Cartographica Neerlandica Topographical names for Ortelius Map No. 17


Quadrant Text
A3, B3  Scala Miliarum|5|10|15|20|25|30

Oceans, Seas, Bays, Gulfs, Straights, Capes

Quadrant Text
B3  *Antiuestium prom.|quod et Belerium* prom vulgo. The Landes end [Cape Antivestium also called Belerium, in the vernacular Lands End.]
E2, D2  *Garianorum
D2  Abus Ptol*
A2  Akilbeg
A2  Ardelon
D2  Arrundel hauen
B2  B Conagh
A3  B Cotton
B2  B Heare
B2  B:Quella
B2  Balagnyn
A1  Bale wolley|Bay
B3  Bandhauen
A2  Baraco
C2  Belisana æst|Rhebelst
A3  Bere hauen|Bay
A2  Black Rocke
B2  Bonogh Bay
A1  Boræum Prom
B2  Brachipult|poynt
D2  Branodunû
B3  Brides|Bay
D2  Brightelmieston
A2  C Clare
B2  C Cow
A2  C Leg
B2  C Warrer
A2  C.Beale
A2  C.Doe
A2  C.Sybbil
A1  Calbeg
D2, C3  Calshot cast
A2  Can Borayn
A2  Can leame
A2  Can Neuor
A2  Can Renelira
B3  Can Torbay
A3  Candony dede
E3, D3  Cantum prom
A3  Cape Clere
B2  Carik new
B2  Carlinford hauen
E2  Caston nesse
B2  Chanell
B2  Clonecasker
A2  Cnoghnoha
B2  Condan point
A2  Crogh m|daira
D2  Cuckmere hauen
A2  Dingh Bay
B2  Dondalke hauen
B2, A2  Dongaran
B3  Donsmor|head
A2  Dounbeg
A2  Dounlekey
A2  Downs wayn
B3  Drommorle
B3  Dudman point
B3  Dunbreton Fyrth|Glotta æstuariû Tacito*
B2  E Kilare
A2  Enys kark
B3  Epidium Prom.
B3  Faire forland
B3  Falmouth hauen*Voluba
D2  Flamborough heads|Gabrantovicorum|tutus portus|Bridlington
D2  Foulnesse
B3  Fyrso neße
A2  Galway Bay
D1  Gateshead|Gabrosentum*
B3  Glanarum
A2  Gregoris sound
B3  Hartland point|Herculis prom*
B3  Helford hauen
A1  Helyn head
A2  Hogges
B2  Holyhed
D2, E3  Idumanus æst
A3  Karo head
B2  Kilhard
A2  Killalacan
A2  Killalay
A2  Killegh
A2  Killone
B3  Knokfergus hauen
D2, E3  Le pas de Calais|Fretum Oceani,Tacito|Fretum Gallicum, Solino|Fretum Morinorum Gratio*
D2  Lemanis*
C3  Lemington
B3  Lezard point|*Danmonium prom|quod et Ocrinum*
B3  Loughfoyle hauen
B2  Mahalin hauen
B2, c2  MARE|HIBERNI:|CVM. (b1)
B3  Marketown|bay
D2  Metaris Aestus*
B2  Middell|groundes
B3  Milforde hauen
A3  Misfin head
A3  Moloun Bay
B2  Neuton
D2  Newhauen
A2  North sound
B2  North|groundes
A3  Notium prom
B3  Nouantum Prom*The mule of Galloway|als the Mulis nunc
A3  Old head of Kinsall
B3  Olderfleet hauen
E2, D2  Orford
E2, D2  Orford hauen
E2, D2  Orford neß
C2  Ormeshead
E2, D2  Orwell hauen
D2  Pemsey
B2  Point Ballytig
A1  Point Corbus
B2  Point Glaskaryck
B2  Point of Arkloe
B3  Port Rust
B2  Rahasbeke
A3  Ramershead
B3, C3  Ramhead point
A2  Renyfira
B3  Ricnea*|Raghy|ns
A3  Rock Nesor
B3  S.Dauids head
B3  S.Gouens point
B3, D1  S.Tades head
E3  Sandwich hauen
E2  Saxmundam
D2  Scarbough
C2  Seteia æest.
A1  Shcape hauen
B2  Sheape hauen
D1  Sinus salutis|Whitbye
A2  Skards
A2, A3  Skyllyghs Bay
A2  Slego Bay
B3  Solwey Fyrth
B3  Sounde of Ila
B2  South groundes
A2  South Sound
E2  Sowold
C3  Start poynt
B2  Stramore Bay
B2  Strangforde hauen
B3  Talland point
B2, B3  The Bishope et his Clarkes|Limnos Ptol.Silminis.
D2  The breach
B3, D1  The Fyrth æstuarium|Bodotria Tacito*
B2  The head of howth|Dublin hauen|Eblana*
B2  The head of Wicklow|a good Chanell
B3  The manacles point
B3  The mulle|of Cantyre
D2  The nesse|point
E3, D3  The north forland
C2  The pyle|of Foodray
B2  The Rush
B3  The sound
D2  The sprune head|Ocellum prom*
D2  The Washes
B2, C2  Tir Mon Britan
B3  Torbay
C3  Torbay
A3  Towny
B2  Waterford hauen
B2  Wexforde hauen
B3, C3  Wormeshead|point


Quadrant Text
B3  SEVERI IMP.MVRVS [The wall of emperor Severus.]


Quadrant Text
A3  7.Castels when ye|Mahoundes landed [7 castles when the devils landed (?)]
A3  CATALOGVS Vrbium Episcopatuum Oppidorû mercatoriarum|Castrorum Ecclesiarum parochialium Fluuiorum illustriû Pontium|Syluarum quas Chaces vocant Saltuum & Viuariorum om:|nium quæ in vnoquoque regni Angliæ Comitatu continentur. [A catalogue containing Cities, Episcopates, Merchant Cities, Castles, Parochial Churches, Rivers, illustratious Bridges, Woods which the Chaces call Forests & Parks, all of them as contained within the Shires of the Kingdom of Anglia.] [Then follows a table with 52 Shires, 25 Cities, 26 Bishoprics, 641 Merchant Cities, 186 Castles, 9725 Parishes, 554 Rivers, 956 Bridges, 31 Castles, 68 Forests and 781 Parks, specified per Shire as follows:]
Cantium		02	02	17	08	398	06	14	00	00	23
Southsexia	01	01	18	01	023	00	10	00	04	33
Surria		00	00	06	00	140	01	07	00	04	17
Middlesex	02	02	03	00	073	01	03	01	00	04
Southamptonia	01	01	18	05	248	04	31	00	09	29
Dorcestria	00	00	18	06	248	04	29	01	02	12
Willtonia	01	01	21	01	304	05	31	01	04	22
Somersetus	03	02	20	01	385	09	45	00	02	18
Deuonia		01	01	40	03	394	23	106	00	00	23
Cornubia	00	00	23	06	161	07	31	00	00	09
Essexia		01	01	21	01	415	07	28	00	01	46
Hartfordia	00	00	18	00	120	01	24	00	00	23
Oxonium		01	01	10	00	208	03	26	00	01	09
Buckinghamia	00	00	11	00	185	02	14	00	00	15
Berceria	00	00	11	01	140	03	07	00	04	13
Glocestria	01	01	20	01	280	12	22	01	02	19
Suffolcia	00	00	28	01	464	02	32	00	00	27
Norfolcia	01	01	20	02	625	03	15	00	00	00
Rutlandia	00	00	02	00	047	00	01	00	00	04
Northõptonia	01	00	11	02	326	05	24	00	03	23
Huntingdonia	00	01	05	00	078	01	05	00	00	07
Bedfordia	00	00	10	00	116	01	00	00	00	12
Cantabrigia	00	01	00	00	163	01	07	00	00	05
Warwick		01	02	12	01	158	07	21	01	00	16
Lecestria	00	00	11	02	200	01	10	00	02	13
Staffordia	01	02	12	05	130	13	19	01	01	38
Wigornia	01	01	07	03	152	05	13	01	02	16
Salopia		00	00	13	13	170	18	13	00	07	27
Herfordia	01	01	08	07	176	13	11	01	02	08
Hincolnia	01	01	20	02	630	09	15	00	00	13
Nottinghamia	00	00	11	02	168	05	11	00	01	18
Darbia		00	00	08	04	106	13	21	00	01	34
Cestria		01	01	00	03	068	09	19	00	02	18
Eboracum	01	01	40	14	563	36	62	04	08	72
Lancastria	00	00	18	06	036	33	24	00	01	30
Dunelmensis	01	01	05	04	062	11	20	00	00	21
Westmorelandia	00	00	04	06	026	08	15	00	02	19
Cambria		01	01	08	15	058	20	33	00	03	08
Northumbria	00	00	11	12	040	21	16	00	01	08
Monumetha	00	00	06	07	142	15	14	00	60	08
Glamorgan	00	01	07	12	151	16	06	00	00	05
Radnor		00	00	04	05	043	13	05	00	03	00
Brecknok	00	00	03	04	070	27	13	00	00	02
Cardigan	00	00	04	00	077	26	00	00	04	00
Caermarthin	00	00	06	04	081	20	10	00	04	02
Penbrok		00	01	06	05	142	06	07	00	02	03
Montgomer	00	00	06	03	042	28	06	00	00	00
Merionidh	00	00	03	02	034	26	07	00	00	00
Denbigh		00	00	03	03	053	24	06	00	00	00
Flint		00	01	03	04	024	04	02	00	00	02
Anglesey	00	00	03	00	083	08	02	00	00	00
Caernruan	00	01	05	03	073	17	06	00	00	00
52 Shires	25	26	641	186	9725	554	956	31	68	781
cities	bish	towns	castles	churchesrivers	bridges	castles	forests	parks
D1  Hic gagates lapis|reperitur (D2) [Here agate stones are found.]
E1  PROGENIES REGVM ANGLIÆ AB GVILELMI CONQVEST.|TEMPORIBVS VSQVE AD HVNC DIEM. Anno Dm 1605 [Derivation of English Kings from William the Conqueror's times to the present day, in the year of our Lord 1606.] [follows a genealogical tree starting at the bottom (E3) with] 1066 Gulielmus|Dux Nor:|mandiæ [who had a son|daughter] Robertus|Dux Nor:mandiæ. [who had a son|daughter] Gulielmus|Comes|Flandriæ [back to Gulielmus 1066 who had a son|daughter] Constantia|Comitissa|Britanniæ [back to Gulielmus 1066 who had a son|daughter] Adela|Comitissa|Blesiensis [sho had a son|daughter] 1135|Stephanus|Angliæ|Rex [back to Gulielmus 1066 who had a son|daughter] 1087.Gulielmus|Rufus|Angliæ|Rex [back to Gulielmus 1066 who had a son|daughter] 1100|Henricus|Primus|Angliæ|Rex [who had a son|daughter] Matilda|Imperatrix|post: VX.|Galf:Co.|Andega: [who had a son|daughter] Guilielmus|Iongospata [back to Matilda who had a son|daughter] Galfridus|Comes Nant.|in Bri:|tannia [back to Matilda who had a son|daughter] 1145.|Henricus|2.Angliæ|Rex [who had a son|daughter] Matilda|Ducissa|Saxoniæ [back to Henricus who had a son|daughter] Iaanna|Comitissa|Tholosæ [back to Henricus who had a son|daughter] Henricus|coronatur in Regem|patre|viuo Aug.|S.P. [back to Henricus who had a son|daughter] Galfridus|Dux|Britanniæ [who had a son|daughter] Arturus|Dux|Britanniæ [back to Galfridus who had a son|daughter] Æleno:|ra [back to Henricus who had a son|daughter] 1189.|Ricardus|Cor leonis|Angliæ|Rex [back to Henricus who had a son|daughter] Ælenora|Regina|Castellæ [back to Henricus who had a son|daughter] 1199.Ioannes|Angliæ|Rex [who had a daughter] Ælenora|Comitissa|Lecestria [back to Ioannes who had a daughter] Ioanna|Regina|Scotiæ [back to Ioannes who had a son] Ricardus|Comes|Cornubiæ|Imperat [back to Ioannes who had a daughter] Isabella|Impera:|trix [back to Ioannes who had a son] 1216. Henricus|3 Angliæ|Rex [who had a daughter] Beatrix|Ducissa|Britanniæ [back toHenricus 3 who had a daughter] Margareta|Regina|Scotiæ [back to Henricus 3 who had a son] Edmûdus|Gibosus Co.|Lancastriæ [who had a son] Henricus|Comes|Lancastriæ [who had a son] Henricus|Dux|Lancastriæ [who had a daughter] Blanca|Ducissa|Lancastriæ. [back to Henricus 3 who had a son] 1272.|Eduardus|Primus|Angliæ|Rex [who had a son] 1307.|Eduardus|2.Angliæ|Rex [who had a son] 1320.|Eduardus|3.Angliæ|Franciæ|et: Rex [who had a son] Edmundus|de Langley|Dux|Ebora: [who had a son] Ricardus|Comes|Cantabrigiæ [back to Eduardus 3 who had a son] Eduardus|Princeps|niger [who had a son] 1377.|Ricardus|2.Angliæ|Rex [back to Eduardus 3 who had a son] Thomas|deWoodstok [back to Eduardus 3 who had a son] Lionellus|Dux|Clarentiæ [who had a daughter] Philippa|nupta|Edmund|Mortimer [who had a son] Rogerus|Mortimer|Comes March [who had a daughter] Anna|Mortimer [who married] Ricardus|Comes|Cantabrigiæ. [back to Eduardus 3 who had a son] Ioannes|Gandauensis|D.Lancas:|triæ [who married] Catha:|rina [and they had a son] Ioannes|Comes|Somersetti [who had a daughter] Margareta|Cometißa|Richmondiæ [who married] 1485.Henricus|7.Angliæ|Rex. [Back to Ioannis Gandauensis who also married] Constan|sa filia|R.Castellæ [and they had a daughter] Catharina|Regina|Castelle [back to Ioannes Gandauensis who also married] Blanca|Ducissa Lancastriæ [and they had a daughter] Philippa|Regina|Portugaliæ [who had a daughter] Elizabetha|Ducissa|Exoniæback to Ioannes Gandauensis and Blanca, who also had a son] 1399.|Henricus|4.Angliæ|Rex [who had a son]1412.|Henricus|5.Angliæ|Rex [who had a son] 1422.|Henricus|6.Angliæ|Rex. [We now go to] Ricardus|Comes|Cantabrigiæ [and] Anna|Mortimer [who married and had a son] Ricardus|Dux|Ebora:|censis[who had a son]Georgius|Dux|Clarentiæ [and a son] 1483.Ricardus|3.Angliæ|Rex [and who also had a son] 1460.|Eduardus 4.Angliæ|Rex [who had a son] 1489.|Eduardus|5.Angliæ|Rex [and a daughter] Elizabetha|Regina|Angliæ [who married Henricus 7 [and they had a son] 1509.|Henricus|8.Angliæ|Rex [who had a son] 1546.Eduardus|6.Angliæ|Rex [and a daughter] 1553.|Marua|Regina|Angliæ [and a daughter] 1558.|Elizabetha|Regina|Angliæ. [Back to Henricus 7 and Elizabetha who had a daughter] Maria|Regina|Franciæ et |D.Suffolciæ [who had a daughter] Francisca|Ducis|Suffolciæ [and another daughter] Ælenora|Cometissa|Cumber:|landiæ. [Back to Henricus 7 and Elizabetha who also had a daughter] Margaretha|Regina|Scotiæ [who had a son] Iacobus|5.Scotiæ Rex [who had a daughter] maria|Regina|Scotiæ [who had a son, state 1] 1603.|Iacobus|Magnæ Britan|niæ, Franciæ, et|Hiberniæ|Rex [surrounded by the dedication] SER.MO INVICTISSIMOQVE IACOBO MAGNÆ bRI:|TANNIÆ, FRANCIÆ, ET HIBERNIÆ REGI,|IOANNES BAPTISTA VRINTS ANTVERPIANVS D.DEDICAT [Ioannes Baptista Vrints from Antwerp dedicates this map to the most mighty invincible James, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland.] [In state 1a this dedication has been covered by a piece of paper with the text:] Vnum quæ ad Dominum Brittania tota redisti,|Vna tibi ô, redeat sic quoque prisca Fides. [You, Britain, who has come together wholly under one Ruler, may you also return to one ancient Faith.] [In state 1b the medaillion of James also receives a pasted piece of paper with the text:] 1603|Iacobus|Magnæ|Britanniæ|Rex. [In state 2, of 1610 and later, the text panel surrounding James' medallion has disappeared, and the text of state 1b has now been engraved. The entire genealogical tree extends over part of D1 and D2, further on E2 and part of E3].
A1  Purgatorium|S.Patritij (vt|vulgo vocant) antrum|est, in quo horenda spectra|conspici dicuntur. [Saint Patrick's Purgatory (as they commonly call it) is a cave in which horrible sights can be seen, as they say.]
B3  Tyne fl


Quadrant Text
D2, D2  *Isanauaria
C2  *Mediolanum
B2  3 Castelles
D2  Abenforth
C3  Aberauon|Bridge end
C2  Aberconney
C2  Aberdony
C2, B2  Aberfraw
C3  Abergenneny|Gobannium*
C2, B2  Aberistoyth
C2  Abermarlas
D2  Abington
B2  AboyCo
A2  Ader
B3  Aderdore
C2, D2  Adualton
A2  Agregac
E3, D3  Aheville
C2  Airingham
D2  Alderington
C3  Alderney
A1  Aleape
D2  Alesham
D2  Alford
D2  Allington|cast.
B3, D1  Alnewick
D2  Alresford
D2  Alsbury
A2  Alton
C2  Alton cast
D2  Al|frelon
C3  Amhers|*Brige|bury
B3  Anand
D2, C3  Andover
D2  Anthil
C3  Antre
D2  Apledowre
B3  Appelby|Aballaba*
B3  Arbeia*
B2  Arbrake
B3  Arbsterhyl
A2  Ardmore
B2, B3  Ardmore head (A2)
B2  Ardragh
B2  Ardree
E3  Ardres
E3  Arien
B2  Armagh.
B3  Armanthwat cast.
D1  Armanthwate cast
E3  Armentiers
E3  Arras
B3  Arren
D2  Arrundel
B3  Arwenak cast
D2  Ashforde
D2, C2  Ashlydelazouch
B3  Askerton cast.
A2  Ask|eten
C2  Attonbumel cast
D2  Atwick
D1, C1  Auckland|cast
D2, D3  Audleyend
C2  Aulcester
D2  Aulton
D2  Aumale
E3, D3  Auscy
C3  aust
C3  Axmyster
C3  Aybridge
A2  B Arga
B2  B Au|ly
B2  B Baruce
A2  B Bec
B2  B Byann
A2  B Cragh
A2  B Fine
A2, B2  B Gilbert
A2  B Goule
B2  B Mure
B2  B New
A2  B Nolã
A2  B of Balamore
A2  B of|Donemore
A2, B2  B Raingh
B2, A2  B Rawi
B2  B Seres
B2  B Yage
A2  B.Adam
A2  B.Creway
B2  B.Fuller
A1  B.Shenon
B2  B.Wick|low
A2  Ba of toune
B3  Baas
D2  Babrocast
B3  Bacony
B2  Bagnal
D2  Baintre
C2  Baiubrig|Glannibanta
C2  Bakewell
C2  Bala
C2  Bala
B3  Balacurij
A1  Balaghan
D2, D2  Baldok
B3  Balmerinoch
A2, B3  Baly point (A3)
B3  Bambrig
B3  Bambrugh
A2  BAmore
D2  Banbury
A2  Bane|Couly
D2  Bannauenta
B2  Bannogh
E3  Bappalmes
A2  Bar of|Clare
B2  Barell
D2  Barfleu
D2  Barkhemsted
D2  barking
C3  Barkley
D2, D2  Barkway
B2  Barne
D2, C2  Barnesley
C3  Barne|stable
C2  Barnowth
C2, D2  Barworth
B3, D1  Barwyck
C2  Bar|dentoure
D2  Basingstok
A2  Bateuant
C3  Bathe|*Aquæ Solis
D2  Battel
C3  Baunton
D2  Bautre
A2  Bayelon
D2  Beacon|feld
C2  Bealte
E3  Beaureuoir
B3, D1  Bebba
D2  Beckingham
D2, E2  Beckles
D2  Bedall
D2  Bedford
C3  Bedyford.
A1  Belacke
D2  Belericay
B3  Belfast
B2  Belgroue
B3  Belister cast
D2  Below
A2  Bene
A2  Bengonet
C3  Bere
E3  Bergen
B3, D1  Bernard cast
A2  Bernec
D2  Bernet
C3  Bernville
C3  Berry cast
C2  Beston|cast
E3  Bethune
D2  Beuer
D2  Beuerly
B3  Bewell cast
C2  Bewmans
B3  Bew|cast
D2  Bigleswad
D2  Billongbrok cast
C3  Binteport
D2  Bishopes|thorpe
C2  Bishope|cast.
C3  Bishop|clist
C2  Blackborne
A2  Blaky
E3  Blancken|berg
C3  Blandeford
B3  Blemynge
B3  Blenrake
D2  Bletnesh
D2, E2  Bliburgh
D2  Blith
B2  BLough
A2  BNew
B3  Bodman
E3  Bohan
C2  Bolton
B3, A1  Borbarbe
D2  Borne
B3  Borthnyke
B3  Bos castel
D2  Boston
D1  Botteli Castel
E3  Bouchain
D2  Boulsouer
B2  Boure
C3  Bow
B3  Bowes|cast
A2  Boy
B2  Brackland
C3  Bradford
C2  Bradforth
D2  Bramber
C2  Bramerast
C2  Bramley
C2  Bramlye|ard|cast
B3  Brampton
D1, C1  Brandes|peth cast
D2  Brandon
A2, B2  Branok
C2  Branton
B3  Braugham|cast
D2  Braî|ford
C2, C3  Brecknok
B2  Bremore
B2  Brem|chins
D2  Brentwood
C2  Brewooc
A2  Brian
C2  Bridgenorth
C3  Bridgewater
C3  Bristol|Bristolium*
D2  Brode|oke
A2  Brogcast
C2  Bromesgroue
C2  Bromi|cham
B3  Brouonacum*
C2, C3  Broyndis|cast
E3  Brugge
B3  Bruntlãde
C2  Bruton
C3  Bruton
D2  Brutõ
D2  Buckenham
D2  Buckhurst
D2  Buckingham
B3  Buley|cast
D2, E2  Bungay
E3  Burburg
D2  Burcester
B3  Burg cast
D2  Burgley
D2  Burnham
D2, C2  Burrobrig
C3, D3  Bursord
C2  Burye
D2  Burye
C3  Busshe
D2  Butingford
B2  Butler
B2  Butler
B2  Buuinda
A2  BVr|at
A2  C Clogs
A2  C Done
B2, A2  C Logh
A2  C Michaem
A2  C Pholo
B2  C. Corke
B2  C.ilana
B2, A2  C.Mabrielin
A2  C.Mure
B2  C.Ru:|dder
A1  C.Skye
B2, A2  C.Warren|Clomondy
B2  Ca Warten
C2  Caar fuse|cast
A2  Cadon
C3  Caenlian
C3  Caerdyf
C2  Caergurle
C2, B2  Caerterienrhod
D2  Calbrok
E3  Cales
C3  Calne
C2  Caluin cast
B3  Cal|stro
C2, D2  Cambodunam*
D2  Camboritum*Cambridge
E3  Cambray
E3  Cambresis
C3  Camie
B3  Camleford
B2  Cam|carick
D2  Canonelen|Canoum*
D2  Canterburye|Durovernium*
A2  Cantorke
A2  Cantorke
A2  Careglas
A2  Caretront
B3  Carew
B2  Carick
A2  Carimmi
B2  CArkloe
B3  Carlisse
B2  Carlm|ford
C3  Carmarhin
B2  Carnogh
C3  Carsily cast
A2  Cassel
C3  Cast Carye
C2  Cast Dinasbran
C2  Cast Dindod
C2  Cast Doleuorê
B3, C3  cast Lacharne
D2  Cast.campes
B3  Castel of|Dun
C3  Castelcombe
D2  Castlaker
C2  Castleton
D2  Castor
C2  Cast|Bayne
B3  Cast|Hougil
B3  cast|Norham
C2  Cast|Snowelen
D1  Cast|Wharleton
B2  Caterlogh
D2  Catlig
B3  Cattarick
C2, D2  Caturactonum*
D2  Cawod
C3  Caynesha
E3  Caßel
B2  CDodal
C3  Cerne
C3  Charde
C2  Chartley
C2, D2  Chattsworth
D2  Chechister
D2  Chelmesford
D2  Chelsey
C3  Cheltenham
C3  Chepstow
D2  Cherbourg
C2  Chester
D2, C2  Chesterfeld
C3  Chidley
C3  Chimligh
C3  Chipenham
D2, C3  Chipingnorton
C2  Chirk cast
A1  CHome
C3, D3  Chrischurch
B3  Churlyd
C3  Ciren|cester
A2  CLanghil
A2  Clan|moris
A2  Clare
D2  Clare
D2  Clay
A2  Clene
C2  Clethero
C3  Cleuvin
A2  Clocher
A3  Clogh
A2  Cloghe
A2, B2  Clonba
A2  Clone
A2  Clone Charon
A2  Clonemel
C2  Clun cast
A3  Clã|derte
C2  Coccium*
C2  CoccleyP Rochdale
D2  Coggeshal
B3  Cokermouth
B3, D1  Coldingham
A2  Colman
C2  Colne
D2  Colonia*Colchester
B3  Colrame
B2  Colrayny
B2  Colyn
C3  Combemarten
E3  Conde
B3  Conok
B3  Conok castel
A2  Conor denê
A2  Conor Roy
D2  Coqueville
B3  Corby cast
C3  Corfe
C2  Corfe cast
C3  Corinium*|Michi|hampton
A2  Corke
B3  Corotowne
C2  Corsham cast
B3  Cortington
E3  Cortryck
B3  Coswel
D2, C2  Coventre
A2  Cow
D2  Cowdray
B3  Cowhele
D2  Crake cast
C3  Crakihomme
D2  Cranbrok
B3  Crayle
B3  Craymõt
C3  Crediton
C3  Creklad
E3  Creuecuer
A2  Crome
D2  Cromere
E3, D3  Crotoy
C3  Crowbridge|Bouium*
D2  Croydon
C3  Culliton
A2  Cytyt
B2  C|Onoroley
B3  Daker|cast
B3  Dalacast
B3  Dalketh
B2  Dalkey
B2  Dames
D2  Danû*
D2, C2  Darbye
C3  Dartmouth
D2  Dauentre
C2  Daulton cast
D2, E3  Deale cast
D2  Debenham
E3  Deinse
B2  Delleney
C2  Denbigh
C3  Deneuer cast.
D2  Dentoncast
D2  Denê|tio
D2  Dereham
D2  Dertfort
B2  Der|mont
C3  Devises
C3  Dielete
D2  Diepe
A2  Dingle
D2  Dis|Aye
E3  Dixmunde
B2  Dodragh
C2  Dolathelan
C2  Dolbader
C2  Dolgolle
D2  Doncaster
A3, A2  Dondenor
A1  Donel
B2  Donelell
A3  Donequer
B2  Doney
C3  Doniford
A2, B2  Donne
C3  Dorchester|Durnum*
E3  Dorlens
A2  Dorles
D2, E3  Douer
B3  Douglas
A3  Dounboy
E3  Dourrier
D2  Downeham
B2  Doñe
B3  Drason
C2  Draton|cast
D2  Drayton
C2  Droitwich
A2  Dromerayn
B3  Drumbugh
B3  Drymlar
E3  Duay
B2  Dublin
D2, E3  Dubris*
C2  Dudley|cast
D2  Duinnow
C3  Dulverton
B3  Dumseril
B3  Dunbar
B3, B2  Duneganan
D1  Dunesley
B3  Dunfrese
B3  Dunglas
D2  Dunington
D2, C2  Duningtõ
B3  Dunlaruke
B3  Duno:|verte
D2  Dunstable
B3, D1  Dunstaburgh|cast
C3  Dunster
B3  Dunweg
E2, D2  Dunwich
D1  Dure|sme
D1  Durilington
D2  Durobreuis*
D2  Durolenum*
B3  Dusdail
C3  Dutsley
E3  Duynkercke
B3  Dyser
C3  E.Lauingtõ
C2  Eckleshall
B3  Eclles
D1, C1  Edlingham|cast
B3  Edseneseuy
B3  Egreond
D2  Eltha
D2  Ely
C2  Emely cast
D2  Engerston
D2  Eotheringhay
E3, D3  Estaples
D2  Esterford
B3, D1  Etal C.
C3  Euersholt
C2  Euesholme
C3  Euil
B3  Eunglaund
C3  Excester|Isca*
C3  Exmouth
D2  Fakenham
B3  Falkland
D2  Faram
D2, C3  Faringõ
C3  Farley cast
D2  Farnam
A2  Farte
B3, D1  Faus castel
B2  Fernes
A2  Fetherd
D2  Feuershã
A2  Filat|rik
A1  Fine
C2  Fint
D2  Folkingham|cast.
D2, E3  Folleston
A2  Forbek
B3, D1  Ford cast
B3  Foye
C2  Frame
D2  Fram|cast
B2  Friscarde
C2  Frithehap
C2  Frodsham
C3  Fromeselwod
A2  Galway
D2  Ganesburgh
A2  Garand|ough
B2, C2  Gardigan
B3  Garlis
D2  Garmonchester*S.Neottes
C2  Garst|ang
B3  Garuy
A2  Gasho
E3  Gent
A2, B2  Geshell
E3  Gessoriacum*|Boulogne
C3  Ghegford
D2  Gilsord
D1  Gisburg
B2  Glane
D2  Glanford|brigges
B3  Glankar
C2  Glasto|cast
C3  Glaß|enbury
B3  Glenus
C3  Glocester
A2  Glosher
D2  Gorãbury
C3  Granborn
B2, A2  Grango
D2  Grantham
A2  Grany|male
B3  Grastok cast
D2  Grauesend
B2  Grehord
C2  Grena cast
A2  Grennilon|Colea
D2  Grenwich
E3  Grevellinge
B3  Gre|gargã
D2  Grimsby
D2  Grinsted
C3  Grismond cast
B3  Grom:|pont
D2  Grombridge
E3  Guines
B3  Gwelwald
B3, D1  H Arbottell cast
A2  Haghell
D2  Hailsham
D2, E2  Halesworth
B3  Halid
C2  Halifax
B3  Hally|wode
D2  Halsted
B3  Haltwosel
D2  Haluering
D2  Hamtoncourte
B3  Hanerford|west
C2  Hanmer
D2  Hardley
D2  Hareston|cast
C2  Harlech
D1  Harlesey
D2  Harling
D2  Harlston
C2  Harnlburi|cast
B3  Haroldston
D1  Hartelpole
B3  Hartley cast
B3, C3  Harton
D2, E2  Harwich
D2, C2  Harwode
D2  Hastings
D2  Hatfeld
B3  Haton cast
D2  Hatseld
D2  Hauerboro
D2  Haueril
B3, D1  Haughton cast
C2  Haulton cast
D2  Haure de grace
D2  Haxey
C2  Hay
B3  Haymo
D2  Heade
C2  Healy|cast
B3  Heding|ton
D2  Helmesl|ey
B3  Helston
D2  Hemsted
D2  Hener
D2  Henley
C2  Hen|ley
C2  Herefor|de
A2  Herekan
D2  Hertford
D2  Hertilrow
E3  Hesdin
C3  Hetherley
D2  Heu
B3  Hexham
D2  Hickling
D2  Higham|Eeris
C3  Hindon
D2  Hingham
D2  Hinkley
D2, D2  Hitchin
C3  Hiwort
D2  Hoddesde
A2  Hogmore
B2  Hoke towne
D2  Holdenby
B3, C3  Hols|worthy
D2  Holt
C2  Hol|cast
D2  Honesuch
C2  Hornbre cast.
D2  Horncastle
D2  Horsham
B3, D1  Horton|cast
D2, D3  Houeningham
D2  Howden
C2  Howgat|cast
D2  Hull
C2  Hunanton cast
C3  Hunni|ton
D2  Huntingdon
C3  Huntspil
C3  Hurst cast
D2  Hyde
D2  Ieneham
B3  Ierbye
B3  Iesten
C3  Ilfraycombe
D2  Ilsley
D2  Imgham
B2  Inch
A2, A3  Inchegrod
B3  Inchkite
B3  Iona
E3  Iper
D2  Ipswine
C3  Isca Leg*
C3  Iulcester|Iscalis*
A2  Karnefingly
C2  Kedermister
D2  Kelnsey
B3  Kelse
C2, C1  Kendall
C2, D2  Kenel|worthe cast.
D2  Keningale
B3  Keswick
D2  Kettering
C2  Keuenlles
D1  Kihon cast
B3  Kilbarn
A2  Kilcorden
B2  Kilcorny
B2  Kilc|orre
B2  Kilga|rren cast
A3  Kilgoe
D2  Kilham
A2, B2  Kilkenni
A1  Killibbok
A2  Kilm aolok
A1  Kilmacrena
B3  Kilmayn
A2  Kilmor
A3  Kilmore
B3, A1  Kilmore
B2  Kilm|erton
C2, C3  Kilpek|cast
B2  Kilsahalin
B2  Kil|dare
A2  Kil|kenny
D2, C2  Kineton
D2  Kingesclere
A2  Kingestoû
B2, A2  Kinges|togher
C3  Kingsbridg
D2  Kingston
A3, A2  Kinsall
B3  Kircobre
B3  Kirkalde
B3  Kirkbelysteuen
C2  Kirkbyehmes|dale
D1, D2  Kirkbymoreside
B3  Kirkeswald|cast
C2  Kirkham
A2  Kirrey
D2  Kirton
C2  Kmelon
B2  Knacbr|cnan
D2  Knaptost
D2  Knares|burg
A2  Knight of|Kyrye
C2  Knighton
C2  Knokin
A2  Knokord|en
C2  Knotts|worth
C2  Knowesley
B2  Kolleroke
A2  Kollono
B3  Kylltayn
D2  Kymbalton
B3  Kyrnadi
B3  Kyrthell
C3, D3  Lachlad
B2  Laglin
A2  Lagran
C3, D3  Lamborn
B3  Lamington
C2  Lanbeder
C2  Lancaster*Alone
C3  Landaf
B3  Lander
C3  Landilouaver
C3  Lanelthy
C2, C3  Langadok
B3  Lange
B3  Langley|cast
C3  Langport
C2  Lanim|theueri
C2  Lathom
D2  Lauenham
B3  Launslon
E3  Le Chastellet
D2  Lecester
C2  Lecke
D2  Ledes
D2  Ledes|cast.
D2  Legton
D2  Lekenfeld
D2  Lekinghã
D2  Leme
A3  Lemo
C2  Lemster
E3  Lens
E2  Lesiost
A1  Lessen
B3  Lesterman|cast.
A2  Letter
C2  Leuerpole
D2  Lewis
B3  Leyth
C2  Lhanpa|toie
C2  Lidbury
E3  Lille
E3  Lilliers
A2  Lime|ryke
D2  Lin
D2  Linbergh
D2  Lincolne|Linton*
D2  Linton
B3  Liskerd
A2  Lismore
A2  Listel
D2  Littelburgh
D2  Littelport
C2  Llanuilling
C2  Llanydlos
A3  Logham
C3  Loghor
A1, B1  Lomewod
D2  London*Augusta
C2, C3  Longetoune
A2  Longford
B2  Lorgam
B3  Lost vyhiell|Vzella*
D2  Louthe:|borough
B3  Low
D2  Lowthe
C2  Lu:dlow cast
E3  Lubuy
B3  Lucund
B3  Luguvallum*
D1  Lumley|cast
C3  Lurgishall
D2  Luton
D2  Lutterworth
C2  Lychfelde
C3, B3  Lydford cast
C2  Lyme
C3  Lyme
A2  M Cong
C2  Maclenith
D2  Mad|enhead
C2  Maglonia
D2  Maidston
A2  Maing
A2  Makkarne
A2, A3  Malbogbono
D2  Maldon|Camalpdunum et|*Clonia Victricensis
C3  Malinesbury
A2  Malis
D2, D2  Mamtre
C2  manchester
A2  Mange
C2, D2  Man|chester
C3  Maridunum*|Kidwely
C2  Marklesfelde
C3  Marlingeburg
C3  Marsfeld
C3  Martok
C2, D2  Masham
D2  Maunsfeld
B3  Maus cast.
B3  May
A2  Maye
A2, B2  Mc Corbelilec
A1  Mc Dore
A1  Mc Dungall
A2, B2  Mc Foure
B3  Mc Holwod
A2  Mc Margaret
A2  Mc Maria
B2  Mc Nauan
B2  Mc Patrick
B3  Mc|Gray
B2  Mc|Kanne
C3  Medbery
E3  Meenen
B3  Megaland
A2  Meloy
D2  Melton
B3  Mercain
C3  Mere
E3  Mergem
D2  Merket
D2  Merketrasin
C3  Michildean
E3  Middelburch
C3  Middelton
C2  Middlewich
B3  Midelby
D2  Midherst
C2  Midlam
D2  Mildnall
C2  Millium cast
D2  Milton
C3  Minhead
B2  Mi|not|Eos
B3  Moffat
A2, B2  Molagar
A2, B2  Monaghan
C3  Monmovth
E3  Monstruel
C2  Montgomery
D2  Montsorell
B2  Moron
D1  Morpeth
C3  Morton
D1  Moulgraue cast
A2  Muskery
B3  Mußelbroug
C3  N.|Lech
C2  Nantwiche
B3  Narbarth
B3  Naworth
C3  Neath
D2  Nedeham
D2  Netley
E3  Neufcastel
A2  New cast
B3, A1  New cast
C2  New cast
C2, B2  New cast
B2  New Castel
D2  New hauen
D2  New port
D2  Newark
D2  Newbery
B3  Newbottel
C2, B2  Newburgh
A2  Newcastel
D1  Newcastle
C3  Newent
D2  Newhall
B2  Newin
D2  Newmarket
D2  Newmulton
C3  Newneham
D2, D2  Newpon
C2  Newport
C3  Newport
D2  Newport
B2  Newporte
B2  Newry
B2  Newton
B2  Newton
C3  Newton
C3  Newton
E3  Nieuport
A2  Noghbeg
D2, D1  Northalue|rton
D2  Northampton
B3  Northerwik
C2  Northwight *Deuã
B3  Norton
D2  Norwich
D2  Nostall
D2  Notingam
C2, D2  Nuneatõ
D2  Odiam
D1, C1  Ogle cast
C3  Ogmore cast
C3  Oistermouth|cast
D2  Okeham
C3  Okehampton
D2  Okingham
A1  Old Castel
B2  Old Conre
A2  Oldetowne
B2  Olde|Conel
B2  Oldtowne
D2  Olford
B2  Omor|ug
E3  Oosteynde
E3  Orcheis
C2  Ormeskirk
E3  Ors
A3  Oster hauen
D2  Oteland
C2, D2  Oteley
E3  Oudenard
D2  Oulniey
D2  Oundley
D2  Oxforde
B3  Padstow
C2  Parshore
E3  Pas
A1  Patrickes|Purgatory.
D2  Patrington*
C3  Pederton
C2  Pembridge
B3  Penbrok
C2  Pendle
B3  Pendragon|cast
B3  Peningã
C3  Penke|thly cast
C3  Pennarth cast
B3  Penreth
B3  Pensance
C3  Pensford
B3  Perin
D2  Peterburg
D2  Petersseld
B3  Petewys
D2  Petuaria
D2  Petworthe
A2  Pharall
A2  Pharall
D2  Philay bridge
B2  Philportes towne
C3  Philpsnorton
D2  Pickering
B3  Picton
B2  Plate|Mc Glasmoyn
B3  Plebes
C3, B3  Plimton
C3, B3  Plymmouth
A2  Podel|hauen
A2  Polloguere
A2  Polnidragh
C3  Ponderh|ã cast
D2  Pontefract
C3  Poole
D2  Porchester
D2  Porklington
A1  Pormeinrad
C3  Portland cast
D2  Portsmouth*Trisantonius P
D2  Potton
C2  Pouderbach cast
C2  Prestayne.
C2  Preston
B3, D1  Pruddo
D2  Prætorium*
C2  Pulhely
D2  Quaplade
A2, B2  Quenestoun
B3  Quhythyrne
D2  Quin|boro cast
D1, C1  Rabye
A3  Racebreno
C2  Radnor|cast
C3  Ragland
B2  Rahen
B2  Ramor
A1  Rapo
B3, D1  Rauinswath cast
B3  Ravenglas
D2  Redgraue
D2  Reding
B3  Redruth
E3  Renti
D2  Rephebam
D2  Retford
A2  Rette
C2  Riadorgo|wye
E3  Richbotrow|Rhutupiæ*
B3, D1  Richmond
D2  Richmont
D2  Ricote
D2  Rigate
D2  Ripley
D2, C2  Rippon
B2  Robber
D2  Roch
B3, B2  Rochcast
D2  Rochester
D2  Rochford
C3  Rosce
B3  Rose|C.
B3  Roshan
B2  Rosse
A2  Rossecomõ
C2  Rossefaire
D2  Rotherã
C2  Rowtone|Causa cast
B2  Roy
D2  Royston
B3  Ruan
D2  Rugbye
C3  Rumesbury
D2  Rumford
D2  Rumney
C3  Rumsey
C2  Rusin|cast
C2  Ruthin
D2  Ru|ghford
D2  Rye
B2  S Dauides
B3  S Mauga
D2  S.Albons*Verolamium
E3  S.Amand
B3  S.Andre
B3  S.Andrew
C2  S.Asaph
B3  S.Bees
B3  S.Burien
B3  S.Columbe
B2  S.Edmond
B2, A2  S.Edmond|Builer
B3  S.Eugenis
E3  S.Gillian
D2  S.Ham|pton
E3, D3  S.Iosse
D2  S.Iues
B3  S.Mauyns
B3  S.Michael
E3  S.Omar
E3  S.Paul
E3  S.Riquier
D2  S.Valeri
D2  S.Valeri
B3  S.Yees
C3  Salcombe
C3  Sales|bury
B3  Salsyd
B3  Saltashe
B3  Sandel
D2  Sandherst
E3, D3  Sandowne cast
D2  Sandwich
D2, E3  Sangat cast
B3  Saucher
B3  Schippinch
D2  Sclere
B2  Scork
B2  Segontiã*
C3  Set.Donets
D1  Seton|Segodunum*
C2  Settle
C3  Shaftesbury|neuton
D2  Sheafeld
C3  Shepionmatet
C3  Sherborn
D2  Sherborn
D2  Sheriffehut|ton castel
D2, C2  Shipton
C2  Shipton|cast
D2  Shorham
C2  Shotwick|cast
C2  Shrawerden|cast
A2  Shrewer
C2  Shrowes|bury
C3  Sidmouth
B3  Simonborn cast
D2  Sittinghome
D2  Skipsey
C2  Skipton
A3  Skirte
B3  Skoldes
A2  Skryn
D2  Sleford
A2  Slego
B2  Slegorog
D2  Slingesby|cast
E3  Sluys
D2  Snathe
D2  Snettsham
B3  Sodore
B3  Solwey
C3  Somertõ
D2  Som|erton cast
C3  Sorbiodunum*
D2  Southam
D2  Southwark
C3  Sowthmoulton
D2  Spalding
D2  Spilsbye
B2  Sr Peter|Carow
C2  stafford
C3  Stanage
D2  Stanes
B3, D1  Stanethorp
D2  Stanford
D2  Stansted
D2  Stanyng
D2  Stokebridge
D1  Stokessey
D1  Stoketon
D2  Stokwith.
B2  Stolen
C2  Stone
B2  Stonegrage
D2, D3  Stoni
C2  Stonihirst
C2  Stopford
C3  Stow
D2  Stow
D2  Stratford
B3  Stratton
C2  Stretford
C3  Stroude
B3  Struder
C3  Stunnister|cast
C2  Sturbrid
D2  Sudbury
C3  Sudley cast.
A2  Suillynãtmore
D2  Suthwell
D2  Suthwick
C3  Swansey
D2  Swasham
B3, D1  Swineborn
D2  Tadcaster
B3  Tamarton
D2  Tame
C3  Tarring:|ton
D2  Taterhal
C3  Tattnes
C3, B3  Tauestok
C3  Taunton
B2  Temlet
A2  Temule|more
B3, C3  Tenbye
E3  Teroane
D2  Terring
D2  Terryng
C3  Tetbury
C3  Teverton
C2, C3  Tewkesbury
D2  Thaxteel
D2  The ball
C2  The cast
D2, C3  The cast
D2  The cast
A3  The hauen of kinsall
B3, C1  The Pyle
D2  The Vine
D2  Thetsord*Sitamagus
B3  Thirwall
B2, A2  Thomas|toun
D2  Thornton
D2  Thurste
D2  Tickhilcast
A2  Tikin
C3  Tingmouth
D1  Tinmouth cast|Tunocellum*
B3  Tintagel cast
C2  Titbury cast
C2  Titiswall
B2  Toele
B2  Tollogh
A2  Tomballe
B3  Tomtalon
B3  Tomyngem
D2  Topelyff
D2  Torchester
B3  Tordif
A2  Torlo M
E3  Tornay
B3  Torscheane
D2  Trapston
C2  Tregadren
B3  Tregny
B3  Trematon cast.
B2  Trenot
D2  Treport
B3  Treuena
B3  Trief cast.
B2  Trimme
D2  Triponium*Graston
D2  Tritig
B3  Truro
D2  Tuingo
B2  Tully
D2  Tunbridge
C2  Turland cast
C3  Tur|bridg
D2  Tuxford
D2  Uxbridg
E3  Valenchiennes
D2  Vallemont
E2, D2  Varmouth
D1  Varum
C2, C1  Viuerston|cast
E3  Vlissingen
D2  Vppingham
C2  Vpton
B2  Vriel
C3  Vske|Burium*
E3  Vuerne
A2  W Millern
D2  Wabrede
C3  Wacthet
C3, D3  Wade
D2, C2  Wakefelde
D2  Walden
E2, D2  Walderswick
C2  Wallasee
D2  Wallingford
D2  Walsing|ham
D2  Walsord
D2  Waltham
D2  Walthin
D2  Walthã
D2  Wantage
D2  Wapole
C3  Warder cast
D2  Ware
C3  Wareham|Cast
B3  Wark
D1  Warkworth
C2  Warrington
C2  Warwicke
B2  Waterford
D2  Wathington
D2  Watton
D2, E3  Wawmore cast
C3  Waymouth et|melcombe regis
C2  Waß
C2  webley
C3  Welles
D2  Wellingboro
C2  Wellington
C3  Wellington
C2  Welshpole
B3  Wemys
A2  Wen
C2  Wenlok
C3  Westbury
D2  Wetherby
D1  Wetherington
B2  Wexford
C2  Wexha
D2, D2  Whadden
C3  Whye|cast
C3  Wibley|cast
D2  Wicham
D2  Wickham
C2  Wighen
D2  Wighton
C2  Wigmore cas
B3  Wigton
D2  Willoughby
D2  Wilsham
C3  Wilton
D1  Wilton cast
C3  Wilton|cast
D2  Wimendhã
C3  Winborne|Vindoglod|ia*
D2  Winchelsey
C3, C2  Wincheomb
D2  Winchester*Venta belgarum
D2  Windonum*Silchester
D2  Windsor
C3  Winecaun|ton
D2  Winslow
C3  Winston|cast Lamquiam|cast
B3  Wirkinton
D2  Wissbich
B3  Wiston
D2  Witham
D2, C3  Witney
C2  Wlinchurch
D2  Wodbridge
D2  Wodstok
C2  Worcester
D2  Worksor
C3  Worm|yster
D2  Worsted
C3  Wottobasset
C3  Wotton
D2  Wreselt|cast
C3  Wueles|combe
C3  Wulfal
D2  Wulpit
B3  Wulsty cast
C2  Wuluerham|pton
D2  Wye
D2  Yaxley
A2  Yonghall
A2, B3  Yonghall hauen (A3)
D2  Yorke|Eboracum*

Mountain ranges, mountains, dunes

Quadrant Text
B2  Donomam
C2  Ingle borrow
A2  McIbrian|Arra|12 great mountayns.
B2  MGaskaruck
A2  Mons CIoue
A2  Mont Colony
B2  Popes|hill
B3  S Michaels mount
A1  Siluer|hill
A2  The great mountains|Called Coweleus
A2  The great moun|tain
B3  The route


Quadrant Text
A3  10 11 12
B3  12 13 14 15
B3  13 14 15
B3  16 17 18 19
C3  16 17 18 19
D2  20 21 22
D1  20 21 22 23
E3  23 24 25
E1  24 25 26
A3  52 51 50
E3  52 51 50
A2  54 53
E2  54 53
A1  57 56 55
E1  57 56 55
A1  9 10 11

Countries, Regions, Provinces, Areas, Tribes, Polders, Woods

Quadrant Text
B2  Arglas
A2  Armoy
A2  Auly
A2  B of Mc|Boyle
A1  B Wolley|Aleape
A2  B.of Lough
A2  Ba of Cel|phekel
A2  Baanabe
A2  Balanafadde
A2  BaM Vicount
A1  Bannogh
A2  Bar of|Alton
A2  Bar of|Inchquin
A2  Bar of|Mocklin
A1, A2  Barony of|Dunganon
A2  Barret
D2  Barton
A3  Bar|emon
A2  Bar|of Kellean
A2  Batevant
A2  Ba|of Arloo
A2  Beare
A3, A2  Beare
A2  Butler|BBoy
A3  C Done
A2  C Klay
A2  C Sterlã
B2  C.Dublin
A2  C.More
A2  C.Wat
A2  Calogh Mc|Brian Mc|Mahond
A3  Carew
B3  Caric:|ta
A2  Clamores
A2  Clan
A2  Clan macustollo
B3, B2  ClanBlasell
A3  Clandermot
A2  COM:
B3  Copland
A2  Couen
D2  Crowland
A2  Cusake
A2  Cusakes
A1  Cõmon Donel
C2  Deest
A2, A1  Derte
A3  Doni
A2  Donkerin
A2  Donomore
A2  E Des|mond
A2  E of Clancare
A2  E of|Clan|rikard
A2  E.of Ormound.
A2  Ear Clã|car
B3, D2  EBOR|ACVM (D1)
A2  EKildar
A2  Ephagh
B3  Eusdalia
D2  Forest|of windsor
A1  Formanogh
A1, B1  Gallen
B3  Galloway
B3  Glotta
A1  Glãhely
A1  Hankes|fine
B2  Hugh Mc|Ihan
A2  Hughog
A2  Icolel
B3, A1  Ierlongh|Lenoy
A2  Ihon Butke
A2  Ihon|McDond
A2, A3  Imokele
A3  Kaner Mahond
A2  Kellaveragh
A2  Kelle|tow
B3  Kellogh|nekella
A2  Kenedonel
B2, B1  Kilwar|nell
A2  Kinalty
A2  Kinges
A2, B2  Knockohel
B3  Knocksergus
A2  L Roche
B3  Laudonia
A1  LEske
C2  Llintegit
B2, A2  LPower
B2  M Damore
A2  M Donogh
A2  M Fenyn
A2, B2  M Horeso
A1  M Swine
A2  M.teg|Suillynant
A2  Magrany
A2, B2  Malogh
A2  Mano
D2  Marshland
A2  Mc Demond
A1  Mc Glannogh
A1  Mc Guyre
A2  Mc Iorden
B3  Mc La:|gand
A2  Mc Moyle
A1  Mc Swyne
A2  Mc.Fatan
A2  Mc.Phili|pî
A2  Mc?Guyre
A2, B2  Mc|Hugh
A1  Medwyn
B3  Merchia
A2  Mock|olen
B2  Mologhashe
A2  Monolhon
B3  Mr Phelin
A2  Mylurge
A2, A3  M|O|M|O|A
C3, D3  Neu|forest
B3  Nidis:dale
A1  O Boyle
B2  O Brine
A1  O Cane (B1
A2  O Carolls|Halye
A2  O Conor
A1  O Donel
A1  O Donel
A1, B1  O Donell
A1  O Donell
A1  O Dorth
A1  O Golghan|SlawShere
A2  O Macoghlan
A2  O Madran
A2  O Magall
B3  O Mc Quilly
A3  O Suilly ant Beare
A2  O.Caloghan
A2  ODowde
A2  Okenide Donne
A2  OKenide Fynne
A2  OKenide Ree
A2  Ororke
A2  Philippe O|Aurelly
E3  Ponthieu
A2  Querre
A1  Ramalan
B3  Rawcliff|cast
A2  Reugh
B3  Scalbycast
B2  Shã|mo
A1  Slew
A2  Slewlogher
A2  Slow heren
B3, B2  Southarde
B3  Sr Brian
A2  Sr Dermont
A2  Sr Ossere
A2, A3  Sr Owen|Osmilirãt
A2  Sr Tibot
A3  St Peter
A1  Swine|fanned
A2  Teg M.Mahon
A2  Temple Care
D2  Tenet
A2  Terreagh
A2  The B.of|Fognit
A1  The|Blacke Valley
B3  TiFedalia
A2  Tradre
A2  Trobboy
A1, B1  Tyroene
A2  Valatt
C2  Weral
A2  West Breany
A2  Wight Knight
A2  Wolpen

Rivers, inlets, creeks

Quadrant Text
C3  *Isoa fl.
C2  Are flu
B3  Atrik flu.
B3  Bande flu
B3  Bladnok flu.
A2  Brodwater flu.
B3  Burthyk flu.
C2, D2  Calder fl.
D2  Charwell flu
B2  Coche flu
B3, B1  Cray fl
B3  Dee flu
D2  Derwent fl.
A2  Dosse fl.
B3  Eske flu.
A3  FBantre
A3  Fl.Bellermyre
A2  Fl.Sinon
B3, B1  Flint|fl
A2  flu Cow
B2  flu Gallê
A2  flu Lome
A1  Gerget fl.
C2  Goyle fl.
D2  Granta fl.
B3  Hay flu.
C2, D2  Heyd flu
D2  Humber fluvius
D2  Kenet fl.
E3  Leye fl.
D2  Loddon fl.
B3  Logã flu.
A2  Maye flu
C2  Mersee flu.
D2  Midway fl
C3  Neath fl
B3  North Tyne fl
D2  Ouse flu.
D2  Owse flu.
D2  Red flu.
C2  Ridall fl.
D2  Rother fl
C3  Rumney fl
C3, C2  Sabrina fl
C3  Sabrina flu.
E3  Schelde fl
E3  Some fl.
D2  Stour flu.
D2  Stoure fl.
C3  Stoure flu
C2  Stuccia fl*
A2  Suck flu.
D2  Tame flu
B3, C3  Tamer flu.|Tamarus flu.*
D2  Tamesis fl
D2  Tamesis fl*
C3  Taue flu.
B3  Taus fl
C3  Taw flu.
B3  Tees fl.
D1  Tesis flu
C2  Tiui flu.
B2  Tiui fluvius
C2  Toin flu.
C3  Tone fl.
C3  Towridge flu.
C2  Trent fl.
D2  Trent flu.
B2  Tucrobius fl
B3  Twede flu.
B3  Twede flu.
D2  Vaueney flu
D1  Vedra flu*
C3  Vzlla fl.
A3, B3  W 2 Chanels (A2)
B3  Wear fl.
C2  Wye fl
D2  Youre fl


Quadrant Text
E2, D2  Aldburg
C2, B2  ANGLESEY MONA Ins Tacito*
B3  Ar
B3  Arren
A3  B.Beote
A2  Bar of Akyll
B2  Bardsey|insula|Adros Ptol*
B2  Barettes
C3  Barrey
B2  Blakrocke
A2  Bodkes in.
A2  Bornog
B3  Bresan insula
B3, C3  Caldie|Insula
B2  Can Caron
A3  Can Donequer
A3  Cancrohan
A3  Cantelle
B3  Cantyre
D2  Canuey I|Caunus I*
A2  Clogh|Patrik
D1  Coket Insula
B3  Colansay
B3  Colm
B3  Colomnekyl
B2  Corbety
A3  Corces
A1  Dunbrose
A2  Enis Beg.
B3  Enis Daghall|alTrally
A2, A3  Enis Ilan
A2  Enis more
A2  Enys Mc.holam
A2  Enys Sho.
D1  Farne In
B3  fidra
C3  Flatholmes
C2  Foulway Insula
C3  Garnesey
B3  Gegay
A3  Greate I.
A2  Great|Iland
B3  Gresholme Insul
B3, A1  HEBRIDES quaæ et EBVDAE Insulæ|The West Isles
C2  Hilbre|Insul
D1  Holye|Insula
A2, A3  I Balonian
A3  I Capell
A3  I Lakalam
A3  I Lesteren
B2  I Patrick
A2  I.Belay
A2  I.Bophin
A2  I.Clere
A3  I.Cotton
A2  I.Hercke
A2  I.Torde
A2  I.Tuck
A2  I.Yeare
B3  Ila
B3  Iland Magie
A1  Iles and stakes of|AranO Cladag bay
C2  Innys|ulgo
B3  Ituna
B3  Jona
A2  Kahugh
B3  Karay
B3  Lalach
B3  Langa
B3  Londye Insula
B3  MAN *MONAEDA Ptol.* EVBONIA & MENAVIA|alijs Cæsari vero MONA*
B3  Marnoch
B3  Mc Bangare
A3  Molologh
B3  Nauersay
A2  Newtoun
B3  Nor Rock
B3  Oronsay
B3  Pladway
B3  Plinij Insula|Ocopitarum prom
C3  Portland|Insula
C2  Prestholm
B2  Roch Wyttin
B3  Rockes
A3  S Castelles
B3, C1  S.Maria
B3  S.Rock
B3  Sanday
B3  Scalme Insul
C2, C1  Sct.Michael|Insula
D2  Sheppey|Insul
B2, C2  Sidwall|Insula
A3  Silurium Ins Solino [Solinus calls these islands the Siluri]
C3  Silye
B3  Skarbo
B3  Skyrtes
A2  Smalle I.
B3  SMathare
A3  Sorlinges
C3  Stephomes
A3  Syllyes|Insulæ
A1  Terrey
E3  Thanatos I|Insula
C2, B2  The calfe of man
B3  The Gulfe
B3  The Maydens
D2  Toliapis Ins*
A3  Tragore
B2  Tuskard
D2  Vectis Ins*Aug.WIGHT
B3  Vlway
A3  Weynes
B3, A1  Wysha
A2  Y Dogg
C3  Y.Cob


Quadrant Text
B3  ANGLIAE ET HIBERNIAE|ACCVRATA DESCRIPTIO,|VETERIBUS ET RECENTIORIBVS|NOMINIBVS ILLUSTRATA:|ET AD GVLIEL.CAMDENI BRITANIAM ACCOMODATA.|Nominibus Antiquis*vel præponitur vel postponitur. (C1) [An accurate image of Anglia and Hibernia, illustrated with the names from the ancient and modern writers and accommodating Mr. William Camden's Britannia. With the ancient names starred either before or after the name.]
C3  Ioannes Baptista Vrints,|Geographicarum tabularum|calcographicus, excud.Antuerpiæ. [Iohannes Baptista Vrients, designer of geographical maps has made (this map) in Antwerp.]


Quadrant Text


Quadrant Text
A2  Derkel
A2  L Candam
A2  L Corbes
A3  L Co|urley
B2  L Ghyll
B3  L Girwrayd
A2  L Ker
B2  L Mont|garet
A2  L Ree
A2, B2  L Sylon
A2  L Torke
A2  L.Alme
B3  L.Aruny
A2  L.Bremes|hen
B3, B2  L.Eoyn
A1  L.Erno
A2  L.Fin|Garrog
A2  L.Inch
B3  L.Kuuar
B3  L.Lowis
B3  L.Mabel
B3  L.Myr:|toun
B3  L.Nadill
B2  L.Nocho
B2  L.Nocho
B2  L.Ramur
B3  L.Rian
A1  L.Suilly
B3  L.Sydney
A2  L.Voghet
B2  Lac|Okan
B3  Lough Engh
A1  Red|cast
B3, C2  Setamor|Palus

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