Cartographica Neerlandica Topographical names for Ortelius Map No. 18

Oceans, Seas, Bays, Gulfs, Straights, Capes

Quadrant Text
C1  Andermouth|head, NOVAN:|TVM Prom
D3  Brÿnesi neß.
C3  Buguham|neß
C1, C2  C.Stor of Aßin
D2  C.Wraith or|ffaro head.
C1, C2  Cnok:|seÿe.
A2  Dunbreton Fyrth
D3  Dunsby heade
B3  Fyfo neße
E3  Kirkwald|road
D3  Noße head
E2, D2  Oceanus Deucalidonius.
D3  Petland|skÿrres
D2  Pfouil skarre
D3  Pithland fÿrth
D3  Quincic|nap head
B3  Read head
E3  Rosa roade
D3, E3  S.Margaret roade
B3  S.Tabs|head
A3  Solwey, fyrth
B1  Sound of Ila
C3  Stone hauen
D2  Strathÿ head.
E3  Strome holme
D3, C3  Tarbart neß.
E3  The belibreke|of Rosa
D3  The boÿer
B3  The Fyrth æstuarium.
D3  The Heppers
D3  The men of|Maÿse.
A2  The mule of Gallowaÿe als|the Mulis nuk
A1  The mulle|of Cantÿre
E3  The skÿre of|Pappawe stra
E3  The Sound of calfa.
D3  The|Swell
D3  The|Vrde head
E3  Trasohenes hauen
D3  Vararis æstus.|Murray fyrth.
C1  Water|neße
E3, D3  Ye road of Scalpa


Quadrant Text
B2 <see A1 for these placenames in Loch Loumond].
A1  In lacu Lomundo,
B2  Lacus Lomond, magnis|tempestatibus obnoxius|est,et in eo pisces|pinnis carent. <Lake Lomond is afflicted by great tempests, and the fish in it have no bones.]


Quadrant Text
C3  Abbay of|Derry
C3  Aberdora
B3  Aberdore
A2  Aer
D3  Akÿrgÿll.
B3  Allaway
A3  Anand
C3  Anchÿndaine
A2  Andreû
B2  Androsol
B3  Anstrud:|den
B3  Arborloth:|net.
B3, C3  Arborth:|net
B3  Arbrod
A2  Ardsterhÿl.
D2  Ardurneße.
D2  Armÿdia
D2  Arquhynthyn
A2  Arren
B1  Arroÿs cast.
C3  Artÿr|sÿre.
A3  Atterÿth
A2  Auÿndale
C1  Aÿ
B3  Baconÿ
B2, C2  Badonok
C2  Baill no|heanglis
B3  Balme|rinoch
C3  Bamach
B3  Bambrig
C3  Banse
C3  Banÿn
D3  Barisdale
B3  Barrey
B3  Barwy
B3  Barwyck
B2, C1  Bayluraid (B1)
C2  Beaulÿn
B2  Beche
A2  Blagûhan
B3  Blak:|nes.
B2  Blak:|wÿde
B3  Blaÿer
B3  Blemÿng
C3  Boeggych
B3, A3  Borth|nÿke.
D3  Bower
C3  Boÿne
B3  Braugh|tÿcrage
D3  Braull.
D2  Braywhat
B3  Brechen
D3  Browra
B3  Brûteland
C3  Bugo:|ly.
C3  Buguham brigge|or Crowen skyrres
A3  Burg du|sandes
C3  Burnt|kirk
C3  Calder
B2  Cambel:|castP Kylmonerok
A2  Cannk|kirk
A2  Cannok|castel
A2  Caprun|toun (B2(
D3  Carnes.
B2  Cast:Kery
A2  Castel|of Dun.
D3  Ca|nasbÿ
A2  Caßellis
A2  Caßyl
C2, C3  Chonrÿe
B3, A3  Churlÿd.
B3  Clakman:|nam
D3  Cleÿne
B3  Coldin|gham
C3  Collaÿne
B1  Colom:|nekÿl
C3  Coluÿ.
A3, B3  Corotown
A2  Coswel.
B3  Crayle
B3  Craymõt
A2, A3  Craÿford
A3  Craÿford|caste.
C3  Croma|te hauen
E3  Croskirck
B2  Crukston
D2  Culma|ny.
B2  Cumernald
B3  Cuper
B3  Cuper
B3  Curloys
B3  Dalketh
A2  Darunpelwod
B3  Denmÿles
B3  Dirlton
C3  Diurne
B1  Doart cast.
D3  Domnet
B2  Donuaÿn
C3, D3  Dornoch
A2  Douglaß.
B3, C3  Douno|tÿr
B2  Down
A2, B2  Drason (A3)
D2  Dridon
C3  Drum
A3  Drym|lar
A3  Drÿburg
B2  Drÿme
C3  Drÿmne
B2, B3  Dumblay.
B3  Dun
A1  Dun:|weg
B3  Dunbar
D3  Dunbeth
B3  Dunde
C3  Dundraghe
A2  Dundranaw
B3  Dunfermy:|ling
A3  Dunfrese
B3  Dunglas|Lord home
D3  Dungysbÿ
B3  Dunkel|dÿn
A2  Dunla|rÿke
A2  Dunouerte
D3  Dunro:|byn
B2  Dunstafag
C1  Dunwegen
D1  Durna
D2  Durnes.
A2  Dusdail
B2  Duuber|ton
B3  Dy:|plyn.
D3  Dymaÿ
C2  Dyngwal.
B3  Dyser
A2  Dõdon
A2  Dûmer
B3  Eccles
B3  Edfene|feuÿ
B3  Egglysgryke
B2  Eglyston
C3  Elgÿr
B3  Elphstõ
C2, B2  Enuerlothea
C3  Erte
A2  Eunglaund
A3  Ewÿs
B2  Eÿl
B3  Falkland
D2  Farr
C3  Farres
B3  Faus castell
B3  Faus|kyrk
A2  Fele:||cast
B3  Fenwÿ|ne
C3  Ferne
D2, C2  Ferne
B3  Fetticarne
C2  Feuris
D2, C2  Foilles
B3  Fordon
B3  Forfar
B2  Forlane
D3  Fors
D3  Fors
D2  Forsnark
C3  Fouem
C2  Foulys
C1  Freford
D3  Fresyck
C3  Fynlator
C3  Fyuÿ
A3  Gal:|strome
A2  Garlÿs
B3  Gar|vy.
A3  Gedward
D2, C2  Gellesgung
B3  Gifforde
B3  Glammes
A2  Glankar
B2  Glasquo
C2  Gle:|nelg.
C3  Glenberuey
A2  Glenlus
A3  Goswÿk
B3  Gother
A2  Gregargan
B3  Groggy
A2  Gros|regal.
B1  Gwelwal.
A2  Gyrgeni
A3  Ha:|wÿk
A3  Hagerston
B3  Halcar:|tom.
B3  Halib
A3  Hally|wode
D2, D3  Halodaÿle
B2, A2  Hamÿlton
B3  Haymo
B3  Hedÿngtõ
D3  Helmes|dalle
A3  Hemfeld
A3  Hermÿta|ge
D2  Herreforde
B2  Hesloth
D3  Hoborne head
D2  Houÿp
D3  Hoy
B3  Huntãy
B3  Iesten
B1  Illcan.
B3  Immermeth
B3  Inchfara
B3  Inder|kethÿn
D2  Innershÿn
C2, C3  Inuerneße.
B2, B3  Inwerneg.
C3  In|uarugÿ
B3  Ithkirk
B3  Kamabor
C3, B3  Kannok
A3  Karlhÿll
B2, C2  Keantaÿl.
B3  KelleÿP Pambrat
A3  Kelse
C3  Kennÿ
B2  Kes|trik
C3  Keÿth
A2  Kilbaren
D2  Killa
B2  Kilmares.
B2  Kilnênÿ
B3  Kingshorn
B3  Kirkalde
B2, A2  Kyl:|nar
D2  Kyldone
B3  Kynabÿ
C3  Kynlore
C3  Kyn|garuÿn
A2  Kyrcobre
C3  Kÿldrom
C3  Kÿllos
A2, B2  Kÿlltan
B2  Kÿlmaÿ
B1  Kÿlmaÿn
C2  Kÿntaill
C3  Kÿn|drok
A3  Kÿrklynton
B3, A3  Kÿrkÿl:|ston.
A3  Kÿrthelt
A2  L Lowÿs
A3  Lamygton
A3  Lander
B3  Lange
B2  Larges
B3  Largo
D3  Latherne
D2  Laxford
B3  leyth
A3  Lohwod
B3  Lon:|dors
B3  Lon|forgon
C2  Lowat
B2  Lozou:|terles
B3  Lucund
C3  Lunfami:|aen.
A3, B3  Lunrÿk
B3  Lã:|smaer
A3  Lÿnstok
B3  Lÿthgno
B3  Mannell
C3  Maricultor
B2  Marzid
B3  Mayser
D3  Maÿ
C1, B1  Meere
A3  Megal:|land.
A3  Meltros
C3  Milÿs
A3  Moffat
B3  Monerif
B2  Monoch|cast.
B3  Monros
C3  Monÿmuske
B3  Mosÿn
C3  Munael|helis.
B3  Mußelbroug
B2  Mylcast
A3  Mÿdelbÿ
C3  Mÿldrÿm
C3  Nardÿn
C3  Negge
C3  neu Aber|deÿne
A3, A2  Neu|Abbay.
A2  New:|milÿs
B2  Newark
A3, B3  Newbottel
C3  Newhal
A3  Norham
B3  Nortber:|wyk
A3  Norton
D1  Noÿs
A2  Okÿlire
D3  Old:|wÿko
C3  Oldaberdy:|academia
B3  Oldmont ros|se.
E3  Orla:|dÿ
D3  Orlady
D3, E3  Orlady
E3  Orlady
E3  Orlady.
E3  Orladÿ
E3  Orladÿ
E3  Orladÿ
E3  Orladÿ
E3  Orladÿ
B3, C3  Paterra
B2  Paÿslan
A3  Pebles
A2  Pentauy
A2  Penÿngham
C3  Peter|polle
C3  Petti:|slego
C2, C3  Petty.
B3  Petêwys
C3  Phÿlorth
C3  Phÿlorth brigges
C3  Plucater
C2, D2  Prosyn
B2, C2  Qu:|hahÿr
A2  Quhÿthÿrne
D2, D3  Ra.
D1  Radamach
C3  Ratsyne
C3  Rattrÿ brigges.
B3  Raÿnserage
C2  Reane:|castel.
B3  Red:|castel
B2  Reÿnfhraw
A3, B3  Risidoun
A3  Ro:dÿf.
B2  Rolnet
B2  Rosa
B2  Rosdoÿ
C3  Roser|mark
A3, B3  Ros|han
C3  Roth:|may.
B3, C3  Rowÿ
B3  Rÿfer
C1  S Colum|banus. B1)
E3  S Niclas|papa
B3  S.Andre
E3  S.Augustin
E3  S.Brando.
C1  S.Clement
E3  S.Colum:|ban.
D1  S.Columbã
E3  S.Dotto.
B1  S.Eugenus
B3  S.Iohns [added between 1598 and 1601]
C1  S.Johan
C3  S.Laurent
E3  S.Magionis
C1  S.Maria
B3  S.Mauÿns
E3  S.Nicola.
C1  S.Nicolaus
E3  S.Oline
C1  S.Patricius
D3  S.Peter
D3, E3  S.Peter
E3  S.Peter
E3  S.Peter
E3  S.Peter
A2  Salsyd
A2  Sandel
A2  Saucher
B3  Sckone
A3  Selkyrk
B3  Seton
B2, A2  Shippinch
E3  Sigleholme.
C3, D3  Skeb. (D2)
B3  Skoldes
C3  Slanis
B1  Sodore
A3  Solwaÿ
B3  Southferi
A3  Sowhele
C3  Spÿn
D3  Stabuster castel
B2  stenbastel.
B3, B2  Sterlÿng
B2  Ston.
A2, B2  Stonar|ton
C2  Stone
D1  Stoÿ:|castel
B3  Stradhora
D2  Strathÿ
B3  Struder
C3  Strÿboth
C3  Sydgatte
C3  Tarbart
B2  Tarbat
B2  Tawrÿn
C3  Taÿ|ne.
B3  Terwod.
B3  Tomta|lon
B3  Tomyngem
A3  Tordÿf
C2  Torno|gark
C3  Torreÿ.
D2  Torrisdail
A3, B3  Torsche|ane.
C3  Tournwaÿ
A2  Trief cast
D2  Tung.
C3  Turra
D3  Turs
C3  Tyer
D3  Vijs
C2  Vrchard.
A2  Vrwyn
A3  Wark
D3  Wase
B3  Wenÿs
A2  Wygton
D3  Wÿke.
C2, C1  Wÿlertou|ne.

Mountain ranges, mountains, dunes

Quadrant Text
A3  Cheuiota mons.
C2, B2  Gram:pius mons, vulgo Gransebain
A3  Grampius|mons.
B3, C3  Grampius|mons.
D3  Maÿfrn papes|mons.
C2  Montes Marmorei
C2  Montes|Alabastri


Quadrant Text
B1, A1  10 20 30 40 50 60|Miliaria Scotica.

Countries, Regions, Provinces, Areas, Tribes, Polders, Woods

Quadrant Text
A3  Anandia.
B3  Angusia.
B2  Arga:|dia.
B2  Argi:|le
C2  Asyn shÿre
C2  Beane|Rossen.
B2  Bread:|albayn.
C3  Buquhan.
D3  Car:hnes.
A2  Cari|cra
C2  CNOCK SVR NVZ|Store Rossen.
A3  Comber:|land.
A2  Coyl
A2  Cunig:|ham.(B2)C Nidisdale
B3  Erne|uallis
A3  Eusdalia
B3  Fifa.
A2  Gallo:|waÿ
B3  Gou:|rea.
B2  Knapdayll.
A3  laudonia
B2  Lennos
B2, C2  Loquabria,Quæ prius|Bogeuallis
B2  Lorna.
C3  Marria.
A3, B3  Merchia
B3, C3  Mernia
A3  Northumberland.
C3  Ros Muray.
B2  Stathern.
B2, B3  Sterlyng
D2  Strat:nahern
C2  SUderland
A3  Tifedalia.


Quadrant Text
A2  Ailze
C1, D1  Altauek
A2  Arren
B3  Baas
B1  Bar:|ray.
D1  Barray|maior
C1  Barraÿ|minor
E3  Birza
C2, C1  Brint ilond
B2  Bute.
B2, B1  Caerbery
E3  Calfa
D3  Calfa.
C1  Cannaÿ
A2, B2  Cantyre (A1)
B1  Carndeburg
B2, B1  Cewyl
A3  Coket|eland
B1  Colan:|say
B3  Colm
B1, B2  Core:|breyken
B2, B1  Corsay
B1  Cotte
B2, A2  Cumray
B1, B2  Dûqu:|home
C1  Egge
E3  Eglesey.
B1  Erth
E3  Etha
C1  Eust
E3  Fara
A3, B3  Farn eland
D3  Faro
B3  Fidra
C1  Fladda
C1  Fladda
E3  Flatta
B1, A1  Gegay
E3  Gershol
E3  Gersoy
D3, E3  Grainza
D3  Grÿmse
C1  Hebrides insulæ, quæ et Hebudes,|Beda Meuanias vocat. <The Hebrides islands, also called Hebudes, Beda calls them Mevanias.]
E3  Holan|des Wyk
B3, A3  Holÿ eland
D3  Hoy.
D2  Hÿp iland.
B1  Ila.
D1  Ileh Schent.
D2  Ilen Conne
D2  Ilen handa
D2  Ilen Martÿn
B3  Inch keit
B1  Ioana
B1  Iona
A2  Karay.
C1, C2  Kiltre
E3  Kobun:|za.
B2  Langa
A2  Lanlach
C1, D1  Leuis.
B2, B1  Lewing
E3  Lingalittel
E3  Lingholm
B2, B1  Lismore
B2  Marnoch
E3  Mayuelande
B3  Maÿ
C1, B1  Muk
B1  Mula
A1  Nauer|saÿ
E3  Nort Ronne
E3  ORCADES INSULÆ|The iles of Orknay.
B1  Oronsay
E3  Ouiskelle
E3  Owÿskyll|kyrles.
E3  Pappa.
E3  Pappawestre.
A2, B2  Pladwa
A1  Raglÿny
E3  Redholme
C1  Rona
D1  Rona.
E3  Ronaldsa
E3  Rosa
C1  Rum
E3  S.Hal|pãsa
C1  S.Kylder
B1, B2  S.Machare
A2  S.Maria
B1  S.Pe:|trus
E3  Sandes
B1  Scail
C1  Scalpa
C1  Scalpaÿ
D2  Shÿp iland.
B1  Skarbo
C3  Skarra
C1  Skye
D3, E3  Soutrouassa
D3  Sownas
D3  Stroma
E3  Stron|za
B2  Swÿn
B2  Swÿn|naÿ
B1  Terrey
E3  The holm
D1  Tranta
D1, C1  Trantneß
B1  Vlwaÿ
E3  Watskÿrÿs
E3  Wÿer.
A1, B1  Wÿsha

Rivers, inlets, creeks

Quadrant Text
B3  Alon flu.
A3  Anand flu.
C3  Arria flu.
A3  Artryk fl.
A2  Bladnol flu.
B2  Blank flu.
C3  Bogh fl.
D3, D2  Browra flu.
C3  Bullÿk flu.
A3  Burthÿk fl.
B2, A2  Burwy|flu.
A2  Carath fl.
C2  Caraw fl.
D2, C2  Cillan flu.
D2, D3  Cleÿn flu.
B2  Cloÿd flu. olim|Ascluth
B2, B3  Cluda fl.
A2  Cray flu.
C3  Dee fl.
A2  Dee flu.
C3  Don fl.
A2  Dune flu.
A3  Eske flu.
B3  Esmund flu.
D3  Faÿrsok|flu
C3  Fich flu.
A2  Flint flu.
B2  Forlane flu.
D3  Fors flu.
C3  Fÿndorn flu.
B3  Hay flu.
B2  Leuinus flu.
C3  Leuÿn fl.
C2  Louth flu
B3  Louê fl.
C3  Nardÿn fl.
C2  Neßa flu.
C3, B3  Northeske flu.
A3, A2  Nÿth flu.
B3, A3  Outritiler|flu.
A3  Red flu.
B3  Southeske flu.
B2  Spansey flu.
C3  Spaye flu.
C3  Spÿne flu.
A3  Tarr flu.
C3  Tauer flu.
B2  Taus flu.
B3  Taus flu.
C2, C3  Theuen flu.
C3, C2  Tuyn flu.
A3  Twede flu.
A3  Twede flu.
A3  Tyu flu.
D3  Wiffle flu.
B3  yrth flu.


Quadrant Text
D3  Cum priuilegio.


Quadrant Text


Quadrant Text
B2  Fin lacus
B3  Forfar
B1, A1  L Aruny
B1  L Auy|rÿn.
D2, D3  L Cal:|del.
B2  L Fryurk
B2  L Heke.
C2  L Heu
A2  L Rian
B1  L Selle.
B2  L Tarbat
D2  L Vrdall.
C2  L.Arke
C1, C2  L.Aßin
B2  L.Aÿrne
B2  L.Boyer
C1  L.Brage|daill
C2  L.Brune
C2  L.Drum.
C1  L.Enort
C2  L.Enzord
C1, D1  L.Er:|wÿn.
B1  L.Girwraÿd
D2  L.Glas
B2  L.Goÿle
A2  L.Kuuar
C2  L.Lange
B3  L.Le:|wÿn
B1  L.Ley:|san.
B2  L.Linel
B2  L.Long
C2  L.Louthe
C2, B2  L.Loyne.
B3  L.Loÿche
B2  L.Loÿon
A2  L.Mabel
D2  L.Mawÿr
C2  L.May
A2  L.Myr:|toun.
A1, B1  L.Nadill
B2  L.Nawel.
C2  L.Nessa, neque|flu.Neßa unquam|congelatur. <Lake Ness, which never freezes, which is also the case for the river Ness.]
C2  L.Newyße
B2  L.Olÿbe
C2  L.Orine
C2  L.Owÿn
B2  L.Rebÿnsay
C2  L.Selt
D2  L.Shÿn.
B1  L.Skafrid
B2, C2  L.Spay.
B2  L.Tay
D1  L.Vnsal:|sago.
C2  L.Zell
B2, C2  Lacus|Abÿr
B2  Lacus|Cannach
B2  Leawe


Quadrant Text

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