Cartographica Neerlandica Map Text for Ortelius Map No. 107

Text, scholarly version, translated from the 1570L(ABC), 1571L, 1573L(AB), 1574L, 1575L, 1579L(AB), 1580/1589G, 1584L, 1588S, 1592L and 1595L editions:

107.1. {1570L(AC){The bishopric of SALZBURG.

107.2. Franciscus Irenicus says that of the five bishoprics of Bayern this is the main one, and the bishops see (called by Ĉneas Sylvius the metropolitan city) of which we here present an image as provided by Münster: Julius Cĉsar, intending to make war with the Germans, ordered a very strong castle to be built in the straights between the mountains, where his soldiers when endangered might retreat, and from where they might obtain help as required. And therefore it was called Castrum Iuvaviense, in the German tongue Helfenberg [castle of help]. The river on which it lies, called Iuvavius [Salzach], is thought by some to have given its name to this castle, after which also the city, [which was] built later, was called Iuvavia. This city has fens, plains, hills and mountains around it. The fens have pastures, the mountains [allow for] hawking and hunting. But this city, which was flourishing for a while a long time ago, was in the time of Attila, king of the Huns, invaded and attacked, and was miserably destroyed by fire and sword. Afterwards, around the year of Christ 520, when St. Rupertus, descended from the royal lineage of the Franks, was appointed bishop of the see of Worms, and was driven out of his bishopric after the death of Childebert, [then] Thedo, duke of Bayern, entertained him with great joy and solemnity at Ratispona [Regenburg], and was baptised by him, [together] with his nobles and commons. Rupertus the bishop went from there, and travelling through Noricum [Bavaria] to Pannonia [Austria], preaching the gospel, he converted many to the faith of Christ. And he came to the river Iuvave, where once stood the city of Iuvave, but now ruined, decayed, overgrown with bushes, and without inhabitants. And considering the place suitable for a bishops see, he obtained it in possession from the duke, removed the trees and bushes, and he established a church there, which he dedicated to the honour of St. Peter. Also [assisted] by the bountiful magnificence of the same duke, he founded a monastery of the order of St. Benedictus, and governed the bishops see for forty-four years &c. The same author{1580/1589G only{Münster}1580/1589G only} in the same place lists the rest of the bishops and archbishops of this see as well. See also Aventinus, who thinks that this city was called Pœdicum by Ptolemĉus}1570L(ABC), 1571L end here}.
107.3. {1573L(A){This city is located in the Alps. Some think that it has been named Salzburg after the salt which in the adjacent region, not far from Reichenhau is dug from the earth.
107.4. The territory of this city is rich in all sorts of metals, such as gold, silver, brass {1588S instead{bronze}1588S instead} and iron. Here is also found vitriol, sulphur, alume and antimony {1588S instead{alcohol}1588S instead}. It also has some quarries with marble}1573L(AB), 1574L, 1575L, 1579L(AB), 1580/1589G, 1584L & 1588S end here}. {1592L{Wiguleius Hund has published a list of the bishops of this city. The Journal of Antoninus mentions Iuvave. But Gaspar Bruschius supposes that the more ancient name of Iuvave was Helfenberg, and that Iuvave came from that, since it means the same. Pighius writes that he has read the following verses in the chief church of this city.

107.5. Tunc Hadriana vetus, quae post Iuuauia dicta,
107.6. Praesidialis erat Noricis, & Episcopo digna
107.7. Rudiberti sedes, qui fidem contulit illis
107.8. Christi, quam retinet, Saltzburgum ferè vocata.}1592L & 1595L end here}.
107.9. [1606E provides the following translation for Ort 108:]
107.10. {1606E{Where Hadriana old did stand, which since they Iuvave called,
107.11. (A garrison town to Roman state) there Robert was installed
107.12. First bishop of the see, who them did bring to cheerful light
107.13. Of Gospel clear, which they yet hold, it now is Salzburg height}1606E}.

Vernacular text version, translated from the 1571/1573 Dutch, 1572/1573 German, 1572/1574 French, 1581 French & 1587 French editions:

107.14. {1571/1573D{Salzburg's bishopric.

107.15. Among the five bishoprics of the land of Bavaria this is the best one. It is entirely located in the mountains, and is full with all kinds of mines such as for gold, silver, copper, iron, copper, nitrate, sulphur, alume, antimony or spiesglas {1572/1574F, 1581F & 1587F only{and marble}1572/1574F, 1581F & 1587F only}. At Berchtesgaden and Reichenau which belong to this bishopric are salt mines, and also near Salzburg itself, from which it is considered to have derived its name, although others say that it is named after the river Salzach which flows there. Formerly this city was called Iuvavia after the river Iuvavius. (Aventinus says Ptolemĉus calls this city Pœdicum). Around it, you find many mountains, fields and pastures.
107.16. About the founding of this city Münster speaks as follows: Julius Cĉsar has at this spot (to conquer the Germans from this direction) built a strong castle and named it Castrum Iuvavense, that is to say Helpenburg [castle for help], because the Roman garrisons could find refuge and help here. This castle expanded gradually into a city and was named after the castle Iuvavia. He says that he does not know when it changed its name. It has later been destroyed and burnt down by Attila, king of the Huns. After that, in the year 580 it was rebuilt (and possible received a new name). In the year of our Lord 612 St. Rupert, born of royal descent, bishop of Worms, came to Bavaria. He turned to the Christian faith and baptised in Regensburg the duke of Teudo with his entire group of courtiers, and many common people, and he continued to preach the gospel throughout the land.
107.17. Finally arriving in Salzburg, and perceiving that this place was suitable for a bishops see, he built a church there with the consent of the duke, in honour of St. Peter, and also a monastery of the order of St. Benedictus. In this place he was by the duke appointed as bishop, an appointment which he had for 44 years. The bishopric was later converted into an archbishopric}1571/1573D, 1572/1573G, 1572/1574F, 1581F & 1587F end here}.

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