Bibliographical sources mentioned in these texts:
Agricola, Georg 96.3
Albinus, Petrus Nivemontius 96.11
Brinkhorst, Hugh 96.2
Fabritius, Georg of Chemnitz 96.11
Garzo, Giovanni of Bologna 96.7, 96.8
Mellinger, Johannes Halens is mentioned in the cartouche of the half sheet Thüringen map as its maker, Ort96a
Münster 96.10, 96.11
Ptolemĉus 96.8
Reyneckius, Reinerus of Steinheim: The origins of the Mysni 96.4, 96.11
Rivander, Zacharias 96.4
Scultetus, Bartholomeus is mentioned in the cartouche of the half sheet map of Meissen as its maker, Ort96b