Quadrant |
Text |
B3, C3 | | A:|:QVI:|:TA:|:NI. |
D1, C1 | | Advatici. |
C2, D2 | | Aedui.Sive|Aedua civitatas. |
D2 | | Ager Se:L|quanus totius|Gallię primus. [The Seine Fields, of all France the best.] |
D3 | | Albici. |
D2 | | Allobroges. |
C2, D2 | | Ambarri |
C1 | | Ambiani. |
B1 | | Ambibari. |
B2 | | Ambili:|ates. |
C1, D1 | | Ambiva:|riti. |
D3 | | Ambua:|reti. |
B2 | | Andes. |
C3, D3 | | Areco:|mici. |
C2 | | Aruerni. |
C1 | | Atrebates. |
D3 | | Aulerci,qui|Brann;|uices. |
B2 | | Aulerci,qui|Cenomani. |
A2, B2 | | Aulerci,qui|Dia:|blintres. |
C2, C1 | | Aulerci,qui|Eburouices. |
C3 | | Ausci [added in 1595] |
C1, D2 | | BEL:|:GAE. |
C1 | | Bellocassij,|sive Velo:|casses. |
C1 | | Bellovaci. |
B3 | | Bigerriones. |
C2 | | Bituriges. |
C2 | | Boij. |
D3 | | Branno:|uij. |
B2 | | Cadetes. |
C3 | | Cadurci. |
C1, D1 | | Caeresi. |
C1, B1 | | Caletes. |
C1 | | Can:|tium. |
B3 | | Cantabri. |
C2 | | Carnutes.Drui:|dum sedes [from 1590 onwards: Carnutes|Druidum Sedes.] [Carnutes, where the Druids live.] |
C1 | | Catuaci. |
D3 | | Caturiges. |
B2, C2 | | CEL:|:TAE,SI:VE|GAL:|:LI. |
D2 | | Centro:|nes. |
C1, D1 | | Centrones. |
B3 | | Cocosates. |
C1 | | Condru:|si. |
B2, A2 | | Curiosolites. |
D1 | | Eburones. |
B3 | | Elu:|sates [added in 1595] |
C1 | | Essui. |
C3 | | Gabali. |
E3 | | GALLIAE|CITERIO:|RIS (QVĘ|ET ITALI:|AE) PARS. [Part of Gallia on this side, (which also belongs to Italy).] |
C3, D3 | | Garites. |
D3, D2 | | Garoceli. |
B3, B2 | | Garumni. |
C1 | | GER::MA::NI Cis:|rhenani. (D1) [Germans on this side of the Rhine.] |
C1 | | Gordu:|ni. |
C1 | | Grudij. |
D2 | | Harudes. |
E2, D2 | | Harudes. |
C3 | | Heleuteri. |
D2, E2 | | Heluetij. |
C3 | | Helvij. |
B3 | | HIS:|PANI:|AE PARS. |
D2 | | Latobrigi. |
B2 | | Lemovices. |
C2 | | Lemovices. |
E2 | | Lepontij. |
D1, C1 | | Leuaci. |
D2 | | Leuci. |
B1, C1 | | Lexobij. |
D2 | | Lingo:|nes. |
D2, C2 | | Mandu:|bij. |
C1, D1 | | Me::napij. |
D1 | | Mediomatrices. |
C2 | | Meldę. |
C1 | | Morini. |
D2 | | Murus|a Cęsare|factus. [wall built by Caesar.] |
E2 | | Nan:|tuates. |
B2 | | Nannetes. |
C1 | | Ner::vij. |
C3 | | Nitiobri:|ges. |
A2 | | Osini. |
D1 | | Paemani |
C2, C1 | | Parisij. |
C2, C3 | | Petrocorij. |
C1 | | Pleu:|mosij. |
B3 | | Preciani. |
C3, D3 | | PROVIN::CIA Ro:|:mano:|:rum. |
D2 | | Raura:|ci. |
C1, C2 | | Remi. |
B2, A2 | | Rhedones. |
C3 | | Rhuteni. |
B2 | | Santones. |
D2 | | Sedu:|ni. |
D1 | | Segni. |
D2 | | Segusi:|ani. |
C2 | | Senones. |
D2 | | Sequa:|ni. |
B2 | | Sesunij. |
C3, B3 | | Sibutzates. |
D1 | | Sicam:|bri. |
C3, B3 | | Sontiates. |
C1 | | Suessio:|nes. |
B3 | | Tarbelli. |
B3, C3 | | Tarusates. |
E2 | | Tigurinus Pa:|gus. |
C3 | | Tolosates. |
D1 | | Treviri. |
D2 | | Tribo:|ces. |
D1 | | Tulingi. |
C2 | | Turones. |
D1 | | V:bij. |
B2 | | Veneti. |
D2 | | Vera:|gri. |
D2 | | Verbigenus|Pagus. |
C1 | | Veroman:|dui. |
B2 | | Vnelli. |
B3 | | Vocates. |
D3 | | Vocontij. |
C3 | | Volcę. |
Quadrant |
Text |
D1 | | Cum Imp.Reg.et cancellarię|Brabantię privilegio decennali. (E1) [With a privilege of ten years from the Emperor, the King and the Brabant Council.] |
A1, A3 | | Galli apud Cę:sarem nominati & descripti [People from Gallia mentioned and described by name by Caesar.] IN BELGIA,|Atrebas [In Belgica, among the Atrebates] Commius. [in 1624 changed to: Cominius].|Eburones [among the Eburones]Ambiorix,|Cattivulcus. Bellovaci [among the Bellovaci] Corbeus|Vertiscus.|Nervij [among the Nervii] Boduognatus|Vertico.|Treviri| [among the Treviri] Induciomarus|Cingetorix.|Suessones [among the Suessones] Divitiacus|Galba.|Remi [among the Remi] Antebrogius|Iccius.|IN CELTICA|Aedui [among the Aedui]Cavarillus|Cotus|Convictolitanus|Dumnorix|Divitiacus|Eporix|Liscus|Litavicus|Surus|Vedeliacus|Virdumarus.|Helvetij| [among the Helvetii] Orgetorix|Verodoctus [in 1624 changed to:Verodoctius]|Numenius|Divicus.|Sequani [among the Sequani] |Casticus|Catamantales.|Senones [among the Senones] Cavarinus|Moritasgus|Acco|Drapes.|Andes [among the Andes] |Dumnacus.|Lemovix [among the Lemovices] Sedulius.|Carnutes [among the Carnutes] |Tasgetius|Cotuatus|Conetodunus|Guturvatus.|Vnellus [among the Cunelli] Viridovix.|Cadurcus [among the Cadurci] |Luterius.|Averni [among the Averni] Vercingetorix|Celtillus|Gobanitio|Vergasilaunus|Critognatus|Epasnactus.|Aulercus [among the Aulerci] Cumulogenus.|Nitiobriges [among the Nitiobriges] Ollovico|Theutomatus.|Helvij [among the Helvii] Caburus|C.Val.Donataurus.|IN AQVITANIA,|Piso|Adcantuanus. (A2) |
B1 | | GALLIA|VETUS,|Ad Iulij Cęsaris commentaria.|ex|Conatibus geographicis|Abrah.Ortelij.|1590. (A1) [Ancient France, as it appears in Iulius Caesar's comments, from the geographical records of Abraham Ortelius, 1590.] |
E1 | | Gallorum ali:|quot populorum|elogia,sive de:|scriptiones a:|pud Cęsarem. [Praise, or descriptions of some tribes of the Gauls, as found in Caesar's writings:] GALLI,sive CELTAE, in his [of the Gauls or Celts, among which:] Aedui fratres|consanguineque|Romanorum dic:|ti,ob veterem|ac perpetuam|erga P.[opuli] R.[omanorum] fidem.|his in omni|Gallia summa|auctoritas. [..the Aedui, said to be brothers in blood with the Romans, because of their ancient and enduring faith towards the People of Rome, resulting in them having the highest authority in all of France.]|Helvetij reliquos Gallos|virtute superant. [The Helvetitians surpass the other Gauls in valour.] Senones ci:|vitas inprimis|magnę inter Gal:|los auctoritatis. [The community of the Senones mainly because of their great authority among the Gauls.]|Sequani per se|minus valebant. [On their own, the Sequani are less excellent.] Veneti his|longe amplissima|auctoritas om:|nis orę mariti:|mę.scientia et|usu rerum nauticarum cete:|ros antecedunt. [The Veneti in Caesar's words have for a long time ruled widely at the mouths of rivers. In science and handling of nautical matters they surpass the others.]|Boij egregia|virtute cogniti. [The Boii are known for their excellent bravery.] |Ambarrine:|cessarij et con:|sanguinei Ae:|duorum. [The Ambarri are closely related and have blood relations with the Aedui.]|BELGAE,|his maxima vir:|tus et omnium|Gallorum fortis:|simi. [The Belgians are reported as having the greates courage, and of all Gauls they are the strongest:] Horum|Nervij max:|ime feri,&|magnę virtutis:pedestribus va:|lebant copijs. [of which the Nervi are the most ferocious, and of the greatest courage; they are strongest in great masses of infantry.]|Treviri quo:|rum virtutis|opinio singula:|ris.cultu et fe:|ritate non mul:|tum ą Germa:|nis differebant. [The Treviri, whose courage is generally considered to be unique, do not differ much in civility and fierceness from the Germans.] |Remi offici:|osi Romanis in|Gallicis bellis.et secundum|dignitates apud hos|obtinebant. [The Remi are volunteers for the Romans in their wars in Gallia, and second in command among them.] |Eburones,|ciuitas ignobi:|lis et humilis. [The community of the Eburones is not well-known and humble.] Bellovaci|plurimum inter|hos valent vir:|tute et auctori:|tate,hominumque numero,item magna apud hos|virtutis opinio. [The Bellovaci are mostly courageous and mighty, also in number of people, and are considered to be very brave.]|Aduatici|ex Cimbris Teu:|tonisque pro:|creati sunt. [The Aduatici originate from the Cimbri and Teutones.] |Condrusi|Trevirorum cli:|entes. [The Condrusi are subject to the Trevires.]Vbij ceteris|humaniores.ho:|rum civitas flo:|rens et ampla. [The Vbii among others are more refined, their community is flourishing and wide ranging.|AQUITANI|hominum mul:|titudo his.optima gens ad bel:|lum gerendum. [The multitude of Aquitani people is a tribe well-equipped to wage war.]|Sontiates|hi equitatu plu:|rimum valent. (E2) (E3) [The Sontiates are most worthy because of their cavalry.] |
A3 | | REVERENDIS:|SIMO IN CHRISTO PATRI,DO:|MINO D.LAEVI:|NO TORRENTIO,|EPISCO ANT:|VERPIENSI,A:|PVD AMBIVA:|RITOS,|EIVS VIRTVTIS|CVLTOR ABRAH.|ORTELIVS REG.|MAIEST.GEOGRA:|PHVS DEVOTIS:|SIME DEDICAB. [Abraham Ortelius, His Majesties Royal Geographer, dedicated [this map] in devotion to the Lord and Master, highly praised in Chris, Mr Levinus Torrentius, bishop of Antwerp for the Ambivirate people, adoring his virtues.] |