Text surrounding the map, translated from the 1624P/1641S edition (beginning at column to the left of the map):
Geographical place names in the West as they occur in the Holy Script, martyrologies and other histories, alphabetically ordered.
Abrinca, [or] Auranches, a people from Normandy in France, in the area called Constantina.
Abula, [or] Avila, an episcopate in Spanish Taracona, not far from Segovia.
Acci, [or] Guadiz, an episcopate in Spain, about 8 Spanish miles West of Granada.
Achaia, [or] Livadia, a Greek region between Macedonia and the Peloponnesos at the junction of the Isthmos.
Agaunum, [or] San Moris, a city and monastery in Switzerland, between Geneva and Sedun.
Agrigentum, [or] Girgenti, in the episcopate of Sicily opposite Africa.
Albiga, [or] Albi, not far from Toulouse.
Aletha, [or] St. Malo, also St. Maclovij, an episcopate in French Bretagne.
Anagnia, [or] Anangni, an Italian episcopate, about 50 Italian miles from Rome, on the road to Praenestina.
Antisiodorum, [or] Auxerre, a Burgundian episcopate between the Senones and Heduos.
Armorica, see Britannia minor.
Aquileia, [or] Aquileggia, once very large, at the Hadriatic sea, above Venice at a distance of about 100 Italian miles.
Arverni, [or] Clermont, an ancient episcopate in French Aquitania, from Lugdunum westwards for about 25 miles.
Avenio, [or] Avignon, an archepiscopate in Gallia Narbonensis, about 30 French miles South of Lugdunum.
Augustodunum, [or] Autun, the ancient seat of the Heduori in Burgundy, about 8 French miles west of Dijon.
Augusta Praetoria, [or] Oste, in the Alps, between Turin and Tarentasia.
Augusta Rhaetiae, in Bavaria, [or] Augsburg, well known in Germany, at the river Lycum.
Augusta Veromanduorum, [or] St. Quentin, in France between Cambray and Noyon.
Austria, see Noricum.
Baioca, [or] Bayeux, main episcopate of Normandy, about 18 French miles West of Rouen.
Bellovacum, [or] Beauvais, French episcopate between Ambianum and Paris.
Bergomum, [or] Bergamo, episcopate in Lombardy between Brescia and Como.
Besuntium, also Vesontium [or] Besançon, well known seat of the archepiscopate in Burgundy.
Bituricae, [or] Bourges, old and well known archepiscopate in the middle of France.
Bracara, [or] Braga, archepiscopate in Portugal near Gallicia.
St. Brionis, [or] St. Brieuz, on the French coast of Bretagne, opposite England.
Britannia maior, once Albion, now Anglia.
Britannia minor, [or] Bretagne, a coastal French region, where the inhabitants settled after having been expelled by the English, formerly called Armorica.
Brixia, [or] Brissa [Brescia], a well known episcopate in Lombardy, once under Milan, now ruled by the Venetians.
Brutium, [or] Aprutium, see Calabria.
Cabilo, [or] Chalons sur Saône, ancient episcopate in Burgundy between Divionis and Lugdunum.
Caesar Augusta [or] Saragozza, famous Spanish episcopate, main city of Arragon.
Calabria Brutiorum (twice); its upper seat is Consentia, its lower seat Regium.
Calaguris, [or] Calahorra, Spanish episcopate between Pamplona in the Navarra region and Burgos.
Carpentoracte, [or] Carpentras, an episcopate in Gallia Narbonensis between Avignon and Vasionis.
Carnutes, [or] Chartres, lying in Carnutis, a French episcopate between Paris and Touraine.
Catalaunum, [or] Chalons sur Marne, an episcopate in French Champagne, not far from Reims, location of a famous battle between the Romans and the Goths.
Cenomanes, [or] Le Mans, an old French episcopate between Paris and Anjou.
Comum, also Novocomum [or] Como, a dukedom in the Milan area, lying at a lake with that name.
Complutum, [or] Alcala de Henares, Spanish episcopate and University near Toledo towards Caesar Augusta or Saragozza.
Corbeia, [or] Corbie [Corbeil], a monastery in Picardia, not far from Amiens towards the East.
Corduba, [or] Cordova, and old and well known Spanish episcopate between Granada and Sevilla.
Cracovia, [or] Crakou, later also called Gracovia, well known, in Poland.
Cumae, [or] Cuma, ancient Italian town on the coast near Naples.
Dacia, a region of Europe containing Transylvania, Moldovia & Walachia.
Dertona, [or] Tortona, an episcopate in Liguria, between Piacenza and Genua.
Drizipara, [or] Mistivi, in Mediterranean Thracia, towards Constantinople.
Diuionum, [or] Dijon, famous town in Burgundy, between Augustodunum & Besantium.
Dyrrachium, earlier Epidamnus, [or] Durasso, in Macedonia, in the region of Brindisi.
Dola, a famous Burgundian university between Besuntium & Divionem.
Ebora, [or] Eubra, Portuguese archepiscopate on the road from Lisbon to Sevilla.
Eboracum, [or] Yorck, the second English metropolis after London, 150 English miles to the North.
Ebredunum, [or] Ambrun, archepiscopate in Gallia Narbonensis, between Taurinus & Avignon.
Ebroicæ, [or] Eureux, episcopate in Normandy, 10 miles South of Rouen.
Eliberis, [or] Elvira, once a celebrated Spanish town, its remnants are close to Granada.
Emerita, [or] Merida, once a famous Portuguese town. Now its dignities have been transferred to the metropolis of Compostella.
Engolisma, [or] Angoulême, episcopate in Aquitania between Burdegala and Lemovicum.
Euboia, [or] Nigroponte, a celebrated island in the Aegean sea.
Ferraria, in Italy, not far from Venice.
Fesulæ, [or] Fiesole, in Italy. From its ruins grew Florence close by.
Fontanella, famous French monastery between Rothomagus and Paris.
Flauiobriga, [or] Bilbao, well known, in Spain.
Gades & Gadira, [or] Cadiz, also Gadiz, a well known place in the extreme South of Spain.
Gabali, [or] Marmande, an episcopate in Aquitania, not far from the French town of Valence to the West.
Gerunda, [or] Girona, in Spanish Tarragona between Paparianus and Barcelona.
Gratianopolis, [or] Grenoble, a well known French episcopate, head of Dauphine, near which the people of Carthusia first settled.
Herbipolis, [or] Würzburg, well known episcopate and university on the river Main.
Hildesheimum, [or] Hildesheim, episcopate in Saxony where the river Lemus empties into the Visurgis.
Hispalis, [or] Sevilla, famous Spanish town.
Hydruntum, [or] Otranto, on the coast of Italy opposite Greece.
Illiberis, see Eliberis.
Illyricum [or] Slavonia. The Austrians hold Liburnia in the West, the Venetians the coast of Dalmatia and the rest is held by the Turks.
Interamna, Vna, now called Terni, between Narnia & Spoletus. There is a different Teramo, not far from Asculo.
Italica, [or] Sevilla la reia, also La Veccha, its ruins are not far from Sevilla or Hispalis, a celebrated place.
Iura, [or] St. Claude, a French town in the Jura mountains between Geneva and Besançon.
Iuvavia, [or] Salzburg, an archepiscopate in Bavaria, once Norici, at the river Iuvavium.
Latiniacum, [or] Lagny, a French city between Paris and Meldas.
Laus Pompeia, [or] Lodi, an episcopate in Lombardy, between Milan and Piacenza.
Laudunum, [or] Laôn, an episcopate in Picardy, from Suess. & Reims.
Laureacum, [or] Lorch, once a Bavarian episcopate between Vienna and Ratispona.
Legio, [or] Leon, an old Spanish episcopate located in Castilia.
Lemovices, [or] Limoges, an old Aquitanian episcopate between Aurelia and Toulouse.
Lerinum, [or] St. Honorato, a city on an island opposite Nice in Gallia Narbonensis, corrupted to Lirinum, according to Vincentius from Lirinum.
Lincolnia, [or] Lincoln, in England, once the region of trade, at the river Garienus.
Lingona, [or] Langres, an old episcopate between the borders of Lotharingen and Burgundia.
Locha, [or] Loches, a village in the fields of Touraine where you find the monastery of Locensis.
Lucania, now Basilicata, a region in Italy in the kingdom of Naples.
Lutetia Parisiorum, [or] Paris, a region including a university that is very large and celebrated.
Luxovium, [or] Lusson, a Burgundian city and monastery near Lingona.
Madaurus, [or] Madara, in Mediterranean Africa, between Hipponus and Lambesa.
Malaca, [or] Malaga, an old episcopate at the very coast of Spanish Bætica or Granada.
Marathon, [or] Marathona on the Greek coast opposite the isle of Euboia.
Marochium, [or] Maroccho, in Africa, not far from the Atlantic ocean.
Matiscona, [or] Mascon, well known French town, a little above Lyon at the river Araris.
Mediolanum, or Milano, well known Italian archepiscopate and duchy.
Meldæ, [or] Meaux, an episcopate within the borders of French Champagne, not far from Paris.
Messana, [or] Messina, famous archepiscopate on the North coast of Sicily.
Metis, & Metæ, [or] Metz, an old French episcopate above Trier at the river Meuse, head of Mediomatricum.
Milævum, [or] Mela, in Mediterranean Africa, near the river Ampsaga, noted for its Milevitan council and its famous writer Optatus.
Misenum, [or] Miseno, a place in Italian Campania, near the Putolean gulf.
Molismum, [or] Meulesme, a famous monastery in th French diocese of Lingonensis.
Mons Garganus, [or] Monte di St. Angelo, at the Hadriatic sea, close to Sipuntum, resembling a peninsula.
Mons Iovis, [or] Mont St. Bernard, in the Alps, when going from Italy to France via Tarente.
Mons Politianus, or Monte Pulciano, Italian episcopate not far from Siena.
Morinum, see Tarvana.
Mutina, [or] Modina, Italian episcopate between Bononia and Rhegium Lepidi.
Nanette, [or] Nantes, French episcopate in Armoricis or Bretagne minor at the mouth of the Loire.
Neruij, now the Tornacenses, a well known Belgian people.
Nicia, also French Nicæa, [or] Nizza [Nice], on the Mediterranean coast between Marseille and Genua.
Niverni, also Nevidunum Noviodunum [or] Nevers, an old French Episcopate between Paris and Lyon.
Noviomum, also Noviodunum and Noviomagus [or] Noyons, an episcopate in Picardia not far from Amiens.
Noviodunum the third, [or] Neufuy, also in France between Bituriges and Genabum.
Nola, in the old Italian episcopate of Campania, 12 miles from Naples to the East.
Noricum, a large German region, now partly belonging to Bavaria, partly to Austria.
Novaria, [or] Novarra, an episcopate in the duchy of Milan, about 30 Italian miles from Milan to the East.
Nouocomum, see Comum.
Olyssipo, see Vlissibona.
Orthona, [or] Ortana, an Italian episcopate in the Aprutti, at the Hadriatic sea, glorious because of its relics concerning the apostle St. Thomas.
Oscha, & Osca, [or] Hoesca, an episcopate in Arragon, famous because St. Laurentius was born there.
Ostia, a very old settlement and episcopate, the harbour of Rome.
Oxonium, [or] Oxford, an English episcopate and university, from London to the West.
Oximum, [or] Hoyesmes, in the Normandy borders of France, not far from Alenziono.
Paderborna, an episcopate of Westfalia at the river Lippe.
Panormus, [or] Palermo, a Sicilian archepiscopate opposite Italy, called the paradise of Sicily.
Papia, also Ticinum, [or] Pavia, an old Italian episcopate, once belonging to the Longobards, not far from Milan.
Parentium, [or] Parenzo, an episcopate in Istria beyond Venice, located on a peninsula, not far from Pola.
Patavium, or Padua, [or] Padoa, a well known Italian episcopate between Verona and Venice, famous because T. Livius was born there.
Pataræ, [or] Patras, on the Greek Peloponnesos, at the Corinthian gulf, famous because of St. Andrea, the martyr apostle.
Perona, [or] Perone, in Picardia, at the river Somme between Ambianum and Cameracum.
Petragorici, [or] Perigeux, an Aquitanian episcopate between Limoges and Burdegalim.
Philippi, once a famous city in Macedonia. Now on top of its ruins we find the Bucephala settlements flourishing there, called Cavalla.
Picenum, an Italian region at the Hadriatic sea, now called La Maron d'Ancona.
Pisaurum, [or] Pesaro, an Italian city in the duchy of Urbini.
Pompelona, also Pompeiopolis [or] Pampilona, an ancient Spanish episcopate in Navarra, at the foot of the Pyrenees.
Pontina, [or] Ponthieu, a French region within the bounds of Picardia, with Abbeville as its capital.
Portus Romanus [or] Porto, at the mouth of the river Tiber. Ruins can still be seen there.
Præneste, [or] Palestrina, an ancient Italian town, 25 miles from Rome to the East.
Praga, once Marobudum, [or] Prague, in the Bohemian Kingdom, consisting of three separate cities.
Prumia, [or] Prume, a city and monastery within the bounds of Treviri.
Quinque Ecclesiæ [or] Fünfkirchen. in Italian Cinque Chiese, a Pannonian episcopate halfway between Sirmium and Buda.
Ratisbona, or rather Augusta Tiberij, [or] Regensburg, a well known Bavarian episcopate at the river Danube.
Ravenna, an Italian archepiscopate at the Hadriatic sea, once competing with the city of Rome.
Rhedona, [or] Rennes, an old episcopate and metropolis in Bretagne, between the coasts of Anjou and Briocis.
Roffa, [or] Rochester, an English episcopate between Canterbury and London.
Rothomagum, [or] Roüen, French archepiscopate and metropolis of Neustria or Normandy.
Romaricus, [or] Remiremont, a city and monastery in Lotharingen at the river Mosel, not far from Luxovio.
Rutheni, [or] Godez, an old Aquitanian episcopate between Toulouse and Valence in France.
Sabaria, [or] Zumbatel, home ground of Mr. Martini, who went from Neustat or New City in Austria to Vesprinium in Hungary.
Sagium, [or] Lefeux, in Normandy between Rothomagum and Cenomanes.
Salisburgum, see Iuvavia.
Samnium, [or] Abruzza, an Italian region in the kingdom of Naples, also called the Latter Aprutti, or maybe Samnium which was once august.
Sardica, now Triadiza, within the Thracian bounds of Mysia, where once the council Sardicensis was held.
Sedunum, [or] Sion, in German Sittem, in Switzerland, above Geneva at the river Rhône.
Senones, [or] Sens, an ancient French archepiscopate near the river Seine, between Paris and Dôle.
Septa, [or] Ceuta, in Mauretania near mount Abyla and Hercules' Pillars, opposite the other Calpe pillars of Spain.
Silvanectum, [or] Senlis, a French episcopate between Noyon and Paris.
Sirmium, in lower Pannonia, once very famous, on the river Saum above Aquilegia towards Buda.
Solodurum, [or] Solothurn, in catholic Switzerland, towards Fribourg and other regions.
Suessione, [or] Soissons, famous French episcopate not far from Ambiano.
Tagasta, homeland of St. Augustine in North Africa, not far from the Hippone coast.
Tarascum, [or] Tarascon, a city in Gallia Narbonensis between Avignon and Arles.
Tarraco, [or] Tarragona, an old Spanish archepiscopate, a peninsula in the Mediterranean between Barcelona and Derthusa.
Tervana, once Morinum, an old city near the borders of France and Belgium, destroyed by Charles the Fifth.
Taurinum, [or] Turino, the seat of the duke of Savoy.
Tullum, [or] Toul, on the Mosel above Metim.
Trecæ, [or] Troyes, an episcopate in French Champagne, above Reims to the East.
Varennæ, [or] Varennes, a French city on the way from Lyon to Nevers.
Vasconia, or Gasconia, a region near the Spanish and French border.
Velaunum, [or] St. Flour, an Aquitanian episcopate between Arvernia and Albiga.
Venetiæ, [or] Venice, a merchant city in Italy known all over the world.
Venetia of Bretagne, [or] Vannes, an old episcopate in the East.
Vercellæ, [or] Vercelli, Lombardian episcopate between Milan and Torina Sabaudia.
Veromandui, [or] Vermandois. Here remains Abbatia near Fanum, by St. Quintinus raised in dignity to the episcopate of Nouiomum.
Vesuntio, see Bisuntium.
Vienna, in France at the river Rhône, the other [Vienna] is in Austria, well known.
Vilcassinum, [or] Le Vexin, & St. Cler, a place in France, close to the Seine towards Normandy.
Vindocimum, [or] Vendôme, in France between the Carnutes and Touraine.
Vlissipo, [or] Lisbon a notable Spanish archepiscopate and merchant city at the mouth of the Tagus.
Vrbinum, [or] Urbino, well known in Italy, not far from Ancona, a harbour in the Hadriatic sea.
Text on verso:
185.1.{1624LParergon/1641S{The light of sacred histories in the West.
185.2. The CHURCH truly is the one and only, a column and fortress of truth, and Christ is neither a Jew nor a Greek, as the aposle [Paulus] informs us: yet there is a clear distinction between the Eastern and the Western church, for various reasons. This division originates from the Roman empire itself, because of its vast size, and began as early as 340 years after Christ. A little later, some bishops were ordained in the West, others in the East. Finally the East separated itself from the West, a most impious schism, and Constantinople became the head of part of the empire, pretending to be its root, and this is also precisely the distinction made in our [two] maps.
185.3. The seeds of this schism have been sown since the year 480 after Christ. Favoured by emperor Zeno, and later by emperor Anastasius, the conciliatory heathens claimed that the Eutychian heretics should not be forced to accept the decisions of the council of Chalcedon, nor force the Catholics to the view of Eutychetes who say that the Son of God assumed a human nature, but merged this with his divine nature. However, these matters have since receded to the background and lost their significance, particularly after the year of Christ 700, when the heathen dogma of Mahumet flooded part of the East, whereas parts of the West began to perceive the light of the Gospel more and more. But it is not our intention to pursue all these matters further. Thus we have added these maps to the Ortelian Theatre, so that the placenames occurring in the history of the church, and where church councils were held, or placenames which refer to other remarkable occurrences, are easier to discern.
185.4. They show the first four places where Oecemenical councils were held, and more, in the Oriental cities of Nicæa, Constantinople, Ephesus, Chalcedon and others, as the map shows more clearly, because it contains a list of cities and the reasons for holding a council there. The West held its first general council as late as 1215 after Christ, also called the Large Laterian one, held in Rome under Innocentius III. Those who participated included two patriarchs, namely the one from Constantinople and the one from Jerusalem, then 70 archbishops, both Greek and Latin ones, then 400 other bishops, 12 abbots, 600 priors, and all patres, together 1285 participants. Further it had delegates from the two empires, the kingdom of France, Spain & England; and there the true faith was explained in various chapters, aimed against various heresies.
185.5. In chapter 5, it was even proclaimed in a unanimous declaration that after the church of Rome, which is the mother and master of all believers in Christ, the church of Constantinople would take the first place, and Alexandria the second, Antiochia the third, and Jerusalem would be the fourth in rank. This was proclaimed, and a very sacred papal bull was drawn up as well, in favour of recuperating the Holy Land, an expedition for which the pope and the cardinals would gather one tenth of their income, and the remaining bishops and clergy would contribute accordingly.
185.6. Emperor Fredericus the Second was chosen as their military leader. And he recaptured Jerusalem which had been taken by Godfried Bullonius in the year 1099 after which in the year 1187 it was again taken from the Christians, to be retaken in 1229, but shortly after it was lost again. It is true that Ludovicus, king of France, and others in their military undertaking exerted themselves with great zeal to regain it, about from the year 1245 until the year 1270, but with moderate success only, for from this time onwards, the holy community of Jerusalem and its surroundings suffered under the tyrannical yoke of Mahomet or the Turks.
185.7. In the West the following general councils have been held: one in Lyon in France under Gregorius X in the year 1274, in which the Greek and Latin clergy reunited as regards the excursion of the Holy Spirit from the Son; then one in Vienne, also in France, under Clemens V, in the year of Christ 1311. Then one in Constanz in Germany in the year 1415. Then one in Florence in Italy in the year 1440, where Palæologus, the Greek emperor, was present, as also the other Greeks, and where the Greeks and Armenians were reconciled with the Catholic Church of the Romans, and finally the oecemenical synod in Trente within the bounds of Italy & Germany, in the year 1546. It was begun, but for various reasons suspended because of internal dissension between the Christians in the year 1552, and only resumed in the year 1562, and concluded in the next year. So much in short about the oecemenical councils in the West.
185.8. Thus, the distinctions between the various episcopates in the main Western areas, namely the regions of Italy, Illyria, Africa, Hispania, Gallia, Germania, Britannia, are approximately as follows: In Italia and its surrounding Isles our Miræus in his meticulous notes on episcopates has 44 archbisdoms, except for the father of fathers Roman Pontifex and the patriarch of Venice. Then the Illyrian episcopates which were accorded partly to Germany, partly to the Orient, as you may see [on the map]. In Africa there had for a long time been six primates after the number of regions, among which the one of Carthago after the Roman Pontifex was the largest city of all of Africa.
185.9. In Spain there are eleven archbishops: namely of Toledo, Burgos, Compostella, Sevilla, Granada, Zaragossa, Tarracona, Valencia, Braga, Lisbon & Evora. In the kingdom of France the number of archbishoprics was thirteen: namely those [of] Lyon, Rouen, Touraine, Ile de Seine, Rheims, Bourges, Bordeaux, Auscensis, Narbonne, Aix, Vienne, Ebrodunus, & Arles. Those of Toulouse and of Avignon are of the Pontifex. In our Gallia Belgica or Lower Germany there are three archbishoprics, instituted in the year 1559 by Paulus IV, namely Mechelen, Cambray & Utrecht.
185.10. In the German empire there are seven large archbishoprics, namely those [of] Mainz, Cologne, Trier, Magdeburg, Salzburg, Bremen, & Vesontio; and in the kingdom of Bohemia there is the archbishopric of Prague; in Hungaria, there are the archbishoprics [of] Strigoniensis & Colociensis; in Poland those [of] Gnesnensis & Leopoliensis; in Livonia the one of Riga; in Sweden the one of Uppsala; in Norway the one [of] Trondheim; & in Denmark the one of Lund. The church centre of Britannia was once York, but by Gregorius the Great instead of this, two archbishoprics were founded, namely those of Canterbury and of York; later, archbishoprics were founded in Scotland in Aberdeen and Glasgow by Sixtus IV, and in Ireland in Armagh, Dublin, Kells & Durrow by Eugenius III.}1624LParergon/1641S which end here}.