Quadrant |
Text |
C1 | | Danorum|siue Danitarum horda 1.deiectio siue|descensio aut expulsio. [= The tribe of the Danes or Danitanes, the first tribe, no longer there because they moved out or were expelled.] |
C2, D2 | | dulcis est Plinio auctore,qui multas in eo|insulas esse dicit, vt etiam M.Paul: Vene:|tus: sed neuter neq. situm neq. numerum tradit. [=Scythian Ocean According to Plinius it has sweet water, and he also says it contains many islands, as M. Paulus [= Marco Polo] also says, but neither of the two tells about their number or location.] (C2) |
C2, D2 | | Hic 10. Tribus secessere et Totarorum sive Tar:|tarorum loco Scythice substituerunt. Vnde Gauthe|seu Gauthay à summa deo gloria asserenda ibi|dicti sunt,et hinc Cathay clariss: Regnum. [=Arsareth. Here the ten tribes retreated, and changed from the Tartar or Tartar area to Scythia. Since then they are called Gauths or Gauthens, confirming Gods highest glory, and here lies the splendid Kingdom of Cathai.] |
A1 | | Hic magnus prouentus|calami aromatici. [= Here are great quantities of fragrant reeds] |
A2 | | Hic Rubini|gemmae re:|periuntur. [= Rubies are found here] |
D3, E3 | | Japan insula, à M. Paulo|Veneto zipangri dicta,|olim Chryse, a Magno|Cham olim bello petita|sed frusta. [=The isle of Japan, called Zipangri by Marco Polo of Venice, once [called] Chryse, once attacked by the great Khan in war, but without success. ] |
B2 | | Magnus Cham (quod|lingua Tartarorum Im:|peratorem sonat) max:|imus Asiae princeps. [= The great Cham, (as he is called in the language of the Tartars) is the greatest ruler of Asia.] |
C1 | | Nephalitarum|horda,Neptalite a buna 10.Tri:buum Israelis nomine|Neptali dicta sunt, et post Dani:|tas qui in castigatione Aquilona:|ri Danmarcki dicti sunt, ob Rache:|lis Balha ius secundo in loco Hu:|dorum siue Iehudeorum sunt positi,|et 476.sal:anno contra Perosa|victores fuere,Euthalitas male|uocant ceteri. [= The Nephalites are named Neptali after one of the 10 tribes with a Hebrew name, and below the Danites, who by way of punishment were called the Danes of the dark North, and they were on account of the claims of Rachel Balbah placed to the side, in the area of the Hudores or Iehudeores; in the year 476 they were victorious in their battle against Perosa. Others call them incorrectly Euthalites.] |
B2, C2 | | Tabor seu Tybur, vmbilicariaue Tota:|rorum regio,vbi licet olim libros sacros|perdidissent, sunt tamen vniti sub uno|rege, qui 1540. in Galliam vsq. ad regem|Fransiscum id nominis primum venit,et|postea a Carolo V.Mantue igne sue infide:|litatis poemas luit:quia secrete solicitabat|Christianos principes ad Iudaismum,de|qua re Carolum V. alloquutus erat. [=Tabor or Tybur, centre of the area of the Tatars, where once the Holy Books got lost, yet they are united under one king, who in 1540 first reached France and king Francis, and later, at the initiative of Charles the Fifth was burnt at the stake for his heresy, because he had secretly endeavoured to convert Christian kings to the Jewish religion, about which he had spoken with Charles the Fifth.] |
Quadrant |
Text |
C3 | | ANIA. |
C2 | | ARGON. |
C1, C2 | | BARGV|regio palustra |
B1 | | Baschirdorum horda. |
B3 | | CAINDV. |
B3 | | CAMVL |
B3 | | CARAZAN |
B1 | | CASAN. |
C3 | | CATAIO. |
C3 | | CHEQVAN |
B1 | | Chiesanorum|horda. |
C3 | | CHINA. |
B2, C2 | | CHIORSA. Desertum Caracora:|num |
B2 | | CIAR:|CAN 163.B2 |
B1, C1 | | Ciremisso:|rum horda |
B1 | | CONDORA |
B2 | | Desertum Lop. |
B2 | | Desertum|Apastachit. |
B3 | | ERGI:|MVL. |
A1, A2 | | GEOR:|GIANI |
A2 | | IESEL:|BAS |
A2 | | ISTIGIAS. |
C3 | | MANGI |
B1, C1 | | Mecrito:|rum horda |
C3 | | MOIN. |
C3 | | NANOVI. |
B1 | | OBDO:|RA |
D2 | | QVINCI |
A2, B2 | | SAMARC:|HAND. |
B2 | | SIM. |
B2 | | SIRVSION. |
B2, B3 | | SOLITVDINES VASTÆ [= vast desolate area] |
C1 | | TABOR|REG: |
C3 | | TAIN|FV. |
B2, C2 | | TANGUT. Hic artem|imprimendi ante mille,vt|ferunt,annos habuerunt [=here they mastered the art of printing one thousand years ago.] |
B2 | | TARSE. |
A1, B2 | | TARTARIA, Que Sar:matiam Asiaticam, & vtramque Scythiam|veterum comprehendit. (A2)(B1) |
B3, C3 | | TENDVCH. |
B3 | | THEBET |
B3 | | TIPV:|RA |
C1 | | Turborum|hora |
A2, B2 | | TVRCHESTAN Regio|unde cismontani 10.Tribuum socij ante|900 ãnos sunt accersiti à Persis contra Isma:|elite Mahumedis arma. [=Turchestan. The area from which the 10 tribes as allies living on this side of the mountain range have been called 900 years ago by the Persians to fight the armies of Ismael the Muslim.] |
B1 | | Vsezucano:|rum horda. |
C3, D3 | | XAN|TON. |
A2 | | ZA:|GATAI |
A2, B2 | | Zibierairorum horda |
A1 | | ZVIRIA |
Quadrant |
Text |
A3, B3 | | Continet haec ta:|bula nominem Tartariam,cum|reliqua Asie Orientalioris vsq. Oce:|anum Eorum parte, Magno Chamo obedi:|ente: Cuius imperium Obij fl:Kataia la:|cu: Volga fl: Mari Caspio, Chesel flu:|Usonte monte.Thebet regione, Ca:|romoram fluuio, & Oceano|terminatur. [=This map contains the area of Tartaria, with the remaining part of East Asia to the Morning Ocean, subject to the Great Khan whose might is bounded by the river Oby, Lake Kataia, the Volga, the Caspian Sea, the river Chesel, the mountains of Usson, the area of Thebet, the river Caromoran and the Ocean. ] |
D1, E1 | | TAR:|TARIAE|SIVE MAG|NI CHAMI|REGNI|typus [= Map of Tartaria or the Kingdom of the great Cham] |