Cartographica Neerlandica Bibliographical Sources for Ortelius Map No. 100

Bibliographical sources mentioned in these texts:

Aubanus, Johannes 100.4
Aventinus, Johannes 100.4, 100.9
Comes, Hermannus, Nuenarius 100.4
Crantzius of Münster 100.6; : Saxony 100.6
Hamelmans : Commentaries on Westfalen 100.6
Hunibaldus 100.4
Mascop, Godefridus of Emden is mentioned in the cartouche of the half sheet map Monasteriensis as its maker, Ort100b
Münster, Sebastian 100.4; : Cosmographey 100.6
Pius II [Silvius Ĉneas]: Europe 100.4
Rithmayer 100.4
Rotenhan, Sebastian is mentioned in the cartouche of the half sheet map Franciĉ Orientalis as the maker of this map, Ort100a
Silvius, Ĉneas [Pius II] : Europe 100.4
Trithemius, the abbot 100.4
Villanovanus 100.9

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