Cartographica Neerlandica Bibliographical Sources for Ortelius Map No. 217

Bibliographical sources mentioned in this text:

Afer, Dionysius 217.17, 217.22
Ælianus 217.4, 217.5, 217.11, 217.23, 217.25, 217.30; : Bk.16 Ch.34 De Animalibus 217.13
Agatharcides 217.2
Ammianus Marcellinus : Bk.30 217.5
Antigon(i)us 217.4, 217.23, 217.25, 217.29
Antoninus is mentioned three times on the map sheet
Apollodorus 217.31
Aristoteles 217.29
Artimedorus : Porphyry 217.29
Athenæus 217.6, 217.14, 217.19, 217.24, 217.29; : Deipnosophiston 217.8
Callimachus as reported by his commentator 217.18
Capella, Martianus 217.20
Celsus, Cornelius 217.4
Cicero 217.26, 217.27
Claudianus 217.15; : De Bello Gildonico 217.14
Ctesias 217.5, 217.26
Diociades quoted by Plinius 217.7
Diodorus see Siculus
Dionysius see Afer, Dionysius
Dioscorides : Bk.6 Ch.14 217.12
Epimenides quoted by St. Paul 217.6
Erythræus 217.24
Euripides : Iphigenia 217.31
Eusthatius 217.8, 217.10, 217.15, 217.17, 217.19, 217.22, 217.23
Festus 217.13
Florus 217.11
Gyraldus 217.7
Heraclides : Commonwealth/Politijs 217.8
Homerus 217.29; quoted by Strabo 217.7
Italicus, Silius Bk.12 217.14
Iustinianus : Codex 217.15
Lewnclawe the Learned 217.28
Livius 217.5, 217.23; : Bk.40 History 217.19
Marcellinus Ammianus see Ammianus Marcellinus
Mela, Pomponius is mentioned once on the map sheet; further in texts 217.12, 217.30
Nonnius, Marcellus : De Genere Vestimentorum, quoting Varro 217.14
Ortelius is mentioned in a cartouche of this map as its maker, Ort217. Further on map texts : Geographical Treasury 217.22
Ovidius 217.17; : Bk.8 Metamorphosis 217.31
Patavinus, Frater Desiderius Lignamineus 217.26
Paul, Saint : Epistle Ch.1 verse 9 to Titus, quoting Epimenenides 217.6
Pausanias is mentioned once on the map sheet; further in texts 217.5, 217.15; : Phocia 217.10; : Arcadia 217.31
Pigafetta, Filippo 217.27
Plato 217.7; : Laws Bk.1 217.6
Plinius is mentioned five times on the map sheet; further in texts 217.4, 217.7, 217.13, 217.30; : quoting Diodorus 217.18; : quoting Diocades 217.7
Plutarchus 217.4-6, 217.29; : On the Ceasing of Oracles 217.32; : Comparison between Animals/Naturalis 217.26; : Greek Questions 217.28
Pollux, Iulius : Bk.5 Deipnosophiston 217.5. [Note that this is a mistake: Deipnosophiston was written by Athenæus!]
Polybius is mentioned once on the map sheet; further in texts 217.11; : Bk.12 217.18
Porcaccius 217.28
Procopius : Bk.3 War of the Goths 217.18
Prudentius 217.11
Ptolemæus is mentioned once on the map sheet
Salvanius 217.11
Seneca : Troas 217.31; : Consolation for Albinus 217.20; Exile verses 217.20
Siculus, Diodorus is mentioned once on the map sheet; further in texts 217.2, 217.6, 217.8; : quoted by Plinius 217.18; : Bk.5 217.20
Sidonius : Panegyrico Maiorani 217.12
Solinus 217.3, 217.4, 217.6, 217.7, 217.12, 217.15
Stephanus is mentioned once on the map sheet; further in texts 217.7, 217.28, 217.31
Strabo is mentioned twice on the map sheet; further in texts 217.3, 217.8, 217.11-14, 217.17, 217.19, 217.23, 217.30, 217.31; quoting Homerus 217.7; : Bk.10 Geography 217.28
Suidas 217.13
Tefellinus, Adamus Lovaniensis : Journal 217.27 (lent to Ortelius in manuscript copy by Hadrian Marselar)
Theophrastes : History of Plants Ch.5 217.17
Tullius see Cicero
Tzetzes 217.23
Varro, quoted by Marcellus Nonnius 217.14
Vergilius 217.24
Vesalius, Andrea 217.24
Xenophon 217.5

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