Title (woodcut:) PARERGON, | SIVE | VETERIS GEOGRAPIĘ | ALIQVOT TABVLĘ. | LECTOR S. |Ad nostram Orbis Terrarum descriptionem habe sequen-|tes tabulas: quas in gratiam priscę | tam sacrę quam profanę historię | studiosorum a me delineatas seor-|sum publicare decreueram ; nihil | enim ad nostrum in hoc Theatro |(quo hodiernum tantum locorum | situm exhibere proposueram) in-|stitutum facere videbantur : victus | tamen amicorum precibus, eas in | huius nostri operis calcem , tamquam parergon, reieci. Vale, & no-|stros conatus boni consule, atq:plu-|ra huius generis ą nobis expectato. HISTORIĘ OCVLVS | GEOGRAPHIA. [Parergon or some maps with ancient geography. Dear reader, after our representation of the world, you have here the maps that now follow, which I have designed for the benefit of those interested in old history, both sacred and profane. I had decided to publish these in a separate book, because they did not seem relevant to this Theatre where I only show present day locations. But convinced by the request of my friends, and referring to them, I have now in this work of ours added them at the end as an accessory work. Be well and use our efforts, and expect more maps of this kind. Geography is the eye of history].
Woodcut size: 353x230 mm;
Scale: not applicable;
Identification number: Ort 178(23) (not in Koeman, Meurer or Karrow,); VdKANIIIA: 31:2C;
Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
1592L, (525 copies printed) (on verso:) ORNATISSIMO VIRO | D. ABRAHAMO ORTELIO (followed by 42 lines of poetry in cursive script).
1595L, (500 copies printed) (on verso:) AD | ABRAHAMVM ORTELIVM ENTHEVM | GEOGRAPHVM PRINCIPEM, | MICHAELIS VAN DER HAGEN ANTVERPIANI | Epigramma.|(followed by 8 lines of text);
1601L, (300 copies printed) (on verso:) AD | ABRAHAMVM ORTELIVM ENTHEVM | GEOGRAPHVM PRINCIPEM, | MICHAELIS VAN DER HAGEN ANTVERPIANI | Epigramma.|(followed by 8 lines of text);
Approximate number of copies printed: 1325.
States: one only; 178(3.1).
Remarks: These plates have been discussed by R. Shirley (1998) "The title pages to the Theatrum and Parergon", in: "Abraham Ortelius and the first atlas", M. van den Broecke, P. van der Krogt and P.H. Meurer (eds.), HES Publishers, 't Goy-Houten, pp. 161-170.
No map text available
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