Romani Imperii Oriens

Name of map     : Romani Imperii Oriens

Cartographer    : Sanson-Tavenier 1640

Stock number    : 4554

Area displayed  :  Roman Empire from Italy to Persian Gulf and

Caspian Sea;

Plate size      :  397 x 557 mm;

Paper size      :  440 x 595 mm;

Margins, left   :  16  mm,  right: 17  mm;

         upper  :  24  mm,  lower: 19  mm;

Paper thickness and quality: strong and heavy;

Paper   color   : off white;

Age of map color: colored in outline only, green and yellow; old.


     margins    : slight creasing of margins;

plate area      : none;

     verso      : none;

Overall quality :perfect/EXCELLENT/very good/good/fair/mediocre/poor

Price           : €  Euro 375

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