Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 21

image of the map

Title: CAMBRI:|AE TYPVS "Auctore" | HVMFRE|DO LHV:|YDO | "Denbigiense Cam:|brobritano". [Map of Wales, by the author Humphrey Lhuyd the Welshman from Denbigh,] (lower right:) "Cum Priuilegio". [With Privilege]. Text block lower left side: "L. A. B. litteræ, vocabilis | adiectæ, notant illud esse | Latinum, Anglicum, aut | Britannicum, quod est | incoliarum." [the Letters L. A. and B. added to names means that these are the names according to Latin, English or the Britain language, according to the inhabitants]. Text block upper right corner: "Aliquod Regionum huius | tractus synonijma, prout | Latinè, Britannicè & An:|glicè etiamnum appellantur." [some synonyms of this region, as they are called in the Latin, Britain and English language at some time (with some examples below this text)]. (Text block lower left:) "Rossia, Hic | Frandriæ sedibus suis inunda:|tione maris expulsi, ab Henrico | I. Wilhelmi F. mißi; in hunc us:|que diem à Cambris lingua & moribus diuersi cog:|noscuntur". [Here the Flemish were sent, expelled from their settlements by an inundation of the sea, by Henry the First, son of Wilhelm; until this day they are known to be different from the Welsh in language and manners.] Text block middle top left: "Aberfrau, | olim totius | Cambriæ | Regia" [Aberfrau, once the royal residence of all of Cambria.] Lower centre left: "Tibius flu.L. | Teifi B. hic fluuius | solus in Britannia | castores habet". [this river is the only one in Britannia that has beavers.] Lower centre, leftish: "Maridunum.L.Caerdfyrdhyn | Merlini famigeratiß patria". [Maridunum in Latin, Caerdfyrdhyn in Welsh, the home of the famous Merlin.] Upper right: "Denbigh Auc:|:toris patria" [Denbigh, the home town of the author of this map.] (Upper right:} "Bangor,|olî coenobium||nachorum". [Bangor once had a monastery with 2100 monks.] Centre right: "Matrafal, | olim Regia | Pouisiæ". [Matrafal, once the royal residence of Povisia.], Centre right: "Mont Gomeri, A.|Trefaldwyn.B.Hinc | olim generosi equi, nunc uero paucos | emittit". [Mont Gomeri in English, Trefaldwyn in Welsh. From here came once excellent horses, but now they only export few of them.] Centre left: "Hic hale:|cum cap|tura". [Here they catch herrings.] Ptolemæus is mentioned twice on the map: at the mouth of the river Sabrina and centre left at the isle of Lymnos.

Plate size: 374 x 500 mm
Scale: 1 : 750,000
Identification number: Ort 21 (Koeman/Meurer: 56, Karrow: 1/80, van der Krogt AN: 5500:31)

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:

1573L1Add6C (100 copies printed) (identical to 1573L, but with different page number; last line, centred like 3 lines above it: autem verso non est irroratio timenda,etiam si in ripis astaret.),
1573D1Add/1573D6C (150 copies printed) (last line, centred like 7 lines above it: de canten.),
1573G1Add/1573G6.c. (150 copies printed) (last line, centred like 6 lines above it: aufm gestadten stunde.),
1573L9 (75 copies printed) (Version A is identical to 1573L1Add, but with different page number; third line from the bottom ends with: asper- ; version B has third line from the bottom ending with: vndarum ; both versions have as their last line, centred like 3 lines above it: autem verso non est irroratio timenda,etiam si in ripis astaret.),
1574F1Add/1574F6C (125 copies printed) (last line, centred like 4 lines above it: seroit sur les bords.),
1574L9 (175 copies printed) (large page number, 11 mm; 21st line from bottom ends: arborumin- ; last line, centred like three lines above it: autem verso non est irroratio timenda,etiam si in ripis astaret.),
1575L9 (100 copies printed) (small page number, 7 mm; 21st line from bottom ends: arborum in- ; last line, centred like three lines above it: autem verso non est irroratio timenda,etiam si in ripis astaret.),
1579L(AB)11 (500 copies printed) (last line, full width: bi valeret,quin à stagno voraretur.Tergo autem verso non est irroratio timenda, etiã si in ripis astaret.),
1580/1589G11 (350 copies printed) (last line, centred like 4 lines above it, in Gothic script like most of the text: keiner besprengung beförchten/weñ es schon am Randt nahe dabey stünde.),
1581F11 (400 copies printed) (last line, full width: tourne vers l'asperiõ n'est point à craindre,quãd mesme il seroit sur les bords.),
1584L12 (750 copies printed) (last line, full width: bi valeret,quin à stagno voraretur.Tergo autem verso non est irroratio timenda, etiã si in ripis astaret.),
1587F12 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: sur les bords.),
1588S12 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: aunque estuuiesse a la misma ribera.),
1589G11 see 1580G,
1592L13 (525 copies printed) (last line, full width: bi valeret,quin à Stagno voraretur. Tergo autê verso, nõ est irroratio timêda, etiã si in ripis adstaret.),
1595L13 (500 copies printed) (18th line from the bottom ends: reci ; last line, italic, in two colums like the line above it: Quondam terra ferax nemorum,nunc indiga siluæ, Mater vt a vulgo Cambrorum iure vovetur,&c.),
1598F13 (525 copies printed) (last line, full width: tourné vers l'aspersion,n'est point à craindre, quãd mesme il seroit sur les bords.),
1601L13 (200 copies printed) (18th line from the bottom ends: re- ; page number below iure in the last line; last line, italic, in two colums like the line above it: Quondam terra ferax nemorum,nunc indiga siluæ, Mater vt a vulgo Cambrorum iure vovetur,&c.),
1602G13 (250 copies printed) (last line, centred like 4 lines above it, in Gothic script like the entire text: keiner besprengung beförchten/wen es schon am Randt nahe dabey stünde.),
1602S13 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: aunque estuuiesse a la misma ribera.),
1603L13 (300 copies printed) (last line, italic, in two columns like the line above it: "Quondam terra ferax nemorum,nunc indiga silvæ, Mater vt à vulgo Cambrorum iure vocetur,&c. Text and typesetting identical with that of the 1609/1612L edition, but page number 13 is in this edition below the first syllable of the word "vocetur" in the last line of text),
1606E13 (300 copies printed) (last line, left column: "Mater vt à vulgo Cambrorum iure vocetur," &c., right column: That Welsh-mens nurse it's call'd, as we haue shew'd before,&c.),
1608/1612I13 (300 copies printed) (last line, in cursive script, in two columns like the line above it: "Gia terra producitrice de boschi,hor bisognosa di selua, Si che dal volgo madre de Cambri con ragione sia chiamata".),
1609/1612L13 (300 copies printed) (last line, italic, in two columns like the line above it: "Quondam terra ferax nemorum,nunc indiga silvæ, Mater vt à vulgo Cambrorum iure vocetur,&c. Text and typesetting identical to that of the 1603L edition, but page number 13 is here located below the last syllable of the word Cambrorum in the last line of text).
1609/1612/1641S13 (325 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: aunque estuuiesse a la mismarebera.),

Approximate number of copies printed: 7200.

States: 21.1 as described.
21.2: from 1581F onwards, stronger stippling of the sea, e.g. within the lettering of HIBERNICVM MARE, and a more pronounced shading of the coastline.
21.3: two small scratches, meeting at an obtuse angle appear under the placename "Teuksburi" in the 1588S and the 1592L edition, were removed before the 1595L edition appeared.

Cartographic sources: Mercator's 1564 wall map of the British Isles in 8 sheets and Lhuyd's manuscript map of 1568, partly based on it (Meurer p. 197, 184-185, Karrow 56/16, 50/1.1, p. 387-388, 347).

References: F.J. North (1937) Humphry Lhuyd's Maps of England and Wales, "Archaeologia Cambrensis" p. 63; also in "Image Mundi" Vol. 3 (1939) p. 112. J. Booth (1977) Antique Maps of Wales, Monacute, Somerset, p. 14-17. I. and M. Roberts "De Mona Druidum Insula" p. 347-361 in Van den Broecke, Van der Krogt and Meurer (eds) "Abraham Ortelius and the First Atlas" (1998). These authors discuss this map and its author, Humphrey Lluyd.

Remarks: this is the only "modern" Ortelius map which has inland roads marked on it by means of dotted lines.


Bibliographical sources

Topographical names

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