Quadrant |
Text |
C2 | | Asion Gaber,unde in|Ophiram navigabant. (D2) [Asion and Gaber sailed from here to Ophira.] |
C3 | | DOMINI EST TERRA ET PLENITUDO ORBIS TERRARVM ET VNIVERSI QVI HABITANT IN EO Psal.24. (B3) (D3) [The land and vastness of the world and those living on it belong to the Lord. Psalm 24.] |
E1 | | Ex conatibus geographicis Abrahami|Ortelij. Cum previlegio Imp. Regis, et|Cancellariæ Brabantiæ,ad decennium.|CICIC.XCVIII. (D1) [From the records of Abraham Ortelius. With an imperial royal privilege, and from the Brabant Council for ten years, 1598.] |
C3 | | Hæc notula locum|Ophiræ designat. [This small map shows the location of Ophira.] |
A1 | | Mare positum est in spaci:|oso loco,ut esset altum|et immensum.|4 Esdræ,cap.7. (B1) [The sea has been placed in a spacious place, as if it were very deep and large. Esdrae 4. chapter 7.] |
Quadrant |
Text |
D1 | | Abor. |
C2 | | Accaron |
C2 | | Arados |
D2 | | Arra,et Rages. (E2) [Arra, also called Rages.] |
D1 | | Arsareth |
C2 | | Athenæ |
C2 | | Azotus |
D2 | | babylon |
C2 | | Beelsephon |
C2 | | Buba:|flis |
C2 | | Byblus |
D2 | | Calanne |
D2 | | Carrhæ,quæ et|Nachor [Carrhæ, also called Nachor.] |
D2 | | Cha:|lac |
C2 | | Choa |
C2, D2 | | Chobal |
C2, D2 | | Damascus |
C2, D2 | | Daphne |
D2 | | Dasem |
D2 | | Deblatha |
C2, D2 | | Dedan |
C2 | | Diospolis |
C2 | | Dora |
D2 | | Echatana quæ|Amatha. [Echatana, also called Amatha.] |
D2 | | Emath |
D2 | | Enoch |
C2 | | Gaza |
C2 | | Gnidus |
C2 | | Gortina |
C2 | | Halicarnaßus |
C2 | | Heliopolis |
C2, D2 | | Hierusalem |
C2 | | Iamnia |
C2 | | Ioppe |
C2 | | Magdolus |
D2, C2 | | Magog |
C2 | | Mallos |
D2 | | Medaba |
C2 | | Memphis |
C2 | | Miletus |
C2 | | Mindus |
D2, D1 | | Naid |
D2 | | Ninive |
C3 | | Ophir Monata:|no, Postello,et Goropio.[Ophir according to Montanus Postellus and Goropius.] |
C3 | | Ophir Rob.|Stephani. [Ophir according to Stephanus.] |
C3 | | Ophir Varrerio|et Nigro. [Ophir according to Varrerius and Niger.] |
C3 | | Ophir,|Ortelio. [Ophir according to Ortelius.] |
D2 | | Persepolis |
C2 | | Phaselis |
C2 | | Ptolemais |
D2 | | Ragau |
B1 | | Roma |
C2 | | Sais |
C2, D2 | | Scythopolis |
C2, D2 | | Seleucia |
C2 | | Siden |
C2 | | Sidon |
C2, B2 | | Sparta |
D2 | | Susa,quæ Sesach [Susa, also called Sesach.] |
C2 | | Tanis |
C2 | | Tharsis |
B2 | | Tharsis,et|Carthago,|item Car:|chedon. [Tharsis, also called Cartago, and also Carchedon.] |
D2 | | Thedmor |
C2 | | Tyrus |
D2 | | Vr |
Quadrant |
Text |
C2 | | AEGYPTUS. |
C2, B2 | | AETHIOPIA. |
C3 | | AFRI:|CA. |
D2 | | AGARENI. |
C3 | | AMRICA,Sive|ATLAN:|TIS. |
C2, D2 | | ANA:|AN. |
D2 | | ARABIA. |
D2 | | Arioch campus. |
C3 | | ASIA. |
E2 | | ASIA. |
C2 | | Batho:|res. |
C2, D2 | | Bectileth|campus |
C1 | | CAPH:|THORIM,et CAPPO:|DOCIA. (C2) [Caphtorim, also called Cappadocia.] |
C2 | | CARIA. |
D2 | | CEDAR. |
C1 | | CETEI,pro Macedonia. (B1) [Cetei stands for Macedonia.] |
D2 | | CHALDAEA. |
B1 | | Citij. |
C2 | | CYRENE.Iudæo:|rum colonia testibus.4.Reg.16.Amos 1.et 9.item Actuum 2. [Cyrene, a settlement of the Jews according to 4. Kings 16, Amos 1 and 9 and Acts 2.] |
D2 | | Decram|campus |
D2 | | EDEN. |
C1 | | ELASOR,et PONTVS (D1) [Elasor, also called Pontus] |
B1, C1 | | EV::ROPA. |
C2, D2 | | EVILATH. |
C3 | | EVROPA. |
A1, B1 | | GALATIA. |
C2 | | GESEM. |
A2 | | HISPANIA. |
C2 | | IAVAN. |
D2 | | ISMAELI:|TAE. |
B1 | | ITALIA,et CHETIM. |
B2 | | LIBYA. |
C1 | | LVD,LYDIA|D.Hier. [Lud, also called Lydia by Hieronymus.] |
C2 | | LYCIA. |
D2 | | MAA:|CHA. |
D2 | | MADIAN,et MADIANITAE. [Madian, also Madianitae.] |
D2, D1 | | MESO:|:POTA:|:MIA |
E2 | | MESSA. |
C2 | | PAMPHI:|LIA. |
D2 | | PERSAE. |
C1 | | PHOBEL,quæ|GRÆCIA. (B1) [Phobel stands for Greece.] |
D2 | | PHOBEL,|quæ ASSYRIA [Phobel which is also called Assyria.] |
C2 | | PHOENI::CIA. |
A2 | | PHVT,QVAE AFRI:|CA D.Hieronymo. (B2) [Phut, which is called Africa by Hieronymus.] |
E2 | | RAGMA. |
D3 | | SABA. |
D2 | | SENN:|AR. |
C2, B2 | | Sicyon. |
D1 | | SVBA. |
D2 | | THE:|:MA:|NI. |
C1 | | THERGA:|MA. |
B1 | | THERGAMA. |
C3 | | Troglo:dytæ |
D2 | | ZABA:|DAEI. |
D2 | | ZAM:|RI. |
Quadrant |
Text |
A3 | | OPHIRAM regionem quia hæc|tabula comprehendere non poterat,hanc|aream universalem hic seorsim delineavimus,in|qua illam ex dissentientium scriptorum iudicio nota:|vimus. Nostram verò de eadem sententiam si quis|intelligere aveat,Thesaurum nostrum Geographi:|cum adeat,censuramque suam (perme enim licebit)addat. (A2) [Because this map could not include the Ophira region, we have presented this world map separately, on which we have noted disagreements in judgment among [different] writers. If anyone wants to know our true opinion about this matter, let him turn to our Geographical Treasury and we think, if he allows me, he will find additional information.] |
E3 | | REVERENDO ET ILLVSTRI|DNO GUILIELMO GRIM:|BERGIO,ANTVERPIENSI|PRAESVLI DIGNISSIOMO,|Abrah.Ortelius obse:|quij deuotionisq.ergò|dedicab.consecrabatque. [Abraham Ortelius dedicates and recommends it therefor obediently and devotedly to the reverend and illustrious gentleman Guilielmus Grimbergen, the most dignified chairman of Antwerp. |