Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 89

image of the map

Title: THIETMAR:|SIAE, HOL:|SATICAE RE:|GIONIS PAR:|TIS TYPVS. "Auctore|Petro Boeckel." [Image of Ditmarschen, a part of Holstein, by Petrus Boeckel]. - RVGIAE, | VSEDO:|MIAE, ET |IVLINIAE, | "Wandalica:|rum insula:|rum Vera|descriptio.|1584." [A true image of Rügen and Iulinia, islands of Wandalica. 1584]. (Bottom right:) "Cum priuilegio | decennali." [With a privilege for ten years]. (Top middle right:) "Gristoa insula apud Crantzium | celebris destructione Julini" [The Isle of Gristoa, read in Crantzius about the destruction of famous Wollin.]

Identification number: Ort 89. Two maps on two (folio-sized) plates.

Title 89A (=88a=90A): Thietmarsiæ
Scale: 1 : 200,000. Size: 306 x 195 mm.
Identification number: Ort 89A = Ort 88a = Ort 90A (Koeman/Meurer: 22A, Karrow: 1/30, van der Krogt AN: 1680:31B).
States: 89A.2: in 1584, the ornament in the upper right corner which used to have diagonal hachuring now has short stripes at 90 degrees to the hachuring, resulting in small blocks as if the edge consists of tiny bricks.

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:

first as on one plate with 88b Prussiæ. From 1584L3Add that plate is trimmed to contain Ort 88a (henceforth Ort 88A since it is then a half sheet plate) only and 88b was discarded. Paired with a separate plate of Rugiæ, Ort 89B on one sheet in:
1584L3Addblank (100 copies printed) (identical to 1584L, but here without page number; last line, left aligned: D.Petrus Edlingus. Vide Saxonem, Helmondum,& Crantzium.),
1584L45 (750 copies printed) (identical to 1584L3Add, but here with page number; last line, left aligned: D.Petrus Edlingus. Vide Saxonem, Helmondum,& Crantzium.),
1584G3Add6 in upper right corner (75 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script: Diß hat mir herr Pet. Edling von Colberg zugesandt. Besihe Saxonem/Helmoldum und Crantzium.),
1585F3Add15 (75 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: & Crantzius.),
1587F45 (250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: & Crantzius.),
1588S45 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: dro Edlingo . Podras veer a Saxon,a Helmoldo,y a Crantzio.),
1592L blank or mostly 47 (525 copis printed) (last line, left aligned: & Crantzium.),
some 1595L50 (100 copies printed?),
1598F52 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Crantzius.).

In most 1595L and from 1598D onwards, Ort 89A = Ort 90A is paired with the plate Ort 90B of Oldenburg on one sheet. This happens regularly in the remaining editions:
See further Ort90.

Cartographic sources: Peter Boekel abt. 1530-1599 (Meurer p. 115, Karrow 11/1 p. 81-82) made a map of Ditmarschen called Beschribung vom landt zu Ditmers in 1559 which was used by Ortelius.

Title 89B: Rugiæ
Scale: 1 : 400,000. Size: 308 x 200 mm.
Identification number: Ort 89B (Koeman/Meurer: 109B, Karrow: 1/146, van der Krogt AN: 2192:31B).
States: 89B.1 as above.
89B.2=87B: from 1598F onwards, when this plate is paired with 87A Holsatiæ, the date 1584 has been removed.

Cartographic sources: Petrus von Edeling (1521-1602) who sent a manuscript map of Rügen to Ortelius in 1581 (Hessels letters 97, 107) asking him not to mention his name as the author of this map (Meurer p. 140-141).

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:
paired with 88a in
1584G3Add6 (100 copies printed) (last line, left aligned, in Gothic script: Diß hat mir herr Pet. Edling von Colberg zugesandt. Besihe Saxonem/Helmoldum und Crantzium.),
1584L3Addblank (100 copies printed) (identical to 1584L, but here without page number; last line, left aligned: D.Petrus Edlingus. Vide Saxonem, Helmondum,& Crantzium.),
1584L45 (750 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: D.Petrus Edlingus. Vide Saxonem, Helmoldum,& Crantzium.),
1585F3Add15 (75 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: & Crantzius),
1587F45 ((250 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: & Crantzius.),
1592Lblank or 47 (525 copies printed), (last line, left aligned: & Crantzium.),
some 1595L50 (100 copies printed?),
1598F52 (525 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: Crantzius.).
In most 1595L and after 1598F regularly, 89B is paired with 87A Holsatiæ:
1609/1612L52 or 58. See further Ort88.

Approximate number of copies printed: Ort 89AB: about 2750.


Bibliographical sources

Topographical names

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