Cartographica Neerlandica Map Text for Ortelius Map No. 113

Text, scholarly version only, translated from the 1579/1580L2Add, 1579 Latin (AB), 1580/1589 German, 1581F, 1584 Latin, 1587 French, 1588S, 1592 Latin, 1595 Latin, 1598 French, 1601 Latin, 1602 German, 1602 Spanish, 1603 Latin, 1606 English, 1608/1612 Italian, 1609/1612 Latin and 1609/1612/1641 Spanish editions:

113.1. {1579/1580L2Add{The duchy of WIRTENBERG.

113.2. Johann Pedius Tethingerus in his history on the famous deeds of this country, describes this province thus: the country of Wirtenberg, he says, almost at the very entrance of high Germany, most pleasantly bordering on the edge of Suevia (1580/1589G & 1602G instead{Schwabenland}1580/1589G & 1602G}, situated specifically on the bank[s] of the river Neckar (some think it in former times to have been the ancient seat of the Charentini) has a jurisdiction which is very large. In the East it borders on the Suevi {1580/1589G & 1602G instead{Schwaben}1580/1589G & 1602G instead}, Vindelici and Norici {1580/1589G & 1602G instead{Bavarians}1580/1589G & 1602G instead}. In the West on the County Palatine of the Rhine, the prince elector, and marquis of Baden, lately also including the mountains of Schwarzwald, {1606E only{the Black-wood}1606E only}. In the South the mountains of Arbona and the Alps of Suevia {1606E instead{Switzerland}1606E instead}(this is what the inhabitants call the higher mountains of that country) together overlook it.
113.3. In the North they have the Franks as their neighbours and not far off there are also Otto's woods [Odenwald]. And therefore the jurisdiction of Wirtenberg cannot take a more suitable beginning than where the Neckar starts, which springs from a small fountain in the high hills of Arbona in the dukedom of Wirtenberg, near the village of Schwenningen within the limits of the town of Villingen, not much more than five hundred strides from the source of the Danube.
113.4. Not far from this fountain, it passes by Rottweil and leaving the beginnings of the Schwarzwald to the left and the Suevian {1606E instead{Swiss}1606E instead} Alps on the right, it runs through the duchy of Wirtenberg with a wandering and crooked course, (thus paying homage here and there to noblemen's castles, and towns of Roman emperors) for the distance of a journey of about five {1608/1612I has instead{fifteen}1608/1612I instead} days from its source, being increased and filled by various little streams from different places, and thus becoming navigable, it empties very swiftly into the Rhine at Heidelberg.
113.5. The whole country, by reason of the nature of the soil, either for tilling it or otherwise with respect to its fertility, is not the same everywhere. For that part where the Neckar has its spring, and which borders on the Schwarzwald, as also that part which borders on the Alps of Suevia {1606E instead{Switzerland}1606E instead} (located between the Danube and Neckar) is somewhat rough, unsuitable for vines, but yielding fairly good pasture for cattle. The soil in the Alps is stony, yet very good for corn. Similarly, by the sides of the Schwarzwald the land is sandy [and] of a red colour, which yet is reasonably good corn ground. Everywhere this nation is much given to breeding and raising cattle.
113.6. Near the forest of Schwarzwald, the following lordships have been recorded to be subject to the duchy of Wirtenberg, namely: Hornberg, Schiltach, Dornstetten, Nagold, Wildberg, Kälberau, Wildbad, [and] Neustadt. By the Alps, or near to them, [there are] these lordships: Balingen, Urach, Blaubeuren, Heidenheim, {not in 1606E{Geppingen}not in 1606E}, Deuting on the bank of the Danube by which, as by some trench, they are separated and divided. But everywhere the limits of the jurisdiction of Wirtenberg are formed in a ring, as it were, enclosed by a large band, to the places near the Neckar.
113.7. But where the Neckar spreads itself out in these excellent plains, there is not only a more kind temperature of the air, but the soil is also more suitable for tillage. Everywhere there are rivers well provided with fish, wholesome springs, pleasant lakes, [and] excellent valleys. Everywhere [there are] hills covered with vines, pastures and meadows good for grazing, fertile fields, forests with woods and groves in which there are plenty of beeches, many oaks, innumerable groups of deer, large pastures, [and] an abundance of cattle. In all places there is plenty of wine, corn and apples {1581F, 1587F & 1598F only{and pears}1581F, 1587F & 1598F only}. {not in 1606E{The air is in summer pleasant, in winter temperate}not in 1606E}.
113.8. On the edge of the crooked Neckar there are here and there quite some excellent cities, some of reasonable size, others not so big, but for their buildings and beauty very glorious. In the higher country on the Neckar there are Herrenberg, Tübingen, Nürtingen, Kurch, then Stuttgart which, built as if it were the centre of the province, is the main city and [has] the palace of the princes of Wirtenberg, and surpasses all other cities in buildings, multitude of people and greatness.
113.9. About the lower end of the Neckar now flourish Waiblingen, Schorndorf, Windau, Backnang, Brackenau, Binning, Besigheim, Bietigheim, Weinsberg, Meckmüll, Laufen, Grieningen and Wahingen. Next to Stuttgart [there] are Bebeling, Lenberg [and] Cannstatt. All of these cities possess their various lordships, many strong villages, men and ammunition. Moreover, generally the people of this country are very renowned for their manhood, humanity, constancy and religion.
113.10. The towns (as I said before) are not very big, but they are sumptuously built, some of which are sufficiently fortified by nature and benefiting from their location, whereas some others [attain this] through the industry and labour of man. The villages are so well inhabited that they or not much inferior to petty towns. Their houses are of timber, but very cunningly built. The castles are fortified by nature and location, as also by the ingenious art of fortification, and so cannot easily be taken, so that a man would think that another Lacedemonia {1580/1589G, 1588S, 1602G, 1602S & 1609/1612/1641S instead{Laconia}1580/1589G, 1588S, 1602G, 1602S & 1609/1612/1641S instead} is still extant among the Suevis {1606E instead{Swiss}1606E instead}, such is the excellence of the men both at home and when at war abroad.
113.11. This dukedom has taken its name of Wirtenberg from an ancient tower, situated in the middle of this territory, not very far from Stuttgart, upon a somewhat rising and hilly place, [but] neither in strength nor in building any threat to the enemy. But according to the customs of their ancestors, who trusted their swords of steel rather than their earthen {1606E instead{stone}1606E instead} walls, it was noted for its pleasant location, [but] only recommendable now for its antiquity [and] for having a most wonderful view around it, with woods of beeches above, and the fertile hills with vines &c. below.
113.12. Former dukes of Wirtenberg for many years held their court in this tower, taking its name, pedigree and arms, as is very apparent to everyone. There are [some] who think that the dukes of Wirtenberg descended from the Tuscans or Rhætians, or as others think from the Gauls. Which of these opinions is more probable I do not know, for it is something which is altogether uncertain, so I cannot have a strong opinion. It is certain that they were strangers, but whether they originally came from Italy or from France is as yet not known, &c. So far Johann Pedius}1579/1580L2Add, 1579L(A), 1579L(B), 1580/1589G, 1581F, 1584L, 1587F, 1588S, 1592L, 1595L, 1598F, 1602G, 1602S, 1603L, 1606E, 1608/1612I, 1609/1612L & 1609/1612/1641S end here}.

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