2  Arranÿ
B1, A1  Balenstÿn
A1  Baletÿmore
C1, D1  Blacke roche
B1  Blaskey cite and|isles
A1  Comnabre
A1  Cowe and Calfe
A1  Dorsey.
A1  Dowmoreÿ
E3  Ila insu|la
E2  Ilen Wÿsha
C1  Inescath
A1, B2  Ineseÿrkan
C1  Inspuffÿn
E3  Iona
C3  Lambey.
D3  Maydens
E3  Nauer|say
A3  Saltes
E3, D3  Skyrres of|Port Rush
B1  Smerwyck
D3  Stone otter

Rivers, inlets, creeks

Quadrant Text
D2  Banna fluuius
D3  Banne flu.
D3  Banney flu.
B2  Berna flu
C3  Boandus fluuius.
B2  Eyorus flu.
A2  Mc Tege
B1  Shenÿn flu.
D3  Shotte.
B3  Slana flu.
A2  Suÿrus flu.
B2  Suÿrus flu.


Quadrant Text
E1  Cum Priuilegio


Quadrant Text
E1  Eryn.|HIBERNIAE,|BRITANNICAE|INSULAE,NOVA DESCRIPTIO.|Irlandt. (D1) [A new depiction of Eryn, or Ireland, a British Island, Ireland.]


Quadrant Text


Quadrant Text
C2, C1  Corbes|lacus.
B2  Derigid L.
C1  Gyll|lacus
D3  Lacus Eaug
D2, C2  Lacus Erno.
C3  Lacus Foÿl.
C2  Lacus Rÿe.
D2  Lacus|Antre
E2  Lacus|Arunÿ
C2  Lacus|Cedin
D2  Lacus|Dere
D2, D3  Lacus|Foÿle
C2  Lacus|Hanlÿn
E2, D2  Lacus|Swylly.

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